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  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install the dependencies. Run composer install command, then run npm install command.
  3. Create .env file by simply copying the .env.example file and rename it.
  4. Configure the .env file with your database connection, seeder configuration, mailer, etc.
  5. Generate the application key with php artisan key:generate command.
  6. Generate the database structure with this commands based on your preferences:

Warning! If you use php artisan migrate:fresh command, all tables will be dropped and recreated. All data in the tables will be lost.

  1. Generate the app resources (public assets, like: styles, scripts, etc.) with Laravel Mix.
    • In development, use npm run dev command. For watching the file changes (watch mode), use npm run watch command instead.
    • In production, use npm run prod command.

Note: Before running in watch mode, you need to start the application first.

  1. Finally, start the application with php artisan serve command.