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The whole website shebang. A multi layered Google app beatdown. Comprised of three separate sub projects:


  • node ~v8
  • npm ~v6
  • firebase-tools ~v7

Get Started

GCloud SDK

The project is integrated with a GCP project so the GCloud tools will be useful.

Follow this link to Get it installed

then install the Firestore Emulator

gcloud components install cloud-firestore-emulator

Firebase CLI

As this is a Firebase project you'll need the Firebase CLI and specifically node version 8. Firebase only supports lts releases up to v8.

note for windows: try 7.0.2 if it won't start

npm install -g firebase-tools

Associate to Firebase Project

Add this snippet to the top level of this project and also to the blog and serverless projects with your project ID:


  "projects": {
    "default": "firebase-project-id"


firebase serve

Building the Builder

The builder in the builder dir was created using the following tutorial: How to set up Cloud Build for Firebase Cloud Functions