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Video Music

Video Music is a work in progress that aims for the automatic generation of music soundtracks for videos. This code does a couple of things:

  • Generates a simple techno soundtrack for a random video
  • Alters that video so that its scenes change with the beat of the music

example video with scene changes synced to generated musical beat:

It currently employs the following:

  • ffmpeg for video analysis
  • TensorFlow/Magenta for melody and beat creation
  • SuperCollider for audio synthesis

Currently, the musical variation is provided by TensorFlow/Magenta in the form of differing melodies and rhythms (but leaves much to be desired!)

How it works

  1. Accepts a random video as a seed (1-2m videos with several scene changes are ideal, e.g. GoPro Videos)
  2. Uses ffmpeg to extract onset times of major scene changes
  3. Determines a best approximate "beat" of the video based on scene change onset times
  4. Performs a kind of video quantization by altering the speed of each scene based on this approximated beat so that the scene's length becomes a multiple of the beat
  5. Concatenates the altered segments into a new output video with scene changes at regular beats
  6. Uses Tensorflow/Magenta to create melodies and rhythms set to the video's scene change beat
  7. Mixes the generated music with the output video


  • TensorFlow [needs version]
  • Magenta [needs version]
  • ffmpeg and ffprobe [needs version]
  • SuperCollider [needs version]


Within the video_music root directory, execute:

bash path/to/video.mp4 path/to/magenta/ path/to/magenta/attention_bundle.mag

Future work

  • Much more sophisticated musical variation and structure (keep to a 2m track limitation)
  • Assess video content with Google's Cloud Vision or Amazon's Rekognition, pick from a list of possible "genres" based on video content
  • Productize the app in a web interface that accepts a video upload


  • Dockerize this app
  • Write documentation for TensorFlow/Magenta integration


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