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Improvements to signature helper
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kevinfiol committed May 5, 2021
1 parent e06496a commit c87a070
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 28 deletions.
104 changes: 76 additions & 28 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import json, os
import json, os, re

class LoveCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def __init__(self, view):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,53 +202,101 @@ def __init__(self):
self.api = LoveListener.get_api()

def on_text_changed(self, changes):
change = changes[0]
view = self.buffer.primary_view()
point =
if not view.match_selector(point, 'source.lua.lovely'):
return None

def check_function_bounds(self, view, cursor_point):
# am i inside a function?
i = point - 1
j = point
minI = view.full_line(point).a
maxJ = view.full_line(point).b - 1
i = cursor_point - 1
j = cursor_point

minI = view.full_line(cursor_point).a
maxJ = view.full_line(cursor_point).b - 1
ptr1 = view.substr(i)
ptr2 = view.substr(j)

while ptr1 not in set(['\n', '\t', '(']) and (i >= minI):
sub_funcs = 0
while ptr1 not in set(['\n', '\t']) and (i >= minI) and not (ptr1 == '(' and sub_funcs == 0):
if ptr1 == ')': sub_funcs += 1
if ptr1 == '(' and sub_funcs > 0: sub_funcs -= 1
i = i - 1
ptr1 = view.substr(i)
while ptr2 not in set(['\n', '\t', ')']) and (j <= maxJ):
j = j + 1
ptr2 = view.substr(j)

if ptr1 == '(' and ptr2 == ')' and change.str != '':

is_inside_func = (ptr1 == '(' and ptr2 == ')' and sub_funcs == 0)

return [is_inside_func, i, j, minI, maxJ]

def get_function_name(self, view, i, minI):
# i would be the position of the '(' parentheses
i = i - 1
keyPtr = view.substr(i)
keyword = ''
while keyPtr not in set(['\n', '\t', ' ', '(']) and (i >= minI):
keyword = keyPtr + keyword
i = i - 1
keyPtr = view.substr(i)

return keyword

def show_popup(self, keyword, pos, view, cursor_point):
content = self.get_content_for_keyword(keyword, pos)
if not view.is_popup_visible():
view.show_popup(content, max_width=640, location=cursor_point)
view.show_popup(content, max_width=640, location=cursor_point)

def on_text_changed(self, changes):
change = changes[0]
view = self.buffer.primary_view()
point =
if not view.match_selector(point, 'source.lua.lovely'):
return None

cursor_point = view.sel()[0].b
[is_inside_func, i, j, minI, maxJ] = self.check_function_bounds(view, cursor_point)

if is_inside_func:
# you're in a function call!
# let's get all of the text between the parentheses
# at this point, i and j should be at the positions of the beginning and end of parentheses respectively
# we can use this to get the position of the currently changed param
paramStr = view.substr(sublime.Region(i + 1,
pos = len(paramStr.split(',')) - 1
# get all typed text up until where the user made a change
pos = None
use_async_popup = False
if < i:
# autocompleted
use_async_popup = True
pos = 0
elif change.str == ',':
fn_pattern = r'[a-zA-Z]+\([^\)]*\)(\.[^\)]*\))?'
paramStr = view.substr(sublime.Region(i + 1, j))
paramStr = re.sub(fn_pattern, '', paramStr) # removes function calls
pos = len(paramStr.split(',')) - 1
fn_pattern = r'[a-zA-Z]+\([^\)]*\)(\.[^\)]*\))?'
paramStr = view.substr(sublime.Region(i + 1,
paramStr = re.sub(fn_pattern, '', paramStr) # removes function calls
pos = len(paramStr.split(',')) - 1
if change.str == '': use_async_popup = True

# get the actual function name, e.g., ``
i = i - 1
keyPtr = view.substr(i)
keyword = ''
while keyPtr not in set(['\n', '\t', ' ']) and (i >= minI):
keyword = keyPtr + keyword
i = i - 1
keyPtr = view.substr(i)
keyword = self.get_function_name(view, i, minI)

def async_show_popup():
self.show_popup(keyword, pos, view, cursor_point)

# use the function name to get the metadata for that function to build the signature popup
if keyword in self.api and self.api[keyword]['meta']['prop_type'] == 'function':
content = self.get_content_for_keyword(keyword, pos)
if not view.is_popup_visible():
view.show_popup(content, max_width=640,, flags=sublime.COOPERATE_WITH_AUTO_COMPLETE)
if use_async_popup:
sublime.set_timeout(async_show_popup, 50)
view.show_popup(content, max_width=640,, flags=sublime.COOPERATE_WITH_AUTO_COMPLETE)
self.show_popup(keyword, pos, view, cursor_point)

def get_content_for_keyword(self, keyword, pos):
meta = self.api[keyword]['meta']
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