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Keptn Integrations in keptn contrib keptn sandbox Release Checklist

Christian Kreuzberger edited this page Dec 29, 2021 · 1 revision

Step 1 - Prepare pre-release of integration

Note: Pre-release versions will look like this: x.x.x-next.x (e.g., 0.7.1-next.2)

  • all (relevant) pull requests (including dependency updates) merged into master/main (please delete inactive branches)
  • verify: use compatible go-utils package (run: go get to update it)
  • verify/change: In case of Kubernetes manifests: deploy/*.yaml refers to the correct Docker image of the integration, i.e., use :x.x.x-next.x tags for service images (do not use :latest)
  • verify/change: In case of Kubernetes manifests: deploy/*.yaml refers/uses the correct keptn/distributor Docker image and version (similar to go-utils)
  • Create a pre-release using the "Create Pre-Release workflow" on the desired source branch (e.g., master or main) - if not available: Create a pre-release using the GitHub UI

Step 2 - Testing of integration

  • Ensure that the release of the service works with the relevant Keptn Versions (as in: install it in an existing cluster)
  • Ensure unit/integration tests (if available) for this release have been executed and are actually green (e.g., in GH Actions)

Step 3 - Official release of integration

  • Check if any issues occured during (manual) testing and fix them by creating PRs
  • Verify that all PRs with fixes etc... are reviewed and merged
  • verify/change: In case of Kubernetes manifests: deploy/*.yaml refers to the correct Docker image of the integration, i.e., use :x.x.x tags for service images (do not use :latest)
  • Create a release using the "Create Release workflow" on the desired source branch (e.g., master or main) - if not available: Create a release using the GitHub UI