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AutoForm Wizard

AutoForm Wizard is a multi step form component for AutoForm originally made by forwarder.

This is a fork with the following changes and additions:

  • Steps configuration are inferred from the collection's schema, so no need to manually configure them (although it's still be possible, but needs further testing);
    • Steps configuration can be overridden inside the schema definition (using autoform: { wizard: {}});
  • Support for easily editing an existing item: just call the wizard template specifying a doc attribute;
  • onSubmit is handled automatically (can be overridden), and other AutoForm hooks can be used (like onSuccess and onError);
  • Steps name's are automatically handled, so there's no need to manually specify the first step in the router (although there needs to be a route that deals with a step parameter and which has to be specified in the route attribute in when calling the afWizard template).

To do:

  • Further testing;
  • Use template themes like AutoForm's.


$ meteor add kepler:autoform-wizard


  • AutoForm versions 5.
  • Iron Router support is optional, works with version 1.


A running example can be found here:

The source code of the adapted example app can be found on Github:

Attach a schema to a collection as you normally would with AutoForm.

Schema = {};
Schema.information = new SimpleSchema(...);
Schema.confirm = new SimpleSchema(...);

Schema.Orders = new SimpleSchema({
    contactInformation: {
        type: Schema.information
    confirm: {
        type: Schema.confirm


A Basic Insert Wizard

<template name="newOrder">
    {{> afWizard id="order" collection="Orders"}}

This will generate a two steps wizard:

  • One step to fill in the information schema;
  • A second step to fill in the confirm schema.

That's it. Each first level field in the collection's schema will be rendered as a separate step. The last step will merge the values from all steps and insert them into the "Orders" collection.

Please note I have not tested it with first level array fields.

A Basic Update Wizard

<template name="updateOrder">
    {{> afWizard id="order" collection="Orders" doc=this}}

As with AutoForm's behaviour, you just need to additionally pass a doc attribute. In the example we use doc=this since we use iron:router's data function to set the template's data context to the order document.

Define the steps in a template helper

The original way of defining steps should still work:

  steps: function() {
    return [{
      id: 'information',
      title: 'Information',
      schema: Schema.information
      id: 'confirm',
      title: 'Confirm',
      schema: Schema.confirm,
      onSubmit: function(data, wizard) {
        // submit logic

Configure the steps in the collection

If you want to use steps defined via schema fields and still be able to specify custom options, you can specify the configuration keys directly inside the collection's schema to override the default values:

Schema = {};
Schema.information = new SimpleSchema(...);
Schema.confirm = new SimpleSchema(...);

Schema.Orders = new SimpleSchema({
    contactInformation: {
        type: Schema.information,
        autoform: {
            wizard: {
                title: 'Information'
    confirm: {
        type: Schema.confirm,
        autoform: {
            wizard: {
                title: 'Confirmation',
                onSubmit: function(data, wizard) {
                    // submit logic


Please note that not every option was thoroughly tested, specially the schema field, which might produce unpredictable behaviour.

Custom step templates

If you need more flexibility in your forms, you can define your own templates to be used for the steps.

Define your templates and include AutoForm

<template name="information">
    {{> quickform id=step.formId schema=step.schema}}


<template name="confirm">
    {{#autoForm id=step.formId schema=step.schema}}
        {{> afQuickField name="acceptTerms"}}
        {{> afWizardButtons}} /* this will render back, next and confirm buttons */

or even

<template name="information">
    {{#autoForm id=step.formId schema=step.schema}}
        {{#each afFieldNames}}
            {{> afQuickField options=afOptionsFromSchema}}
        {{> afWizardButtons}}

Note that using the quickform template will not produce the Back and Next buttons, although the Submit button will effectively either go to the next step or submit the form if on the last step.

Also note that you should provide the schema attribute and not the collection attribute to the autoForm and quickform templates, otherwise the entire form will be rendered.

Configure steps

Use the template key:

Schema.Orders = new SimpleSchema({
    contactInformation: {
        type: Schema.information,
        autoform: {
            wizard: {
                title: 'Information',
                template: 'information'

Component reference

Wizard configuration

The following attributes are supported:

  • id: Required. The id used to identify the wizard.
  • route: Optional. The (Iron Router) route name this wizard will be bound to, the route needs a step parameter.
  • steps: Required. A list of steps for this wizard.
    • id: Required. Id of the step, also used for the route parameter.
    • title: Optional. The title displayed in the breadcrumbs.
    • template: Optional. Uses a default template with a quickform if not set.
    • schema: Optional. Only required if don't use a custom template.
    • formId: Optional. The AutoForm form id used in the template. Concatenates the, the and '-form' if not set. Used to attach submit handlers and retrieve the step data.
    • onSubmit: Optional. This function is executed after the form is submitted and validates. this references to the AutoForm instance. Shows the next step by default. Parameters:
      • data: The current step data.
      • wizard: The wizard instance.
  • buttonClasses: Optional. CSS classes to add to the buttons.
  • nextButton: Optional. Defaults to Next.
  • backButton: Optional. Defaults to Back. Set to false, to not render this button.
  • confirmButton: Optional. Defaults to Confirm.
  • persist: Optional. Persist the step data in localStorage. Defaults to true.
  • clearOnDestroy: Optional. Clear the cache storage after closing the wizard. Defaults to false.
  • stepsTemplate: Optional. A custom steps template.


Use this callback to process the form data.

onSubmit: function(data, wizard) {
  var self = this;
  Orders.insert(_.extend(wizard.mergedData(), data), function(err, id) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      Router.go('viewOrder', {
        _id: id


  • data: Form data of the current step.
  • wizard: The wizard instance.

this references to the AutoForm instance, see the AutoForm documentation for more information.

Wizard instance methods

The wizard instance is added to your step templates data context, so you can access these methods in your event handlers etc.

  • mergedData(): Get all data from previous steps. Does not include data of the current step in the onSubmit callback.
  • next(): Go to the next step.
  • previous(): Go to the previous step.
  • show(id): Show a specific step by id or index.
  • isFirstStep([id]): Omit the id argument to use the active step.
  • isLastStep([id]): Omit the id argument to use the active step.
  • indexOf(id): Get the index of the specified step id.

Example usage:{
  'click .back': function(e, template) {

Using routers

It's possible to bind the wizard to a router. Iron Router support is supported by default. If you're using a different router, it's easy to setup custom bindings.

Iron Router

Add a new route to your router config, with the :step parameter.

Router.route('/order/:step', {name: 'order'});

Add a route parameter with the name of the route to your wizard instance.

{{> afWizard id="order" collection="Orders" route="order"}}

To automatically redirect to the first step, specify a route to the template that includes the afWizard template and also a route for steps:

Router.route('/order/new', {
    name: 'newOrder'

Router.route('/order/new/:step', {
    name: 'newOrderStep',
    template: 'newOrder'

Then in the newOrder template, tell the wizard to use the route for steps:

{{> afWizard id="order" collection="Orders" route="newOrderStep"}}

Now accessing /order/new will redirect to /order/new/information, for example.

Also, any URL with an invalid step name will redirect to the first step URL.

Custom router bindings

Check Forwarder's documentation.

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A wizard component for AutoForm.







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