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sync with upstream # b36ee32fe7ca1da5285f1392be22c8bd14355315
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
b36ee32fe7 further fixes to microsoft/monaco-editor#1199
f325118205 Merge pull request #63572 from karanisverma/dev
3c97c46937 fix #63291
0d3a14402d fix issue with double menubar with unity
ebf5f769f8 Allow editing multiple lines of text in the search view - fix #62304
af821e29f8 Log proxy resolution (#60773)
4abddd8678 Merge branch 'master' of into dev
fcf3883768 fix strict null checks
4d7ba5255c fix: fixed issue with strict null check
021d01b85c fix dropdown!
a0df045e7d storage - handle case where DB is null when closing
ce10e76d54 fix compile
7b7df809b6 storage - ensure to close DB on error
6dcade9ed5 update references view
2d4025bcc7 tree: expose onMouseClick and onMouseDblClick
11d5ed7959 storage - remember if workspace storage folder was created or not
03acf80627 rename isOnlyDevelopmentDependency to developmentDependency
92402b8e53 fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1199
94f5a49633 simplify DataTree getChildren
86c490a1e2 make tree events simpler by not exposing nodes
a649ade2b7 fix: returning undefined to ensure the default value is applied
866493efc8 Merge pull request #63565 from Microsoft/sandy081/fix63490
9809b07e00 update references-view-extension
e023f4fa44 storage - bump telemetry ID again
a5120a166f fix: #55946 Added comment snippet variable
8cb34d95fb storage - implement backup solution
2a695327f3 escape message
2e4837bb45 add comment to vscode.debug.activeDebugConsole; fixes #63489
b37c8a4008 Fix #63490
e6476417b8 Fix #63496
2e257cfc16 storage - easier tracing configuration
e4ff48421e Remove TPromise from terminalTaskSystem.ts (#63562)
0e47177c78 perf - storage should only be in trace mode if enabled (!)
7ad56df3b3 Merge pull request #63514 from desaianuj/patch-2
3a2c8382f0 bump vscode-sqlite3@4.0.5
d817f4ed81 Merge pull request #63508 from Microsoft/alexr00/clearAPI
f38b0ca033 fix build
45733ae2e4 bump vscode-sqlite3@4.0.4
2c9722a4c8 Clean up unused empty workspace storage folders (#63554)
ac986e3962 Merge pull request #63341 from eamodio/fixes-markedstring-href-encoding
aa4948a79d #23251 Install post install hook
c348be666a Fix #63128
f837fd2f42 fix tracker problem on restart; fixes #63529
115ea4afe3 fix strict null error for debug
c1722e940f emit debug activate events in parallel
bb64221e5f Remove no longer needed license override
6cb5c23928 Update ThirdPartyNotices
d6e3ecf982 fix spelling of "firstPage"
1e3efda93c polish cgmanifest.json
3fcb2d24d9 Use monospace font for hovers
085f4656ed add some commit hashes and versions to cgmanifest.json
b134a61eb2 introduce 'onDebugAdapterProtocolTracker' activation event
f8f7e7ea00 Fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1196
8920420f5a Move clear API out of proposed
3a6362ef7f storage - bump telemetry id
bf8c26d202 Remove no longer needed license overrides
af951c6084 Tweak explanation
e205d57441 Remove unnecessary licenses
bf4734afbc bump vscode-sqlite3@4.0.3
ec98c79d44 Merge pull request #63497 from Microsoft/isidorn/cgmanifest
9edd984da8 delete OSSREADME.json
9a3758ea19 Revert "only run component governance"
621c45fbbe Fixes #63458: Restore stable mouse wheel logic
9e66eee67b Merge commit 'refs/pull/61454/head' of into pr/61454
d50df7622b Merge branch 'pr/61454'
85dd134658 improve dropdown menu placement for sidebar parts
acab80e2c8 Merge pull request #63329 from vbfox/patch-1
66f717cfa6 Merge pull request #60104 from mathiasvr/fix-60002
3af878c2d5 💄
6052fcf07f Merge commit 'refs/pull/59735/head' of into pr/59735
6bb77146c4 Add a rerun last task command (#62645)
47b3238330 Fix #63295:  Refer to Sudo in Linux Save Error Message (#63394)
d37f7c1583 Always dispose of DecorationCSSRules
02a59c3015 Make CachedResponse generic
fabc627634 Move getSymbolRange out of class
1f1618d280 Remove extra conditional
f953906c74 Remove un-needed any cast
3b66ce3083 Mark fields readonly
c4a8608f12 Don't cancel signature help until next real trigger
8047109d3d Always cancel parameter hints on retrigger
2fb2d49daf Use delayer for paramter hints trigger
a2585f38fc Use hasModel
26cd646618 Remove unnessisary conditional
277b96327f Enable loading indicator for subsequent js/ts project loads
b115d8860c Extract loadingIndicator to class
300f1b8d98 Extract lazy activation logic
509f1233e4 Debug API: add registerDebugAdapterTracker
18656c9c13 Extract to a method
b678bfe16c Improve labels
575e1630d5 Add API so that extensions can configure TS Server plugins
848010a725 Strict null check configureSnippets
0e4d94e364 Stric tnull check snippetCompletionProvider
0cbb21ae6d Strict null check smartSelect
37f1605060 Strict null check snippetsFile.ts
66319f4a59 Strict null check environmentService
04067138d9 Strict null check snippetVariables
6448b30f36 Strict null check formatting edit
9867c9afad Strict null check chokidarWatcherService
9f5336555f Merge branch 'master' of
87b9be19d6 remove toggle menu bar from mac menu fixes #63436
ebe9ea85a0 Temp fix for go to definition not working
0bfb7fcb54 Add metadata on completions accepted api
111c3f049a :chore: add todo
637604810f fix monaco-editor#1156
c11b5d39f0 fix #61899
ef81add153 debug: bring back clear console to command palette
347216b612 Merge pull request #63328 from sbatten/fix/62984
f6221e6522 Check for ui extension while installing vsix
c2f1ea980b fix #63185
5e47cfc7c8 notifications - fix TS warning
ad27c72153 fixes #63416
9906624a5f Rename
e40df5770d adopt DAP attribute "runInTerminal.shellProcessId"; fixes #63434
ea771bdcd5 Fix #63433
a8dbfd2912 fix #62587
15177f207c Use file system service (#31450)
6b524707de 💄
6e30aa52cb debt - introduce and use in-memory storage for standalone editor
c06861f4b2 Merge branch 'pr/62052'
0ffc6dbd74 strict null checks
352ede78ea list: finish dynamic height
49d011e481 💄
fc1816f741 diag - include OS in about dialog
82d00f5383 Merge commit 'refs/pull/62052/head' of into pr/62052
f161d3fe3a Optimize parseStorage (#62805)
15ab767a1d #62795 Add proposed api to render description of a tree item
6e547ebf7c Fixes #62981: Adjust constants
d01afdce7e update DAP
e5406b523e introduce git.openDiffOnClick
eb6025ec9b git.postCommitCommand
b896eff28c Remove unused import
fa367c25ff Fix: `foldersChecked` declared in wrong scope (#31450)
b30a9835da fix strict null checks
420edabab8 rename tfs to azure-pipelines
03dd3dc4f3 remove winjs tpromise from async
9ee7aa35c2 fix smoke test
886201c9c5 use native promises in paging.ts
1c575a2df5 use native promises in Tree
31dc3f7894 Limit to application scope (#31450)
dcc243c992 Better readability for util.ts
610918d48f Fix #62861 (Proper fix)
e3db4665a0 Fixes stupid mistake 😞
6eb57f9952 add posinset to menu items fix #62007
66f4c5be3a Adopt OSS tool
fc48088e76 re fix microsoft/monaco-editor#1013
b9d0981262 Fix TreeViewOptions comment markdown
5c353cc629 remove centered layout from layout menu
976cfe3aa7 Merge branch 'master' into isidorn/cgmanifest
f526b7542f Check in composite bar for previous existence
0232d04cdc Revert "Rename placeholders to cached"
ca1c923849 replace ossreadme with cargo.lock
ff15cadc67 remove build/win32/OSSREADME.json
bea83357a6 Fix can't click and drag to select text in the Debugger "Watch" pane
869e960b45 Rename placeholders to cached
dadacfd4d5 Revert "Rename placeholders to cached"
724f3176fc Rename placeholders to cached
f8a3d948c2 Should not have added the check
64db1642a0 cgmanifest: npm versions
6e8123a10b fix tests
9c655689da only run component governance
715c0d9b4e add cargo.lock
5a24c2e907 some tests for #62906
d93caa1d3d cleanup TPromise from sharedProcessMain.ts
1f7d35bd4b cleanup TPromise in sharedProcess.ts
09bd9f7dee fix smoketest: find all references
c385dfe391 cleanup TPromise in driver.ts
7f8da219f6 cgmanifest npm dependencies
ecaee2f53e Fix #63019
c507f6347b set outline label for TypeScript and launch.json, #62839
58d5205e5a naming and doc tweak for #62839
988f7683df Merge pull request #63150 from YisraelV/customNameForOutline
460166a294 fix  #63216
0ac0c45b29 strict null work in extHostTypes, #61543
917a2c58ce Revert "strict null work in extHostTypes, #61543"
8f33d560b9 Prepare testing system proxy settings
714b18d16c strict null work in extHostTypes, #61543
a8838578af #61312 Implement message for tree views
759fec1680 rename
7f33701b5d add commit hashes for Joaos hipster dependencies
f3e2c35a4a add repositoryUrl to build/win32 cgmanifest, somehow got skipped
61b9a88e52 Debug API: add DebugAdapterExecutableOptions; for #62977
040ee51d72 cgmanifest: some commit hashes
66b963d0cd set revealTop to 0, #63245
01d8ba6b8c add keepWhitespace-flag to completion item, #62057
d7f82c11d6 log telemetry event when we report unresponsiveness and crash, aftermath for #62970 and #62829
66461d30e0 use random port #60332
29fe3f317f make declaration provider api stable, #62483
6e44473c11 actually wire in go to declaration and peek declaration, #62483
850bbb275e Merge pull request #63069 from Microsoft/rmacfarlane/gitapi
453746bb25 💄
98bcd06d2f Merge commit 'refs/pull/63142/head' of into pr/63142
f00cf99102 Can be undefined (#63033)
24b0f75b1e Refactor extensionTipsService for better readability
21405d5eb7 Comments for suggest widget
cb1c3ed262 Remove unused method getAllRecommendations()
f8a46bc570 Comments for different extension views
a6b8074a19 Remove is
8244f81b65 Simplify data2String
78de541d49 Delete unused log level and type levels
07a5118d23 Make sure we dispose of pluginManager
0dd2f7487f Don't eagerly construct surveys
a0f0ee42e9 Move survey ready logic into Surveyor
106cbdec2c Extract api to own file
ca68cfd75d Split commands into own files
dc03204cc2 Improve names
71f86e584d Merge plugin config provider into plugin manager
5da4d1188e Encapsulate plugins in plugins manager
01511eeb28 Make plugin.languages readonly
49fd31af84 Move plugin config provider to plugins file
3c78e312c6 Remove extra tslint file
f9acec50c9 Pick up new tslint version
ac95482f6d Pick up TS 3.2 rc
65a041476a Update tslint plugin version
6265ee5fca ensure backward compatibility for Tracker
0aafeac4a8 Update md grammar
e4d0269c6a Strict null check decorationsService
556f042248 Strict null check work
4511fa3776 Debug API: comment cosmetic
bafc2298ec Debug API: finalize new DebugSession attributes; fixes #51785
0f288f7af6 Debug API: finalize breakpoint ID; fixes #48722
f8b22a66d5 add peek declaration commands, #62483
11c473d3b8 Have overwriteEncoding be called
02c20ee23b Redirect vscode-resource requests
2ff2c61cde remove TPromise from win32 updateService
f4c2b2021d debt: remove TPromise from cli
2ba92aa3e8 add commitHash to cgmanifest
4ccfe19815 Include extension version
028764fad7 #62870 Show all system extensions in dev mode
1a12e0a02a Fix #62870
7baccc2f97 remove default fields from launch.json
5afd6bb79e Fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1191
4fd60ed5b5 Fix #62861
8383d42427 fix suggest widget in standalone editor
fdfe5099a7 cleanup
a57464eae5 linux build
656a6dc881 linux build
86f3230ecc move off Linux Hosted
76689e06f5 reset state machine when removing a scheme, #62800
4ac76090d4 use state machine for link detection, #62800
6e9070f5c4 Handle  on non-Windows (#63208)
f5dca934f2 Fix #62489
aab56e95c6 Fix #62370
f8ea816ca5 tweak regex #62800
22589dc890 debug hover has a fixed height: include height of horizontal scroll bar into computation
c515ed99c6 tree horizontoal scrolling: pretend the content has extra 10px instead of pretending the view is 10px shorter
e7f0b64a1a Fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1013
2836b09e4b Use <user-file-path> instead of aaaaaaaaaa (#63075)
df8ea54c53 Bump node2
663f427015 Attempt to fix #63047
f31bc50d1c Use correct position for requesting closing jsx tags
5867b96a25 More Promise removal
30b2a5fd94 Replace !isFalsyOrEmpty with isNonEmptyArray
8392c36a49 Introduce isNonEmptyArray
f205b5a846 Fix refactoring action provider not being queried when using a kind filter
80aeb774f6 Fix possible undefined access exception when using apply "first" for a code action and no code actions are returned
3c6b6e614d Fix #63033
a832bf0879 Fix #63088
92f9f50a93 Don't disable manual code action requests on blank lines
c7af5bdf26 Use hasModel type guard
813d3aa393 Fixing some more restrictive tslint errors
bd314b04a8 Remove extra await
3aa49aa583 Improve method names
d6b6c51b6e Make sure we dispose of reader properly
6ef7e81ec0 Fix #62980
347fb6347b add all cgmanifests. Still no commitHash
c8cbfdad24 Revert "Fix #62980"
e97f612172 Fix #62980
1cf9a6eb53 Make capabilities dynamic
5a8087c60e custom name when there are multiple outline providers
cd547158be tree: if horizontal scrolling is enabled leave space for it
55f63af5a7 Fix #60014
56307cf9f5 fix #63126
63fdd96218 fixes #61986
aa4ef3a42c only add focus change listener once
e2f8c3c404 Debug API: surface; for microsoft/vscode#48722
99f8f2492b Fix #62794
78dc613940 Do not pass context explicitly
c9408a6940 add LocationLink use it in Declaration-type, make DefinitionLink an alias, #62483
8a50fcabc5 tweaks
74bb246cc0 Move uri transformer to shared process
08aa66112f node-debug@1.30.1
a08a3c6473 Fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1183
3f6901d478 correct fix for #63028
33c89529be fix #63062
b7816b0629 Merge pull request #63096 from eamodio/fixes-markedstring-href-encoding
237b77bac9 prepare for ts 3.2
e9932be154 Fixes #63095 - html encode hrefs in marked strings
5fc60ec679 Fix #63015
c95cd6cae1 Strict null auto add
4737e3efd1 Fixing TS 3.2 compile errors
4f227dd88c Use 'references' instead of 'occurrence' to power document highlights
ad5f5ea365 Expose 'apply' and 'diff --cached' from git extension API
61e117b234 fix #63028
fb61dd1885 add config to vscode.DebugSession
63b07c144d make mandatory
b9fc2c1c20 debug api: add workspacefolder to DebugSession
06a6d53984 Fixes #62981
3ad0008f78 Merge pull request #63027 from Logerfo/master
b1f471ffc5 Merge branch 'master' into pr/Logerfo/63027
be204fd116 Tweaks to channel usages
d4bfba4653 Execute extension webpacking in sequence
989b7ae360 send duration as micro seconds, #60332
907fc79fe8 debt - less TPromise
b896c6bdae grow background images with height (#62483) and a better fix for icon twitch
6e465986a7 Fix editor publishing scripts (on Windows)
746b5ea582 CompletionItem.insertText is not optional
9cbccdc2c5 Fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1176
8f21d86c00 Fix some types
cc3a1359ba Fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1003
39199e8daa Restore that the editor can run in a browser
b4c6906b62 explorer do not always reaveal in middle, jump less
624c59c62e remove commit hash as tryout
3fc698a8f8 fix strict null checks in remoteAgentServiceImpl
f2c03b4a46 fix strict null checks in downloadIpc
6bd6732a54 add alias type for Declaration, #62483
2a891803f1 stop profiling as soon as extension host is responsive again, #60332
22d167bef8 Strict null checks for keyboardMapperTestUtils
c5718c615d remove logic to show an exthost-unresponsive message to the user, #60332
6f594d0885 exploration
138e66a722 fail silent when not able to connect, #60332
cf80d92302 update ref-view extension
c4d753a603 #62370 Render source and code less prominent
77b13e3478 test cgamnifests
95190ed713 💄
8c2d3b40e1 add connection context to IPC
e1d6796e98 fix warning
6aa1325621 remove workbench layout perf marks
21f8789726 Autodetect ksh scripts as shellscript (#62838)
1df80b25cc fix command name for toggle centered layout
052cfa0dd2 event - forward custom leakage threshold to monitor
b548ced43c event - add leakage warning threshold logic and configure for renderer
fc3083ddf8 tasks.json should use deprecation message for env. config. and command. (#62787)
c72cb129f2 Bump node2
54fb49cdc5 Don't take user file associations into account for webview mime types
8ec8c9774c debug API: introduce DebugAdapterProvider
fd824ee58e Don't explicitly add folder name to task labels
573af50461 Switch VS Code workspace to use typescript-tslint-plugin
66c71d797e Fix overload
18cf781845 Strict null check extensionsAutoProfiler
0fe9a42afd Strict null check state service
9cf442e472 Strict null check zip
3c2ed748d4 Strict null check menusExtensionPoint
aa33c3d22c Strict null check downloadIpc
fa8b3cce7e Strict null auto add
0a1eb06fd5 Merge pull request #59193 from usernamehw/copy_empty
642cbc9f02 Ensure menus with no group specified have proper grouping
30fb7804c9 Auto close <> in js/ts
fedb338222 Merge pull request #61993 from iBlackShadow/iblackshadow/fix-search-history-not-being-saved
57336b335a Format searchView.ts
6040b146d0 tweak telemetry #60332
2e43216c4a fix compile issue
ee4d104004 always enable extension host profiling
118c31ed9e first cut of auto extension profiler, #60332
b35d879f76 update v8 profiler package
3a08ae630c Merge pull request #61926 from philiparola/master
13b45dba87 repl: Ignore inactive sessions which got cleared - so they are not shown any more
95ca89baf7 ipc: improve serialization perf, add array support
f9a9e4e748 enable custom title/menus on linux (#62866)
9c6b628e91 null checks
201d3e75e1 update monaco.d.ts
bbc5b9e619 tweaks
5ed816b5e7 Fix tests
aeae5a5120 Explore
c0fb67a9e3 💄
84cd19b9b3 explore extensions management
effad7f95b debt - less TPromise
0da851cde4 fixes #62606
26d154b78d assign max-height to type-label to prevent icon height changes, #62758
d4b84e645f fix #62344
f6bf792dea add API command for declaration provider, #62483
8bead9241f add missing monaco.d.ts
201b6dac6a add proposed api for declaration provider, add test, add ipc logic, #62483
bfd40c5a99 add internal interfaces and actions for go to declaration, #62483
8e55669bb7 fix #62059
6357004fe8 Merge branch 'win32-sign'
723ea47d62 fixes #62865
e92b1ac386 add some padding right to code lens, #62842
76ee724e18 split view views: do not jump when revealing
60e644cac4 remove sha1 win32 cert signing
0e265999ad fixes #62873
1ae88a3e7d Setting tab details opacity after #61371
d8cd7b8692 Fix missing high-contrast outline in settings editor
910ddad3e4 Fix #59444
5f58ff2ad9 Merge pull request #61371 from c5inco/tabs-fix
1dfdd75e1b Merge branch 'master' into iblackshadow/fix-search-history-not-being-saved
3863030994 Add an entry to the search history every time a search is done
0183d84fa2 Fixes microsoft/monaco-editor#1120
6cce81cede Fixes #62835
092132a074 Merge pull request #62293 from gpoussel/fix-62278
61feb91ec7 Do not terminate link if `[` occurs in the authority section of URLs (allow for ipv6 authorities)
1127800a2f Merge pull request #62667 from YisraelV/deleteCommand
f6aef925f5 Test & tweaks
98b8fdfb96 Use overload for #62806
a3fa56b477 Observe isIncomplete metadata passed by from a  plugin
2683f65e73 Strict null check driver
e3965e5a35 Strict null check inPlaceReplace
0ff572f07b Strict null checking editor/contrib/format
bdc9479573 Strict null check storageService
ba97287ced Strict null check launch service
026df2745e lines operations strict null check.
914c6d969a More native promise adoption
cc785ad473 More native promise adoption
87f7ce05df Native promise adoption
0dcc8e4dc4 inPlaceReplace strict null checks.
b4aafa6ae2 Indentation strict null checks
32eb81c39b go to error strict null checks.
b40a60e8d5 Parameter hint strict null checks.
1f3632bd8f Color Picker null checks.
2c82909b21 dispose submenu after use (#62848)
c1d07a6037 Fix potential submenu leak #62829
aa98c2225f Fix #60453
12bbfe9607 explore classifying extensions
1ce79806c0 fix #62849
6441e79f29 Some tweaks
faa78d3b80 Reset extension enablement on install
90abb702fa #53526 Migrate from TPromise
1609b01684 Migrate from TPromise
c9cf18e109 Wait some more
e839e4560c dispose command-palette after usage, #62829
a4d87f73f1 debug: do not report cancled error message
9e447b038c Depended on background tasks should only be run once (#62784)
d5e0da8fd8 debug: minor polish (remove public keyword for consistency)
cc80ec8144 debug: minor polish
be0c72b98d add missing return
4f38bbdcd2 #53526 Migrate from TPromise
07e81e6e4d #53526 Migrate from TPromise in Keybindings Editor
67329220a6 #53526 MIgrate from TPromise in log
33b19e1337 #53526 Migrate from TPromise in localizations
604b9b9bf5 #53526 Migrate from TPromise in Output panel
f6ab4302c5 #53526 Migrate away from TPromise in Problems panel
0e966cd3fd #53526 Migrate away from TPromise in Localizations land
fe5fbc2d2b #53526 Migrate away from TPromise in views land
11194a18b7 more missing monaco.d.ts
a0a34534d2 make debug State a const enum
abbaa68483 Telemetry for extension activation times
d5cc4a0678 debug: make sure to dispose contributed context menu
088b323ff4 missing monaco.d.ts changes
d4116a8f38 tweak markdown string conversion and rendering
0b99867455 working on markdown string dto
c15559789f add Uri.parse(value, strict) so that missing scheme throw
1c60855e32 Update extHostDebugService.ts
f637774b08 Merge pull request #62823 from leonm1/master
f9307094ba Try fix timing issues
5ce5356124 Revert "Make vscode.executeCommand('vscode.previewHtml', ...) a compile error"
b566562afd Fix #62785 empty lines in debug console copyAll
f5433ed8eb Revert strict null checks on config
5acd78e288 Strict null checks
cb05d8fdf3 Strict null checks
cf4e17cd4b Remove windows-process-tree types if they get installed
e74aa5aa2e Fix windows process tree being included twice on windows
d5c11916a1 Support rendering color completions from a ts plugin as colors in the suggest list
4ef037df69 Strict null checks
d98b92f414 Update distro.
7ff0971c85 Fix comment update event
0a2d071eb7 Strict null checking config
f742c33ab6 Strict null check quick open scorer
20153f1d67 Fix strict null check
783ed71ad7 Tweaks
e99b83dd90 Fix #62340 - don't try to update text model after it's been disposed
af1b4ebded Refactoring comment service to not be keyed on handle
88bb48278d Authority exploration
73453050fc Fix #62031
599ae17966 Fix NPE from #46353
96ddd4f288 Make vscode.executeCommand('vscode.previewHtml', ...) a compile error
ae8c6d07fb Attempt to fix flaky search tests
894cda8dec Fix strict null checks
4b7fdd8c5b Fix #46353 - add warning that "Use excludes and ignore files" is turned off
c7a24d091f Fix #36309 - remap \W, \s, and \n in regex to match editor regex search
0f4fab159f fix linux build
4533aa0c0a Merge pull request #62739 from RDIL/master
3040fd59ee explorer: fix memento state regression
bae7a2b167 cleanup build folder
605139f4a9 cleanup snap build
c850728ddd build
e4f9cae949 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into snap
5c3e3ec85a snap updates
1c3d278021 toward strict null in extHostTypes #61543
b5375010dc fixes #62778
9aebfa2c86 Use ES6 promises
e1f56eecf0 snap update service
be4e8491f7 fix #62772
9c511dcd12 Reconfigure default build and test tasks should update tasks.json (#61857)
ffdd2d91b0 #61590 add edit json action for keybindings editor
f5b5630d90 Copy settings scope and query when switching from UI to json - Fix #61590
0ea57dc64f #61590 - show settings editor actions in editor toolbar instead of private ... menu
c8a6e6e838 Tweaks
7f9d701259 Clean up old rg cli props
f0f3b922bc Only set --encoding flag when files.encoding is set. For some reason, --encoding=utf8 is slower when searching large binary files with \n in the query...
83660da7ea Replace TPromise in settings #53526
ca6e101a11 Update distro hash
9e8719ba79 Add alert when trying to use the previewHtml command while developing an extension
0566eac64b Auto add strict null checks
9c1fb078f2 Allow-list cleidigh and usernamehw (#56883)
faa6d4ab2b Enhance LabelService
b692cd9034 Merge pull request #1 from RDIL/imgbot
e146b7aad6 Tweak IExtHostContext
97a1ccf187 Render more details in running extensions
7feea007bf Exploration with authority
dc63f09348 Minor tweaks
6ba5f8f9f3 Final search TPromise removal #53526
249b59ed9e Fix more error handlers behind Promise.join
9bea4fae10 Remove TPromise from search land #53526
9669edc50c #53526 - remove TPromise from SearchService
03cf7b9e7e #53526 - remove some TPromise references from search proc
b60903d3c2 Remove no longer necessary 'use strict'
40a6a2db9a Expose force flag for deleting branch on git extension API
7349680db4 Better timeout installation
dc6a3d1f98 Tweaks to transformer
eb87600bd3 Use more URIs
0129edae63 Expand comment reply area on focus
ffba25fc25 Add compilation output
c2a09ed400 Minor tweaks
f11391f6eb fix artifacts
9708588c1d debt - less TPromise #53526
b9c5f2f65e 💄
3e6a5fe47e tweak snippet
86fa4e4957 use snap cleanbuild
024be14622 build
d90d8d9b3c debt - less TPromise #53526
3aacda87e0 💄
9e5b12a73c debt - use const enum for MenuId
14d41f25eb bring back snap build tasks
f7f121bf19 remove build message
18a843abb4 fix #62526
391819f002 set exec bit
b8e7442f5d set exec bit
67a8eb6e6e fix #62208
df6ca821a6 remove args from electron launch
4ae69c8c4a cleanup snapcraft.yaml
1cffd55dc9 reenable builds
8455a0aa95 Convert TPromose -> Promise
364e1a8505 Convert TPromise -> Promise.
362e69ad83 simplify code, #62335
ba9f4099c7 fix #62335
a6fe9800e9 mainThreadDebugService: get rid of TPromise
cb8a56c872 fix build
3fa1388abe contextMenuDelegate: getActions is no longer async
872cbd7dfc 'custom' task type should be '$customized' to conform to API doc (#62710)
cfd2ea16e8 Update NPM script explorer tree view when package.json changes
f6662acf9c build 32bit snap
aa3b1fb31b viewsViewlet: openView is not async
8f3f462cb3 debt - less TPromise instantiation #53526
79591ff89d debt - remove TPromise from action provider interface because it is never async, #53526
36ad2cc2ba debug: To reduce flashing of the path name and the way we fetch stack frame. We need to compute the source name based on the other frames in the stale call stack
c475d3d906 debug: only append stale call stack if there are more frames to come
8f2cb25f96 debt - less TPromise #53526
ac88b2fe70 isolated yarn build
54e59d2608 yarn
1ed635852b debt - more TPromise removal #53526
ddd7926f60 debt - less TPromise #53526
4bbc0dc55d build
32acaac60b snap command
39818e34fb snap
b26a50f1e9 add notification for linux issue (#62683)
38274edfcb snap
40330e4427 snap
284864239f Strict null check paths.ts
d412f89baf [ImgBot] Optimize images
64c551a9ef Sort tsconfig.strictNullChecks.json
d2915a1652 Strict null check more search files
c91cdeddaa Fix return of openReporter in issueService
af6ec9176b strict null check replace.ts
42c716dc25 Strict null check more search files
1d44116fd6 Add textSearchManager to strict null checks
defa76edcc strict-null-check ripgrepSearchUtils
56b7fcb146 Fix menuService path in strictNullChecks list
c495e403f0 get node in build
aa343e44c0 Remove TPromise from issue service, #53526
af65e5f3aa get snap building
01337050b1 debt - Barrier use real promise
ed4e8e4eb2 debt - let menu listen to (new) menu registry change events instead of listing to the extension host being ready. that simplifies this a lot and help with show menu sooner
e556d244ff debt - less TPromise
cc2fe60d1f comment out component detection
a15c47256a faster build
5248363beb build
6c11772d0c build
4dd06b1696 whitespace
dc0bbfe806 tfs snaps
a519549d38 mock debug: return type
9c4b3954c2 update snapcraft.yaml
e4040bef60 fix #62112 - merge overlapping delete operations
132ddb4ee5 cleanup debugConfigurationProviders properly
87f69fec4e let's go crazy: use native promise in debug land
e840e83ff9 set executable bits
0d5ddeb9f4 debug: make sure debug stop can stop initializing state
5b3eff0036 add LinuxSnap build step
636ad4fa95 cleanup linux yaml build definition
ada11bfc33 strict null trouble
3acc0026ab debt - less TPromise construction
72fd692827 whitespace
e99942ccc3 Update makefile colorize tests according to the latest grammar. (#61961)
755c02a3ab Fixes #62655: mainThreadTask should use unique keys for task provider registration
9074cf8181 add test for #61919
1ec6d3c21f strictNull trouble
c48845126e clone DAP messages properly
edf7e05230 Handle error (#31450)
e6a3b8f98c Show README instead of welcome page, if it exists (#60061)
488fa952c0 add log messages for all language features (IntelliSense, formatting etc) fixes #43099
97012b288d fixes #62390
f8299f070b Merge branch 'master' into tyriar/snap
c71f524777 Updated grammars
6eb24fb349 Themable Welcome background (fixes #46816)
d119e01a8f Reload grunt and jake tasks after npm install
c686a15384 After npm install gulp extension should find tasks (#62129)
975351e639 debt - remove TPromise from telemetry world
3a0d406488 Fix #59926
20130d4938 Fixes #62649: Don't serialize URI as JSON in DTOs
10968e3ee6 revert debt - remove now obsolete smoothScrollingWorkaround setting
650a18e3f4 debt - less TPromise in service interface
340133accd Revert "Add strict null checks in issue and launch services, #60565"
6f139c79ad Test for multiline selection for wrap
d8cce48edd Update markdown grammar
cd1a6b4fbe Add strict null checks in issue and launch services, #60565
8784755458 Use TS 3.1.4 for building VS Code
812a35fc39 Update js/ts grammar
6e5b0be369 Use set instead instead of regexp for kind modifiers
92fc1f1f74 Enable file icons for js/ts path intellisense
d5913e54b7 Always show the code action light bulb if quick fixes or refactorings are available
edce7e2b8d Version js/ts Api
f5e8321964 Remove comment user icons that fail to load
b929dc93d3 Use api for onCompletionAccepted instead of command
b4b3f75deb Fix #62446, increase opacity of selection highlight bg
170077d533 Adding command that is fired when a js/ts completion is accepted
fec1775aa5 Strict null checks
10b95a0b88 Fix strict-null-check
fd87535685 Fix #62409 - resolve exclude patterns for searchPaths correctly
07340673ea Strict null checks
580619e8b6 Fix strict null errors in encoding and storage
234ccfa412 Strict null checks
2f85cd4541 Send only needed extension data to issue reporter, fixes #62481
3e5e6e6baf Clean up unused parameter from PR
2f81ec4eb8 remove unnecessary filter conversion (#62505)
ed84ffaf05 debug issues to weinand
654692234b debug: add "Run to Cursor" to command palette
b7761829fb debt - less TPromise
5c6694ca28 fix #62457
b862791cf2 Fix merge compile error
41c02aa888 Fixes #62594: Resolving process task doesn't take task system into account
fb9e1da186 update git iconv-lite dependency
54a0868259 enable component detection in product builds
1a88afd1b6 debug repl: Make sure to select the session if debugging is already active
90d02d3bdf Merge pull request #62504 from cleidigh/selectbox-vo-label
a0b871880e strict null checks: add dataTree
4ad30a4b56 strict null checks: add objectTreeModel
28db446e83 strict null checks: add indexTreeModel
5039d4a089 strict null checks: abstractTree
d51f8c7fe1 move ITreeModelOptions to /tree
43de37cab4 strict null checks: several ipc utils
f695de3a3f strict null checks: issueIpc.ts
a76cfdb609 strict null checks: grid.ts
c59c2374b0 disable bogous test, #62587
7dd291b51c debt - less TPromise in mainThread-things
0817eb5df5 debt - less TPromise in tests
9298df91e3 debt - less TPromise in webview stuff
03a1417d75 Merge branch 'dbaeumer/56721'
90fe5c8ba8 Clear doesn't work for extension contributed tasks (#62495)
108e4d54ca sidebarFocus -> sideBarFocus. Part of #62270
a0d81c9ffc null checks
29a6e3d3ca Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
ae5b8fb197 Added ability to output extension info to clipboard (#56514)
297380be44 Force InstallCount sort only for empty extension query #62426
a7e362ccc9 SelectBox: ComboBox role workaround for native select Addresses: #60929
649f448ef9 Fix #62146, Fix #62149
ad95ccefbb Extension install error copyediting
41464748ab Fix typo, mismatch whitespaces in comments.
c5c0d68c16 Fix typo in comments
4ed633d049 Fix typo in comments
1820a98e91 Fix css dependency
ee4a0717f9 Update css service for #62159
8e841f4454 fix #62460
ef872dbbb7 Merge pull request #62294 from xfix/patch-3
1f9ec6560f Merge pull request #51197 from JeffreyCA/smooth-caret-animation
fe06d8acf4 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into pr/JeffreyCA/51197
dc1777cd9c Merge pull request #50534 from AdrieanKhisbe/grammar-injection-consider-general-types
189841a8b4 update references-view extension
7a8f665d93 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into pr/AdrieanKhisbe/50534
6eb9ac0f09 Merge pull request #50312 from irrationalRock/fix-34345
0cc4ced7d6 Remove default keybindings
a63d87d34e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into pr/irrationalRock/50312
c49207f9a3 fix localization smoketest
f9f38b2bbf update distro
72df509444 version bump
f25673e310 update distro
cf238ba584 allow references view to use proposed api, add as built in extension
718a093237 commands and widgets do not get along nicely
3e7f8dffc1 node-debug@1.29.2
0b35bdac93 remove bad submodule
1cc0913edc fix #62220
327613fbcd repl: only dispose listener if a new session is selected
b5a3c690c6 fix #62412
164eab9b51 💄
ae2e4dec48 fixes #61524
220bff273e debug: workaround out of precaustion end intiialising state when adapter ends
784750fb94 Remove trailing comma
1b20f1aefb Update GDPR annotation
05c1edc2d7 Re microsoft/vscode-pull-request-github#652. Reply/Add comment button should be enabled if the comment editor is not empty.
ff14a20f03 Fix microsoft/vscode-pull-request-github#652. Cache in progress new comment.
972096c90c Skip malicious check when --disable-extensions (#62351)
723ef6123e fixes #61154
886d14cee2 fix uri matches
af5f77bb5f tree: pass along parent visibility to filter function
986b5532b5 fixes #60664
b7eb0f4040 Update css/less/scss config to make validProperty an string[]
f835838de3 Fixes #60037, remove padding rule in find widget when collapsed
2b1d06feb9 fixes #18673
50a4525420 fixes #60986
7595bef509 fixes #61534
f689e899ec Update distro
03f7c83b23 Fix #62341
32e0f82795 fixes #62168
6e92e3aca1 Revert "cache panel body size"
349e31fee9 fixes #58918
b31b07741b Change settings for splitCwd to workspaceRoot, initial, and inherited.
269ae7b3a6 Pick up change to fall back to DIRECT
f1736d3c89 do not show add configuration button for readOnly editors
66a49b23da cleaner git push api
0aa28f556e Merge commit 'refs/pull/61448/head' of into pr/61448
aee5ffa4e3 Merge pull request #62283 from xfix/patch-1
649b8759eb 💄
1faae7e83f Make sure we activate js/ts extension when someone sends the _typescript.configurePlugin command
d7ac6e838f Avoid creating AppInsightsAppender when --disable-telemetry (#62353)
25069f480f Fix #62338 - missing 'limitHit' from text search
7254929a0c Bump node2 - #61711, #62354
e20534c0b2 Fix extension sort order when running experiments (#62247)
64432976af fix keyboard shortcuts from conflicting with mnemonics fixes #61038 fixes #61644
8c2d81ea54 fix some menubar fallback items fixes #62133
261e2776eb Update css service to fix Selector Specificity issues
6800cb4a12 Remove self from auto assign
cec19a1cea Add description proposed dts file for #33358
f748c0b163 fixes #61273
7cbabd3828 debug: if no thread is focused take the first thread
14331632b2 Update css service for #62163
988c2fa767 Update validProperties description. Fix #62162
6c6dfcc35c Fix #62186 - issues with some multiline matches
b05c3c72ac Revert "Use new rg --crlf instead of diy solution"
d02227a868 Merge pull request #62260 from Microsoft/alexr00/improveWorkspaceRootDescription
36790dd767 Fixing a few errors in plugin TS config command
92aac989b1 Fix typo in code comment
21b3651b24 Add a semicolon at end of non-built-in languages list
e97e934b8b Fix whitespace errors in markdown files
adade079ed Use default title for delete comment dialog, fixes microsoft/vscode-pull-request-github#648
fe5db1a8f5 sidebar -> Side Bar. Fix #62218
3d43f25e86 fixes #62090
6a25d333db fixes #62158
130f7a7ee1 Update src/vs/workbench/services/files/electron-browser/fileService.ts (#62296)
15ed89c0ee fixes #61259
d2f23b83a4 fixes #61269
0ea372371e Fix accidental fallthrough in snapshot loader
00135a26c1 Merge pull request #62268 from gpoussel/fix-62207
15ac8564c1 fixes #62202
f97a4b48a1 Fix #60097
270f7ddc0f fixes #62091
d9c4b5046b Fix #62223
9f4969b523 do not show undefined label
bddb39d5d7 Fix #62278: IPv6 links support
945b43f31c Fix #61507
78150459c5 Fixes #56721: Problem matcher `fileLocation` isn't copied when using `base`
bc69213320 Fix typos
ba61718a03 Fixes #62030: Ensure user configuration is always applied
866fc31f87 Remove useless assignment of a promise
0b8d4ccedb Clarify types (help TS compiler)
df8bba1247 fixes #62266
0077cb2d8c Fix #62207 ('null' tooltips on Quick Open view)
e87a046ca2 Fixes #62175
121653f027 Fix terminal split for single root workspace (#62259)
78f452f838 Description for splitCwd workspaceRoot in multi-root workspace
2fade80c7f #62205 Change to number and Improve doc
028f3c19ad Fix #62210
e71ba77ec8 storage - disable automated integrity check for now
5f973bc6e8 fix #62152
97ad72a02c Dont enable commit characters in case where cursor is at dot preceeded by whitespace
0cb6c9f8b1 💄
99736e4153 Fix group by server
80a9b809eb typo fix
4f381fcb60 update distro
e21df781db Treat data: as a known markdown link scheme
60bd4f9a9c vscode-xterm@3.9.0-beta13
169993fb30 storage - remove logStorage option (for #62152)
1d760ea4b4 fix #62145
2ddd5979f1 fix #62161
9eceaa4c8b storage - less waterfall startup
4b2fac2b6d Bump node2, fix #62164
c0fd233eff Fix GDPR comment
455552dee0 'Run to Cursor' option not offered on sources that were loaded readonly
2b06dd1ca3 Revert #61831 (fixes #62131)
d80915b0a2 fix #62095
48282551ec Fix GDPR comments
d150c48f7b storage - use all() over each()
35a3be5b5f storage - move error listener up
08d8211308 storage - flush with delay of 0 on shutdown
d8c42ed004 bump node2
def0c260d4 Pick up latest js/ts grammar
b72c349e05 Don't try re-encoding vscode-resoure markdown links
a14b154f88 Minor style updates (#60304)
d38bef2314 Pick up TS 3.1.4
9eef0151f6 Fix searcherror integration tests
1fbb0d484e Run .integrationtest.js tests first
36dc10c9f7 Add log for registering workspace comment provider
70b2d7b0ca fixes #62086
aa98bcaad4 Add scheme in URIDescripitor.
047f07958d Add notification to searchview for search.usePCRE2
549b669d4f Typing for search errors
0727358bfd When search fails due to a non-standard encoding, show a notification to help people find the new setting
317fe8088c Log an event on webview panel creation
45826e941f do not suppress first loadedScripts event; fixes #59281
f308bea367 Merge pull request #61419 from c5inco/font-updates
db02d57569 Introduce plugin config provider
2f18a14a5f Support configuring TypeScript plugins (#61756)
26c3d8d890 Merge pull request #60219 from xxyy/pn/51032/json-status-bar
fa9d7fc761 only show alert
41ddd41b71 Fix #59286
4beb0d5465 debt - limiter(1) => queue
196b1b282a Merge pull request #60080 from mrkno/fix/59323-long-delay-filtering-problems
0fd2ffaaa9 comments
331316207c fixes #60767
940acc1e17 Merge pull request #61584 from Microsoft/alexr00/fixWorkspaceRootSplit
22951130d3 mention issue
42d4374c8b woraround #62072
f8fd35b8cd Add proxy stats (#60773)
6d923688da git: create branch without checkout
3cd470ed7d improve titlebarpart layout perf (#60566)
c11c416340 rename proposed IDebugAdapterTracker to DebugAdapterTracker; fixes #59420
2635578983 timeout for provideDebugAdapterTracker; fixes #59408
ec8eb95d70 storage - handle SQLITE_CORRUPT error
c9fc3dbd7b fix #59410
1d55212ec0 storage - back to PRAGMA check on startup
08d383346c git extension api docs
65143c991f [html] update service
971e4ce8b2 [json] update service
5043998c52 css: valid properties
61c0fe6f00 storage - add comment
c3572ebf6f storage - handle SQLITE_BUSY error with retry
e2d9b3692c storage - tweak telemetry
318250ae12 Fix #61970
8db3ee0038 fix tests
f43082614e Check proposed api for label highlights
9754563ea8 debug: add session to model immediatly
591c2893da Fix #60481
25589f6cc4 let tree highlights use editor find background, fyi @sandy081
25e4ab94b7 osstool 1.29
4d9bd458b4 fix tests
3f7e8b4d3d Fixed: quickOpenController / trim whitespaces (#62019)
a3549d44d2 #55879 Set cap to max 3 levels to expand
b434afd90d storage - add workbench.enableLegacyStorage setting as emergency in case new solution fails for someone
8adb061adc #55879 Add expand option to reveal API
c391faf35a _vscodeSystemProxy option (#60773)
1a1c4979d7 fix npe
90185b889a hide activation message after 5 seconds, #61846
4bd295b6e4 fix strict null
18177c58cc Add a tooltip to scripts in NPM script view (#61596)
d393578d58 storage - switch to throttled delayer
3fb99698ab storage - only create DB if path does not exist
fd5d3ca54e Update behavior of task reveal === silent (#61477)
d00ae9bd38 #55879 Collapse all action for custom views
51a83e467e storage - log duration of SQL schema upon opening DB
0db7f8d853 storage - ensure to flush in sequence and wait for flush queue before closing DB
a5017707bf mark some 'contributed' services as supporting delayed instantiation
6c371594a2 remove workaround for #61917
276aeea254 make delayed service instantiation opt-in #61917
d71f741e6c Merge pull request #61859 from YisraelV/master
48e9819164 Fix item lookup (fixes #61663)
07d5e289bb setRowLineHeight: false (fixes #60701)
ee0815204c Fix timing issue (fixes #61748)
0d98745507 Merge pull request #61882 from ProAdd-ons/task-v2
17c90f6114 Fix tests
ba3c4bcbcb npe in history main service
95fcafdf56 Added a section on the Bundled Extensions
a111c5b439 Added common extensions link to related projects (#61446)
daefb81397 Remote disable action from viewlet and show it verbose in editor
1abad0e0d0 storage - add more timers to compare
7217a7a513 storage - disable global storage using sqlite for now
b5b15c1e6d storage - tweak performance numbers
4626bc0e1b Merge pull request #61965 from usernamehw/align-badge-color
4cb80defdb Fixes #61912: Account for the fact that modes can be instantiated before all extension points have been handled.
cdd3c60432 Delete `no-results` class too
e78db47121 Add an entry to the search history when the search was triggered by an option change
98fbaad23c Fix search integration test on windows
9bccab9a94 Fix setting description typo, edit for clarity
4a0cba8567 Merge pull request #61978 from usernamehw/link-hover-color
6eca4d1685 Fix search integration test on windows
8cccc98d91 Fix strict null checks
3a50d8c00e Clean up
392acac1de list option: supportDynamicHeights
00ac4904ac wip: list with dynamic height elements
58a8a46eb9 Use hover link color in Settings GUI
1737fde471 Per extension (#60773)
d934283873 Skip requests with socketPath (#60773)
2795b98bac Use vscode-proxy-agent (#60773)
5342bf230c Address changes requested by maintainer
09f70a9996 multiline breakpoint widget
de3740ae58 Align badge theming with the GUI badge
b6d41d7bfa Change 'overwrite' to 'override' in setting screens
a2e96753ee Fix build fail in api-tests
813f4aa0b7 Add workaround for #61907
1926da78cf #59458 for editor matches, tests
9a6cd0a3c1 Fix #59458 - implement context options for text search (ripgrep)
26c0e9bb4d Take selected text into account for more markdown snippets
1476540297 Always use splice
221aa3d632 Introduce RequestQueueingType
eafe48e901 Adding basic tests for request queue
5919eda976 Move request queue to own file
7363dcca25 Move callbackmap to own file
855d78e8a3 Move ts server into own directory
0f3e07c3cd More explicit types for storage.get with fallbacks
8df9f241e6 Strict null checks
21816902db Fixed typo in comment (#61909)
2c62736bba node-debug@1.29.1
e34c00f63e fixes #61561
36bf69fc87 Merge pull request #61837 from puneet97/patch-1
3cd4aa4ead Fix #61860 - one Match per FindMatch
37fc885eeb Add rg json output typings
bcc533fefe Obsolete comment
44a80801cb Fixes #61825: Refactor mode creation
7e102b5de3 Task 2.0.0
2d30bece1d Task 2.0.0
10dc625582 Task 2.0.0
02a65af113 Task 2.0.0
34c9201b29 workaround #61310
4252e67b35 fix one part of #60192
1ac04b5381 Merge pull request #61789 from varanshukla/master
cbda7166a0 Ensure that terminal process ready is always fired (#61299)
b7fed176f1 explorer: add willResolveExplorer and did ResolveExplorer
422b14feb4 Remove 'new' and rewording
5d68db08cd Combined text search result tests
36d5e04603 Use combined search results for matches from editor, too
7397ec97e6 Multiple match on line integration test
aba240a4d8 Fix #59919 - text search combines matches on one line
b8c5d97659 Add missing final periods in comments. (#61827)
60cbd1fd0b Allow storage to return undefined fallback values
907924abc0 Reveal absolute top of markdown preview when scrolling to line 0
fe63c7e2f2 Reveal line 0 in editor when markdown preview scrolls to top
295ff96f26 system proxy: use node url to parse url
f4131970f6 Add `isRetrigger` field to signature help context
9aa969cd07 Fix #61546. Strict null checks for comment services.
02275f047b Add tslint rule banning new Buffer
edefe6b0bf Fix #61744 - remap \u1234 unicode escape sequence
5ad9e9c22e Remove duplicated search helpers
a3e49cae31 show the number of hidden frames (Show N more frames)
1e9717afd2 Support collapsing stack frames
4c131e5bc5 another fix for #51013
5c5dafee0f debt - do not use deprecated API
83ecc6ae04 Merge pull request #61653 from natheist/grammar
b715dd6c45 Update keybindingEditing.test.ts
76af0df43b Update files.ts
0ebf5f2d5f debt - new Buffer() is deprecated
d54b3a0607 Add window.nonNativeFullscreen option for macOS (#55267)
e3938ba331 fix build
b4490c5aad fixes #58137
1cc7dd4025 setVisible do not lie to the world, you are not async
3dd2b19b2a Use TS 3.1.3 for building VS Code
8bcad6aaaf Pick up new TS insiders version
9375a38648 Fixing editor-distro compile error
4a29bd3731 fix compile
98f26b19af fix strict null
1879561337 grid: pass priority, snapSize and  proportionalLayout down to splitview
c01cf1d166 splitview: support snapSize
92187cf405 Add null check in setComments
0c6e472c31 fix strict null checks build
0ba2d2bd4b Merge pull request #61757 from Microsoft/rebornix/pendingcomment
949f44e5a3 splitview: LayoutPriority
01651ec8ec Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into rebornix/pendingcomment
5c888c9720 Remove new pending comment cache
2c777c0fc4 comments contribution takes care of comment fetching itself
2ff5934b85 splitview: proportionalLayout option
b2f8941985 Use median instead of mean for measuring terminal frames
092bb9a585 vscode-xterm@3.9.0-beta12
c9f7d10187 Merge pull request #59070 from Microsoft/octref/58555
8c8bec8855 use accessor explictly
c7587607ff renamge getcomments to recomputecomments
9b2b174cec debt - fix bad URI.fsPath usage
496ebc6438 let '--prof-append-timers' also append if it was a standard start
e3375691ee remove input box visibility change
63da98253c Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'pr/60051'""
2142a3d02f debt - remove unused
2086ab0fc7 move vscode-chokidar under MS org
f21c227349 Make sure to always write with normalized line endings
4823e0e2da Use yellow for monaco.d.ts errors
072eef20ac Show monaco.d.ts output only when something has changed
9deb8d4a42 Read monaco.d.ts.recipe files as needed (don't prepare them up front)
7e8384ba86 Execute just once after N changes
c88064a3ad Make sure standaloneEnums have consistent line endings
baf8b88b1d Add versioning to monaco.d.ts generation
84bff649af save new comment is hard.
8b0b57ea13 Fix minor grammatical error in menu bar
16a7ded725 delete pending comment cache when comment provider is disposed.
64ec4ed02c reset pending comments when it's being submitted.
fa1c682df6 Focus into the textarea when there is pending comments
54c9ebe824 pending comment caching in editor comment contribution
628ac962e2 Fix multi root workspace terminal split
2358502867 Drop console
73d8934c23 Menu horizontal alignment
38ca802368 feat: add push to git extension API
d7d97c95bb Snap font stack to latest
edeb1acdf0 Remove font-weight change to fix jumpiness
54697b717a Address PR comment
2e5c9f84d5 Make sure a view's parent is not overwritten
ab77071aec Give hierarchy to the Open View quick pick. Fix #58555
54f4967761 Refactor SchemaRetryNotification to ForceValidateRequest
cb8d482429 Cache JSON schema error files
fe4ce0b9d4 Add retry action to JSON status bar icon
7814f38222 Add SchemaRetry notification to jsonServerMain
27ce1616ca Show JSON schema resolution issues in status bar, not notifications
01754ba288 Revert "Use ErrorCode in JSON Language Service schema resolution error handling"
ab43e947f7 Only remove actual schema resolution errors from JSON errors
0137ebd471 Use ErrorCode in JSON Language Service schema resolution error handling
157ee8c394 Show JSON schema resolution errors in status bar only
f3c7ce2a05 Fix #60002 Undo last commit: keep staged files
3b044e950f Fix #59323
8f86ba057e Less costly comparison
4b4fa8c66d Clarify git prune
373f50a102 Add git.fetchPrune to menus.menus.commandPalette
6cc0f06531 Add git.fetchPrune
01e69df867 Check if the selection is empty
2eebdffae0 Prevent copying an empty string by accident
8d664e47c9 Implement smooth caret animation with toggleable option
1e301ededd Grammar Injection - Consider broader Scopes
8b15044840 added two new commands
1554120b6a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
2d84224357 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
e11500fed0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
9f2511fa8a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
b50f1ec0a3 Add run-agent script for snap package
9d75305b7f Add fix for EACCES socket error
ece8157985 Ignore copyright header in electron-launch
474568c55b Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
79b79309ce Call a script on update
dc51479d3e Sleep for 10 seconds instead, don't bg
3786b97818 Add doQuitAndInstall impl for snap/linux
588675bbf4 Update dockerfile
7097e0b3da Remove postRefreshHook reference
90385c778b Remove post-refresh hook
32c28382f7 Fix bash var
4bd6c1cf3c Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
f002aaec95 Set up auto updating for snap
893714d0ce Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into tyriar/snap
d9fd598afd Fix post refresh hook to use electron-launch
947d563482 Add SNAPCRAFT secret vars
648a5b0869 Fix post refresh hook
99875872f0 Fix hooks dir
79786dcdf2 Add a test post refresh hook
482d882531 Add missing variable
3117032b02 Set IS_FROZEN
d34c0805a0 Fix quality condition
de6d670301 Build everything again
f1233bb94e Auto push and release snap
9609e49398 Add revision to snapcraft version
7d741df2c4 Echo snapcraft vars
9373fb1997 Don't ls dir
5806e7f1b7 Don't look for version
fc7b21f627 don't build snap package
d338aaaa49 don't build
d3e86940aa Login to snapcraft and publish
0bb30b159f Move snap Dockerfile to new dir
a18ab37847 Add snap Ubuntu 16.04 dockerfile
26ae1a529f Add release snap that only builds and publishes the snap
17e5119738 Add snapcraft version to snap task
2d1b17d100 Include more stage packages in snap
c938bd3736 Publish snap package
195aa35bb3 Remove unnecessar snap deps
ede5af3c77 Use correct folder for nvmrc
0434c60b4e Build snap and print folder
43ea0f8f93 Move .nvmrc before nvm init in CI
  • Loading branch information
GongT committed Nov 22, 2018
1 parent b744e4d commit c15825f
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 1,100 changed files with 23,704 additions and 20,153 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve

<!-- Please search existing issues to avoid creating duplicates. -->
<!-- Please search existing issues to avoid creating duplicates. -->
<!-- Also please test using the latest insiders build to make sure your issue has not already been fixed: -->

<!-- Use Help > Report Issue to prefill these. -->
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .github/classifier.yml
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
css-less-scss: [ aeschli ],
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debug: {
assignees: [ isidorn ],
assignees: [ weinand ],
assignLabel: false
diff-editor: [],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
formatting: [],
git: [ joaomoreno ],
grammar: [],
hot-exit: [ Tyriar ],
hot-exit: [],
html: [ aeschli ],
install-update: [],
integrated-terminal: [ Tyriar ],
integrated-terminal: [],
integration-test: [],
intellisense-config: [],
issue-reporter: [ RMacfarlane ],
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .github/commands.yml
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
type: 'comment',
name: 'duplicate',
allowUsers: ['cleidigh', 'usernamehw'],
action: 'updateLabels',
addLabel: '*duplicate'
Expand All @@ -59,18 +60,21 @@
type: 'comment',
name: 'confirm',
allowUsers: ['cleidigh', 'usernamehw'],
action: 'updateLabels',
addLabel: 'confirmed'
type: 'comment',
name: 'findDuplicates',
allowUsers: ['cleidigh', 'usernamehw'],
action: 'comment',
comment: "Potential duplicates:\n${potentialDuplicates}"
type: 'comment',
name: 'needsMoreInfo',
allowUsers: ['cleidigh', 'usernamehw'],
action: 'updateLabels',
addLabel: 'needs more info',
comment: "Thanks for creating this issue! We figured it's missing some basic information or in some other way doesn't follow our [issue reporting]( guidelines. Please take the time to review these and update the issue.\n\nHappy Coding!"
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/cglicenses.schema.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the dependency"
"licenseDetail": {
"type": "array",
"description": "The complete license text of the dependency",
"items": {
"type": "string"
142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions .vscode/cgmanifest.schema.json
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"registrations": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"component": {
"oneOf": [
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"git": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"repositoryUrl": {
"type": "string"
"commitHash": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"npm": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string"
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"other": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"downloadUrl": {
"type": "string"
"version": {
"type": "string"
"repositoryUrl": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The git url of the component"
"version": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The version of the component"
"license": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the license"
"developmentDependency": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "This component is inlined in the vscode repo and **is not shipped**."
"isOnlyProductionDependency": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "This component is shipped and **is not inlined in the vscode repo**."
"licenseDetail": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"description": "The license text"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vscode/extensions.json
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// See
// for the documentation about the extensions.json format
"recommendations": [
Expand Down
20 changes: 2 additions & 18 deletions .vscode/launch.json
Expand Up @@ -9,17 +9,14 @@
"stopOnEntry": true,
"args": [
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Attach to Extension Host",
"protocol": "inspector",
"port": 5870,
"restart": true,
"smartStep": true,
"outFiles": [
Expand All @@ -28,20 +25,16 @@
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Attach to Shared Process",
"protocol": "inspector",
"port": 5871,
"smartStep": true,
"outFiles": [
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"protocol": "inspector",
"name": "Attach to Search Process",
"port": 5876,
"smartStep": true,
"outFiles": [
Expand All @@ -50,9 +43,7 @@
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Attach to CLI Process",
"protocol": "inspector",
"port": 5874,
"smartStep": true,
"outFiles": [
Expand All @@ -61,9 +52,7 @@
"type": "node",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Attach to Main Process",
"protocol": "inspector",
"port": 5875,
"smartStep": true,
"outFiles": [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +118,6 @@
"type": "chrome",
"request": "attach",
"name": "Attach to VS Code",
"smartStep": true,
"port": 9222
Expand All @@ -149,7 +137,6 @@
"runtimeArgs": [
"--inspect=5875", "--no-cached-data"
"smartStep": true,
"skipFiles": [
Expand All @@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
"runtimeArgs": [
"smartStep": true,
"outFiles": [
Expand All @@ -172,7 +158,6 @@
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Git Unit Tests",
"protocol": "inspector",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/extensions/git/node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha",
"stopOnEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/extensions/git",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,7 +197,6 @@
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Unit Tests",
"protocol": "inspector",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha",
"runtimeExecutable": "${workspaceFolder}/.build/electron/Code -",
"windows": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,4 +273,4 @@
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions .vscode/settings.json
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"files.associations": {
"OSSREADME.json": "jsonc"
"cglicenses.json": "jsonc"
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true,
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
"test/smoke/out/**": true,
"src/vs/base/test/node/": true
"tslint.enable": true,
"lcov.path": [
Expand All @@ -42,5 +41,12 @@
"npm.exclude": "**/extensions/**",
"emmet.excludeLanguages": [],
"typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier": "non-relative",
"typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single"
"typescript.preferences.quoteStyle": "single",
"json.schemas": [{
"fileMatch": [ "cgmanifest.json" ],
"url": "./.vscode/cgmanifest.schema.json"
}, {
"fileMatch": [ "cglicenses.json" ],
"url": "./.vscode/cglicenses.schema.json"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vscode/shared.code-snippets
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"prefix": "emitter",
"description": "Add emitter and event properties",
"body": [
"private _onDid$1 = new Emitter<$2>();",
"private readonly _onDid$1 = new Emitter<$2>();",
"readonly onDid$1: Event<$2> = this._onDid$1.event;"
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -101,4 +101,3 @@ please see [How to Contribute](
# Thank You!

Your contributions to open source, large or small, make great projects like this possible. Thank you for taking the time to contribute.

0 comments on commit c15825f

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