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EVICORD (EValuating IBD Consistency via Obligate Recombination Distance)

This R package implements a Gibbs sampler for the Bayesian hierarchical model described in Johnson & Voight 2020.

The purpose of this method is to classify variants as likely IBD or non-IBD using the pairwise recombination distances between allele pairs.


#install from github
#load package

Steps to run sampler

  1. Load pairwise recombination distances in centimorgans (file format should have 3 columns: varID, distL, distR). The distances should be ordered by variant and by allele pairs. Within each variant, the order fo allele pair recombination distances matters; e.g. for allele count 3, the pairwise distances should be in the order 1-2,1-3,2-3; for allele count 4, the order should be 1-2,1-3,1-4,2-3,2-4,3-4; etc.
dists = EVICORD::load_dists("sim_dists_ex.txt",header=T,ac=4)
  1. Run the Gibbs sampler on the pairwise recombination distances. Several parameter values must be provided at this step: the allele count (ac), values for alpha and beta for recurrent/non-IBD variants (alphaRec, betaRec; can be calculated with nonIBD_param_values.R, see below), alpha for IBD variants (alphaIBD; recommended to try multiple values and see how this affects your results), priors for beta for IBD variants (alpha0, beta0), vector of priors for pi (piPriors, should have as many values as there are categories of k; i.e. 1+number of non-IBD partitions), and the number of iterations to run (niter).
EVICORD::sampler(dists,ac=4,alphaRec=40,betaRec=0.1,alphaIBD=10,alpha0=1,beta0=10,piPriors=c(0.4,0.4,0.2),niter=100,outfile="gibbs_sampler_out.rds") #returns RDS object of output: gibbs_sampler_out.rds
  1. Visualize results from gibbs_sampler_out.rds. Required parameters: filename, e.g. gibbs_sampler_out.rds; ac, allele count; tf integer to thin chains by for visualization. Output plot panels:

    1. chain of beta samples by iteration
    2. chain of pi samples by iteration
    3. density of t estimates for each allele pair category (t1,t2,t3)
    4. empirical cumulative density of the fraction of z samples for each variant greater than x (with x=1,2,3,...); i.e., zGT1 = the fraction of posterior samples that the variant is assigned to be non-IBD.
EVICORD::viz_res(filename="gibbs_sampler_out.rds",ac=4,tf=5,outfile="gibbs_sampler_out_viz.pdf") #saves visualizations in pdf gibbs_sampler_out_viz.pdf

Estimating beta for non-IBD variants from data

Posterior values of alpha and beta for the distribution of TMRCAs for non-IBD variants need to be supplied to run the sampler function above. These can be estimated from the pairwise recombination distances of non-IBD allele pairs from multiallelic or known non-IBD variants using the function nonIBD_param_values. Requires input of non-IBD variants' pairwise recombination distance (columns: varID, distL, distR). Several parameter values must be provided: the number of non-IBD allele pair distances provided for each variant (n_nonIBDpairs), the value of alpha for non-IBD allele pairs (alpha); priors for beta (alpha0, beta0), the number of iterations to run (niter), and the output file name (outfile).

EVICORD::nonIBD_param_values(dists,n_nonIBDpairs=3,alpha=40,alpha0=1,beta0=10,niter=500,outfile="sampled_nonIBD_param_values_alpha40") #saves sampled values to RDS file sampled_nonIBD_param_values.rds


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