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Spark Salesforce Connector

A library for connecting Spark with Salesforce
Maven Central


This library requires Spark 2.x.


You can link against this library in your program at the following coordinates: Using Maven:


This library can also be added to Spark jobs launched through spark-shell or spark-submit by using the --packages command line option. For example, to include it when starting the spark shell:

$ bin/spark-shell --packages io.github.keks51:spark-salesforce:version

Unlike using --jars, using --packages ensures that this library and its dependencies will be added to the classpath. The --packages argument can also be used with bin/spark-submit.


Salesforce Data Source for Spark supports reading(writing is not yet implemented) Salesforce data from Spark SQL.

  • Automatic schema conversion - it supports most conversions between Spark SQL and salesforce records except (address, location) since they are returned with null values by the SOAP API and not supported at all by the Bulk API
  • Stream processing - only structured streaming
  • Batch processing - reading salesforce data in batches
  • Soap connection - loading data via soap
  • Supporting Spark Datasource Api v1 and v2 - supporting old and new datasource api
  • Custom spark UI for query metrics - additional streaming metrics in spark ui
  • Using predefined schema - using spark .schema(...). Columns that doesn't exist in Salesforce will be null
  • Elimination of unneeded columns - selecting columns defined in spark query.
  • Filtration using selected predicates - push spark filters to SOQL query.
  • Supporting asterisks(*) - SELECT * from User


  • Aggregations in SOQL query are not supported. Use Spark aggregations.
  • Query should be as Select with Filters

Coming soon

  • Bulk api
  • PK chunking
  • Wave Api
  • Saving data to Salesforce
  • DStreams
  • Watermarks
  • Loading data by partition bounds defined by User

Supported types for Salesforce -> Spark SQL conversion

SF type Spark SQL type
string StringType
picklist StringType
multipicklist StringType
reference StringType
combobox StringType
base64 StringType
textarea StringType
currency StringType
percent StringType
phone StringType
id StringType
time StringType
url StringType
email StringType
encryptedstring StringType
datacategorygroupreference StringType
anyType StringType
complexvalue StringType
date StringType
datetime TimestampType
int IntegerType
double DoubleType
boolean BooleanType


Connection settings

  • userName: Salesforce Username.
  • userPassword: Salesforce user Password. Please append security token along with a password. For example, if a user’s password is mypassword, and the security token is XXXXXXXXXX, the user must provide mypasswordXXXXXXXXXX.
  • authEndPoint: (Optional) Salesforce Login URL. Default value
  • apiVersion: used in for example "". apiVersion like 39.0.
  • proxyHost: (Optional) proxy configuration.
  • proxyPort: (Optional) proxy configuration.
  • proxyUserName: (Optional) proxy configuration.
  • proxyPassword: (Optional) proxy configuration.
  • useHttps: (Optional) use https or http in salesforce url. Default (true).
  • connectionTimeout: (Optional) salesforce login connection timeout in milliseconds (Long). Default (30000).
  • checkConnectionRetries: (Optional) number of get connection retries before aborting the loading (INTEGER). Default (10).
  • retrySleepMin: (Optional) min number of milliseconds to sleep before trying to load again if an exception occurs. Default (5000).
  • retrySleepMax: (Optional) max number of milliseconds to sleep before trying to load again if an exception occurs. Default (20000).

Query settings

  • isQueryAll: (Optional) Include deleted records or not. Default value (true).
  • offsetColumn: (Optional) is used to load partitioned data and to check updates while streaming. String type like id column is not supported and data will be loaded only in one partition. Default (SystemModstamp)
  • initialOffset: (Optional) offsetColumn value of the first record. Default (automatically querying salesforce table to get the initial offset)
  • endOffset: (Optional) offsetColumn value of the last record. Default (automatically querying salesforce table to get the last offset)
  • loadNumPartitions: (Optional) number of spark partition to load data in parallel (INTEGER). Default (1)
    Due to 'Invalid query locator' issue, the recommendation is to set at most 10.
  • queryExecutorClassName: (Optional) query execution logic. Custom logic can be implemented by extending com.keks.sf.soap.SoapQueryExecutor

Streaming settings

  • streamingMaxRecordsInPartition: (Optional) maximum number of records to load in one spark partition (INTEGER). Is used in incremental ingesting. Default (10000).
  • streamingMaxBatches: (Optional) maximum number of soap batches to load in one spark partition (INTEGER). Is used to prevent loading skewed data in one partition. Default (10000).
  • streamingAdditionalWaitWhenIncrementalLoading: (Optional) time to wait in milliseconds while requesting new data during incremental ingesting. Default (600000).
  • streamingLoadAvailableData: (Optional) loading all available data and stopping streaming or continue loading data in incremental mode. Default (false).
  • streamingQueryName: (Optional) set query name to see query metrics in spark UI.

Options can be set in spark submit using --conf
For example: --conf "spark.sf.userName=KEKS"

Architecture overview

query example: "select id, name from account where name = 'alex'"

Spark batch

On Driver side:

  1. getting the offsetColumn from configuration or taking default (Systemmodstamp).
  2. getting the initial offset from conf or salesforce table.
  3. getting the last offset from conf or salesforce table.
  4. Splitting query in partitions by 'loadNumPartitions' for example 3 and adding an 'order by' clause
    "select id, name from account where (name = 'alex') AND (SystemModstamp >= 2011-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND SystemModstamp < 2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) ORDER BY SystemModstamp"
    "select id, name from account where (name = 'alex') AND (SystemModstamp >= 2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND SystemModstamp < 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) ORDER BY SystemModstamp"
    "select id, name from account where (name = 'alex') AND (SystemModstamp >= 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND SystemModstamp < 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z) ORDER BY SystemModstamp"
  5. executing each query on Executor in parallel. Each executor keeps the last offset value from the previous soap batch to continue loading from this offset if an exception occurs.
    This approach can produce duplicates but guarantee the data consistency.


Spark job can fail if table is large(2 millions rows with huge number of columns, more then 100) and skewed(90% of records are in one partition). To load large table use load once streaming approach.

Spark streaming

Streaming is a micro batch processing. So the first steps are the same as in spark batch.
Each executor loads data until streamingMaxRecordsInPartition threshold. Then the micro batch job finishes, and the executor's metrics like:

  • last batch offset value
  • next batch query locator
  • number of loaded records
  • was all data loaded or not
    are saved in the checkPoint dir.
    Driver loads these metrics from the checkpoint dir.
  1. if all partitions still have data to load then only lower bounds offsets are changed
    for example (SystemModstamp >= 2011-01-01T00:00:00.000Z AND... is changed to (SystemModstamp >= <last offset value> AND...
  2. if some partitions loaded all available data then all partitions are recreated:
    age >= 0 and age < 10 finished
    age >= 10 and age < 20 finished
    age >= 20 and age < 30 not finished. last value is 12
    recreated to:
    age >= 12 and age < 14
    age >= 14 and age < 17
    age >= 17 and age < 20
    This algorithm is repeated until all data between initial offset and end offset is loaded. Recreating partitions approach allow to load large and skewed tables with minimum of cluster resources.
    if option streamingLoadAvailableData is true then spark streaming job is finished. Else new data is polling each streamingAdditionalWaitWhenIncrementalLoading and the number of partitions is calculated by: math.min(sfOptions.sfLoadNumPartitions, math.ceil(newRecords / sfOptions.streamingMaxRecordsInPartition))


Watermarks are not supported. They can be supported when loading data in one partition but this approach is not yet implemented DStreams are not supported. ContinuousReadSupport is not supported.


All options can be set via --conf. Just add spark.sf at the begging. For example, --conf 'spark.sf.userName' To query all columns asterisks can be used. For example, "select * from user"


  .option(SF_USER_NAME, "keks")
  .option(SF_USER_PASSWORD, "password")
  .load("SELECT * FROM User WHERE Name = 'keks'")
  .filter(col("age") === 25) // this filter is pushed down and salesforce query is "SELECT * FROM User WHERE (Name = 'keks') AND (Age = 25)" 
  .option(SF_USER_NAME, "keks")
  .option(SF_USER_PASSWORD, "password")
  .load("SELECT * FROM User WHERE Name = 'keks'")
  .select("Id", "Name") // this select is pruned and salesforce query is "SELECT Id,Name FROM User WHERE (Name = 'keks')" 
  .option(SF_USER_NAME, "keks")
  .option(SF_USER_PASSWORD, "password")
  .select("Id", "Name") // this select is pruned and salesforce query is "SELECT Id,Name FROM User WHERE (Name = 'keks')" 
 val schema = StructType(Array(
  StructField(SYSTEMMODSTAMP, TimestampType),
  StructField(ID, StringType),
  StructField(NAME, StringType)
  .option(SF_USER_NAME, "keks")
  .option(SF_USER_PASSWORD, "password")
  .load("SELECT * FROM User") // select is pruned due to .schema(...) and salesforce query is "SELECT SystemModstamp,Id,Name FROM User" 


load once

val streamDF = spark
  .option(SF_STREAMING_QUERY_NAME, "User")
  .option(SF_STREAMING_LOAD_AVAILABLE_DATA, value = true)
  .load("SELECT * FROM User WHERE Name = 'keks'")
val query = streamDF.writeStream
  .option("path", saveDir)
  .option("checkpointLocation", s"...")
query.processAllAvailable() // this is need to be set along  with .option(SF_STREAMING_LOAD_AVAILABLE_DATA, value = true)

incremental loading

val streamDF = spark
  .option(SF_STREAMING_QUERY_NAME, "User")
  .option(SF_STREAMING_LOAD_AVAILABLE_DATA, value = false)
  .load("SELECT * FROM User WHERE Name = 'keks'")
val query = streamDF.writeStream
  .option("path", saveDir)
  .option("checkpointLocation", s"...")
query.awaitTermination()  // this is need to be set along  with .option(SF_STREAMING_LOAD_AVAILABLE_DATA, value = false)


  • Do not try to load large tables with spark batch. Use streaming load once approach.
  • Don't forget to use .cache while applying diffrent transformations to same Salesforce data.
  • Don't use one Salesforce account for more than 10 queries at the same time. Of course connector successfully handles this issue and no data will be lost but you may have a significant performance degradation


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