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Cheat Sheet: Coq Proof Assistant to LeanProver - A4 pdf

Coq LeanProver CheatSheet

Quick Start tips

  • Lean is space sensitive and uses newlines instead of dots.
  • The by keyword is used to invoke proof mode. Trust us and just put the by keyword on the same line as the :=. So always write ... := by followed by a newline.
  • Use VS Code and install the lean4 extension.

Quick Reference Table

Coq Lean
Theorem theorem
admit sorry
reflexivity rfl
exact exact
apply apply
intros intros
rewrite H rewrite [H], rw [H]
rewrite <- H rewrite [<- H], rw [<- H]
assumption assumption
cbn dsimp
simpl simp
auto simp
unfold unfold
discriminate contradiction
contradiction contradiction
constructor constructor
case cases
elim cases
destruct cases
induction induction
; <;>
- \.
repeat repeat
try try
A|B (first|A|B)
in at
subst subst_vars
generalize dependent revert
remember have
assert have
pose have
refine refine
specialize specialize
split apply And.intro
symmetry apply Eq.symm
f_equal apply congrArg
left left (requires mathlib)
right right (requires mathlib)
ring requires mathlib
exists use (requires mathlib)
lia linarith (requires mathlib)
inversion ?
clear clear
trivial trivial

Details about Tactics


In Coq intros, introduces all hypotheses, but in Lean intros needs to name every hypothesis that it introduces. intro does not exist.



destruct H as [H1 H2]


cases H with
| intro H1 H2 =>


split is a different tactic in Lean, but you can use constructor or apply And.intro.

case left => exact H2
case right => exact H1
apply And.intro
case left => exact H2
case right => exact H1


rewrite H in Coq is rewrite [H] in Lean rw [H] is the same as rewrite [H] followed by try rfl

Reverse rewriting in Coq is done:

rewrite <- H

In Lean we can provide a list so we put the rule in braces: rewrite [<- H].


dsimp was the closest we could find.


simp is kind of the same, but more powerful, as it includes at least reflexivity.

simp only is less powerful

simp only [Nat.add_zero] only uses the theorems in the list to simplify

simp [Nat.add_zero] uses the theorems in the list to simplify and also all the usual theorems

Other variants include: simp_all, simp [*], simp [*] at *, simp at H

See the Lean Tactics file for more documentation.


See the Tatics chapter of Theorem proving in Lean 4 for how to use have.



induction x as [ | x0 IHx0].
- ...
- ...

In Lean you need to intro a variable before you can do induction on it:

intros x
induction x
case zero =>
case succ x0 IHx0 =>


In Lean instead of using _ use ?_

refine (Or.intro_right _ ?_)

Here the _ is the inferred type and the ?_ is the hole to prove in the next step.


auto in Coq is like simp in Lean, because it is also extensible. You can add more theorems to this tactic by annotating the theorems with @[simp].

Other useful tactics

Lean requires all hypothesis that you intend to use to be named. You can use the rename_i tactic to rename the most recent inaccessible names in your context.

Searching for theorems

Mathlib4 has several alternatives for finding theorems and next steps, see:

  • #find
  • apply?
  • exact?
  • rewrite?


quote4 is a great meta programming library that by chance also allows you to do pattern matching on the goal and hypothesis. It does not include the capabilities of Coq's context, but we found in all those cases we could just try rewrite ....

Using this library we have made an attempt to recreate Ltac in Lean.

Using this Ltac library we created a tactic to automate proofs about lists, called balistic.




A Cheat Sheet for Coq Developers who want to try LeanProver







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