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rstatix 0.7.1

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@kassambara kassambara released this 09 Nov 18:09
· 11 commits to master since this release

Minor changes

  • cor_plot() now accepts additional arguments to pass to corrplot() (#66)
  • suppressMessages() used to suppress this message ("Coefficient covariances computed by hccm()") generated by car::Anova().
  • get_comparisons() now drops unused levels before creating possible comparisons (#67)
  • Now, the function get_summary_stats() keeps the order of columns specified by the user (#46).
  • internal two_sample_test() now counts group sizes (n1 and n2) by the number of non-NA values #104

Bug fixes

  • Name collisions bug fixes in the shapiro_test() function. Shapiro_test() throws an error if the input data contains column names "value" or "variable". This is fixed now (#52).
  • Bug fixed in the cor_test() function, where there was a tidy evaluation conflict when the input data contains "x" and "y" as column names (#68).
  • The dunn_test() documentation is updated to describe the discrepancy between the default behavior of the rstatix::dunn_test() compared to other packages (dunn.test and jamovi). The default of the rstatix::dunn_test() function is to perform a two-sided Dunn test like the well known commercial softwares, such as SPSS and GraphPad. This is not the case for some other R packages (dunn.test and jamovi), where the default is to perform one-sided test (#50).
  • Now, the function get_summary_stats() handles the user defined probabilities for grouped data (#78)