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WMFPreview Version 1.0.4

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@kareldonk kareldonk released this 05 Jun 16:48
· 2 commits to master since this release

WMFPreview is a Windows shell extension that enables thumbnails and previews for WMF (Windows Meta File) and EMF (Enhanced Meta File) files in Windows File Explorer. Tested on Windows 7, 8 and 10 (32-bit and 64-bit).


Version 1.0.4 adds some additional checks and improvements. Now WMF and EMF file previews also work in Microsoft Outlook when previewing email attachments.


WMF and EMF files can also be previewed when adding images to Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint files.


If you are interested in using this extension, you can download the setup package below (ZIP file). For 32-bit versions of Windows, run the setup from the x86 folder included in the ZIP file. For the 64-bit versions of Windows, run the setup from the x64 folder included in the ZIP file.

If you're having issues with installing, click here for troubleshooting tips.

Provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, so you are free to use, modify and share it.