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=== Splash Header ===

Contributors: kareemzok
Tags: content, shortcode
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 6.2
Stable tag: 2.1.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

This plugin show a splash header welcome screen

== Description ==

Splash header in WordPress  will let you to create a welcome screen that contain title, description, custom links, or any custom code and can be added anywhere in your website using shortcode


*   Welcome note with title and message
*   Add up to 6 custom links with an option to insert a font icon instead of an image
*   Ability to chose if the links open in the same or new browser tab
*   Ability to add custom code such as html or wordpress shortcode code
*   Ability to style the splash header with color, font size, and border style
*   Ability to add a current date in different format

Demo link to preview ( the box in yellow ):

> <strong>Bug Reports</strong><br>

> Bug reports for Splash Header are also [welcomed on GitHub]( 

Please note GitHub is _not_ a support forum, and issues that aren't properly qualified as bugs will be closed. 
Support or help is welcomed by sending email to

> <strong>Problems and Support</strong><br>

> To get faster response You can create a Topics our Website [Support Forum]( Contact Page.

If you have any query about Splah Header then please check our [F.A.Q.](

== Installation ==

How to install the plugin and get it working.

1. Upload `splash-header` folder  to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. From left wordpress menu click on 'Splash header' then plugin settings
4. Fill in the forms, then save setting.
5. Use the shortcode [splashheader][/splashheader] or do_shortcode( '[splashheader]' ); in your theme to show the splash header.
6. Aboce each section of the 'Plugin settings' tab, a checkbox must be checked, otherwise the plugin will not display anything
Such as "Display Splash header welcome note", or "Display first links cols"
7. You may use other sub link or tabs to the plugin features such as 'design settings' or 'advanced settings'


== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does Slash header supports shortcodes? =

* Yes, there is a need to add shortcodes [splashheader][/splashheader] or do_shortcode( '[splashheader]' ); in your theme or page.

= Supports of multiple splash header? =

* No, currently you can create one splash header but it is considered in future release.

= Which WordPress versions are supported? =

* To use all features, a minimum of version WordPress 3.0 with PHP 5.3 is required. 

= Does Slash header supports a demo? =

* Yes it does.You can check the demo on - the yellow box on the top.

= Does Slash header supports multilanguage? =

* Yes it does. currently English, Arabic, French.
* You can contribute in other languages translation by contacting us on

= Is Splash Header free? =

* Currently the plugin is free.

== Screenshots ==

1. Splash header preview
2. Plugin settings
3. Design settings
4. Advanced settings
5. Splash header on mobile

== Upgrade Notice ==

Just the usual, deactivate plugin, replace files, activate.
If you directly updated your plugin from plugin page and changes didn't work please deactivate it then activate.

== Changelog ==

= 2.1.2 =

* Tested compatibility with latest version of wordpress 6.2

= 2.1.1 =

* Tested compatibility with latest version of wordpress 6.0
* Update logo, banner and admin colors
* Rewrite part of the plugin and structure it

= 2.1.0 =

* Update logo, banner and admin colors
* Rewrite part of the plugin and structure it

= 2.0.0 =

* Bug fixes
* Rewrite part of the plugin and structure it

= 1.20.9 =

* Bug fixes
* Enhancement of the code
* Refactoring

= 1.20.8 =

* Bug fixes
* Enhancement of the code
* Refactoring

= 1.20.7 =

* Enhancement of the code
* Refactoring
* Handling more input and output

= 1.20.6 =

* Enhancement of the code
* Refactoring
* Handling more input and output

= 1.20.5 =

* Fix security issue (XSS)
* Refactoring
* Handling input and output
* Tested compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.8

= 1.20.4 =

* Fix security issue (XSS)
* Tested compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.8

= 1.20.3 =

* Fix security issue (XSS)
* Tested compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.8

= 1.20.2 =

* Fix security issue (XSS)
* Tested compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.8

= 1.20.1 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.8

= 1.20 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.7

= 1.19 =

* Bug fixes and improvements
* Enhance right column design and add Sociabatt banner
* UI/UX enhancement on the reset button 
* Translation enhancement
* Update Font Awsome library from 4.x to 5.x
* Update Questions section in readme
* Add text align option to title, message and links
* Fill title input automatically on selection

= 1.18.2 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.5

= 1.18.1 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.3

= 1.18.0 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 5.0
* Feature	: Add splash header icon to the old editor and in classic block in wordpress 5.0
* Improvement	: Add new snippet box of splash header in wordpress dashboard
* Improvement	: Highlight more on display column checkbox text

= 1.17.1 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.9
* Improvement	: Add important to style
* Improvement	: Refactoring code and better formatting

= 1.17.0 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.9
* Feature   	: Add new font options in advanced setting for date and time ( style, weight, decoration )
* Feature   	: Add new font options in design setting for title, message and links ( style, weight, decoration )
* Improvement	: Refactoring code and better formatting
* Improvement	: Arabic/French Translation

= 1.16.0 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.9
* Feature   	: Add new option in advanced setting to display time
* Feature   	: Add translation for time in admin form
* Fix bugs		: Fix tabs anchor to have a better UX
* Improvement	: Code formatting improved and cleaning unusfull code

= 1.15.1 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.8
* Add reset button to forms
* Update translation text and add new ones
* Add new option in advanced setting : width for all columns
* Add an illustrative image of the splash header

= 1.15 =

* Due to counting issue we moved to the version 1.15 
* Fix bugs	  : Fix contact email, plugin link
* Improvement : Add survey section
* Improvement : Update screenshots images
* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.7.4

= 1.14.3 =

* Fix bugs	  : Fix contact email, plugin link
* Improvement : Add survey section
* Improvement : Update screenshots images
* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.7.4

= 1.14.2 =

* Fix bugs	  : Update readme file
* Improvement : Add logo to the plugin directory
* Improvement : Add logo to the admin menu

= 1.14.1 =

* Fix bugs	  : Loading font-awsome webfont
* Fix bugs	  : Update readme file
* Improvement : Organize more assets files

= 1.14.0 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.7.3
* Improvement: Internationalization security of the plugin
* Improvement: Add title to tab pages
* Improvement: Re-design links settings structure by using jquery tabs
* Improvement: Clean css admin file 
* Improvement: Re-structure tabs elements. Minimize the use of tables
* Improvement: Remove menu from settings and add it to the main menu
* Improvement: Add F.A.Q. section in readme file
* Improvement: Add more translaion labels
* Improvement: Increase otion of font size in pixel 
* Feature    : Select desired post and page in links setings for better UX 
* Feature    : Add clock ( date only for now ) with styling and size
* Fix bugs   : Loading font awsome
* Fix bugs   : Translation

= 1.13.0 =

* Multilingual Plugin (Arabic and French languages)
* Fix some labels in english
* Update versioning number to handle more the bug fixes version Ex: major.minor.bugs

= 1.12 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.7.2
* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.7.1
* ToDo : Make the plugin multilingual

= 1.11 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.7.0
* Add demo link in description to preview an exampel of splash header
* Update twiter widget

= 1.10 =

* Test compatibility with latest version of wordpress 4.6.1

= 1.9 =

* Update Plugin author information

= 1.8 =

* Update and add plugin images
* Update description in readme file

= 1.7 =

* Bug fixes : fix font icon repetition
* Feature : add sentence explaining use of font awesome with link to documentation

= 1.6 =

* Add features in general tab
* Test compatibility with wordpress 4.5.2
* Feature : Add font awesome library version 4.6.3 for links icons instead of image
* Feature : Add an option to open links in new or same window
* Feature : Add an option to set border color, style and width for splash header
* Bug fixes : remove inline style if its not set 
* Bug fixes : remove save button from general tab
* Other minor bug fixes

= 1.5 =

* Test compatibility with wordpress 4.5

= 1.4 =

* Bug fixes : color picker, media uplaod, font size save 
* Change labels text

= 1.3 =

* Bug fixes 
* Add plugin version in defined constant

= 1.2 =

* Add generral tab
* Test compatibility with wordpress 4.4

= 1.1 =

* Bug Fixes
* Add Responsive 
* Add New Tab : Advanced Settings to set custom width

= 1.0 =

* First Release