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The Oracle

Auricle is a mobile app intended for gathering quantitive feedback from large audiences that attend presentations (like Toruń JUG meetups:


The application is intended to be used in a kiosk mode of the device.

Typical flow:

  1. Just after running the app, the initial screen of the device is shown.
  2. On the administration screen, start by adding new speaker: type in the name and accept it with enter. 01-enter-speaker
  3. That will start rating mode (emoticons will be shown). 02-rating
  4. Enable kiosk mode here to protect the device, locking it on a single app (ios: triple button, android > 5.0 : pin mode)
  5. Pass on the device to the audience to gather feedback.
  6. After each rating is given there is a delay that will prevent repetetive ratings and informs users to pass on the device to the next person. 03-delay
  7. When the device is back, disable kiosk mode and kill the app (swipe it to kill in the task manager). 04-kill-the-app
  8. Rerun the app to see the cumulative that for speaker. 05-cumulative-stats
  9. You may want to input api key to be able to export detailed data for futher analysis (the app gathers each rating individually with a timestamp). 06-export-to-pastee



  1. For prerequisites refer to
  2. Clone the repository (i.e.: git clone).
  3. re-natal 0.5.0 (i.e.: npm install -g re-natal@0.5.0)
  4. react-native-cli 2.0.1 (i.e.: npm install -g react-native-cli@2.0.1)

Android setup

The app should work, albeit untested, on Jelly Bean 4.1 (requires api 16). However, Android 5.0 is recommended (as it introduces pinning feature aka. kiosk mode: Connect your device using usb cable and enable USB debug mode (Developer settings). Refer to official docs if in doubt: Then you may try to build and install the app on device.

lein prod-build
cd android
./gradlew assembleRelease
keytool -genkey -v -keystore auricle.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore auricle.keystore app/build/outputs/apk/app-release-unsigned.apk alias_name
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/app-release-unsigned.apk 

iOS setup

To install app on ios device, you need a recent Mac.

lein prod-build
re-natal xcode

In Xcode, press cmd + > and change Build configuration to Release. Connect your device and pick it from device list. Run your product (cmd + R). That should build the app and place it on the device.

Development setup

iOS development setup

re-natal use-figwheel
react-native run-ios

When simulator runs it should show red screen with "Unexpected identifier 'GET'" or white screen with "Waiting for Figwheel to load files.". Then run lein:

lein repl

Here you might want to connect from (spac)emacs to repl (or execute directly from lein repl), and to start figwheel and get clojurescript repl run:

(start-figwheel "ios")

When Prompt will show when Figwheel connects to your application is shown, reload the app in emulator using Reload M-R.

Android development setup

Prerequisite is to have avd created (either with avdmanager or AndroidStudio) and emulator running (either with commandline tools/bin/emulator or AndroidStudio). I prefer to open auricle project in Android Studio (auricle/android) and run project from it. Then issue:

re-natal use-figwheel
re-natal use-android-device avd
re-natal use-figwheel
react-native run-android

When simulator runs it should show red screen with "Unexpected identifier 'GET'" or white screen with "Waiting for Figwheel to load files.". Then run lein:

lein repl

Here you might want to connect from (spac)emacs to repl (or execute directly from lein repl), and to start figwheel and get clojurescript repl run:

(start-figwheel "android")

When Prompt will show when Figwheel connects to your application is shown, reload the app in emulator using Reload R,R.


Copyright © 2017 kapware

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.