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Post the latest tweets from a Twitter account to a Discord channel using a webhook without any limits.

Requires Python 3.10 and above.

NOTICE: The latest information fetched from Twitter might not always be up to date. This could be due to Twitter's rate-limiter.


I didn't include images because I'm too lazy, feel free to make a Pull Request to add them.
  1. Download this repository by clicking Code > Download ZIP or this link Then extract the ZIP file somewhere, and goto the extracted birdhook-master folder and open Terminal or Command Prompt inside of it.
  2. Install the dependencies of the project by running pip install -r requirements.txt in the same directory/folder.
  3. Make a copy of config.ini.bak and rename the new copy into config.ini.
  4. Change the contents of config.ini as needed, there's descriptions for each of the value in the config file. You don't need to change the lines that starts with ;.
    • WARNING: It's recommended to use a separate Twitter account (a throwaway one) for fetching tweets from another account, as the account used for fetching tweets is always at risk of being put into a read-only state by Twitter.
  5. Where to get the webhook_url from config.ini:
    • For Desktop: Right-click a text channel's name, choose Edit Channel, go to Integrations, click Create Webhook (or View Webhooks if you already have one), select a Webhook, find the Copy Webhook URL button below it.
    • For mobile (Aliucord): Download the EditWebhooks plugin, move the downloaded ZIP file to Primary external storage > Aliucord > plugins (or /storage/emulated/0/Aliucord/plugins). Hold-click a text channel name, go to Edit channel > Edit webhooks > Create webhook, click the created webhook, and then click Copy Link from the bottom menu.
    • For mobile (Vendetta): Get the Create webhooks plugin by joining the official Vendetta server, heading to the plugins forum channel, searching for Create webhooks, and installing it through the link in the first message of the thread at the very top. The steps are similar to Aliucord, but you need to go to Webhooks instead of Edit webhooks.
  6. Run the script using python3 or clicking the file, and everything should be good to go.
    • INFO: After the first run of the script, a file named session.tw_session will be saved in the same directory as the script. Keep this file safe as it contains the cookies for logging into the Twitter account used for fetching tweets. As long as this file exists in the same directory/folder, it will be used for login instead of the twitter login username from config.ini.


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