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tic tac tue CLT

About this App

you can play tic-toc-toe on your command line interface.


yarn install


yarn build Compiled file will be found dist/index.js

Build & Run

yarn build:run you can build and run script simultaneously.


yarn start Automatically update complied file if you edit script in src/.


  • CLI
  • tic toc toe (3x3)
  • a round is played by 2 players (X and O)
  • a player input a position of own mark (turn)
  • the position must be within 3 x 3
  • X starts has the first turn in the first round
  • players play turn alternately (X > O > X ...)
  • if a same mark place horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row, it wins
  • the looser get the first turn in the next round
  • when all 9 cells are placed and nobody has 3 marks in row, it's draw
  • after draw, X get the first turn in the next round
  • rounds should be continue endless
  1. US1 after starting the program, the empty grid should be printed
    1. the empty grid must be 3 x 3
    2. "X: please enter the position of your mark (row:column):" should be printed
  2. US2 a player can enter the position of a mark
    1. input must be row:column (1:1)
    2. "The inserted field is not valid. Try again:" should be printed by a wrong input
    3. after entering a position, the grid with mark should be printed
      1. the mark should be correct
      2. the position should be correct
  3. US3 play rounds
    1. rounds should be played alternately
      1. X takes the first turn of the first round
      2. X takes the first turn after draw
      3. the looser takes first turn of the next round
    2. turns should be played alternately in a round
    3. after each positioning a mark, winner (or draw) should be detected
      1. if a player won, it should be printed
        1. "() won. Press enter to start a new round"
      2. or draw, it should be printed
        1. "draw. Press enter to start a new round"
      3. if a round should be continue, "(): please enter the position of your mark (row:column):" should be printed
        1. () should be the next player
  4. US4 print stats
    1. by pressing "p", stats should be printed 2. at any time
    2. press enter to back to the game
  5. US5 end the program
    1. by pressing "e", the program should be terminated 2. at any time


  1. row:column (2-1, 2-2)
  2. enter (3-3-a, 3-3-b, 4-2)
  3. e
  4. p


  1. Round Start
    1. round start message
    2. empty grid
    3. insert message
      1. message for X
      2. message for O
  2. Turn result
    1. grid (should has marks)
    2. insert message
      1. message for X
      2. message for O
  3. Result
    1. grid (should has marks)
    2. winner
      1. X
      2. O
    3. draw
    4. restart message
  4. Stats
    1. stats
      1. X wins
      2. O wins
  5. back to the game message