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AVL Tree with duplicate node handling, key-value dictionary, range queries, and Vigenère cipher encryption.


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AVL Treemap


This API simplifies the management ofAVL trees, encrypt and decrypt data, as well as conducting range-based queries. Each module - Tree, Cipher, and Range - is designed to be user-friendly, providing clear functions for complex operations.

Tree Module

The Tree module is the core of the AVL Treemap library, focusing on providing robust and efficient management of AVL trees—a type of self-balancing binary search tree. This module ensures that operations such as insertions, deletions, and lookups are performed in logarithmic time complexity, making it ideal for applications that require fast data retrieval and manipulation. Here are some highlights:

Function Description
createTree Initializes a new AVL tree. It requires function pointers for creating, deleting, comparing both elements and values, and data handling within the tree.
destroyTree Frees all memory associated with the tree, including all its nodes and any data attached to them.
createTreeNode Creates a new tree node with a specified element and value. Allocates memory for a new node and initializes it with the given parameters.
destroyTreeNode Deletes a specific node from the tree and frees the memory associated with its element and value. It ensures the tree's integrity by properly reconnecting any child nodes to maintain the AVL balance property.
isEmpty Checks if the tree contains no nodes. It returns true if the tree is empty.
search Searches for a node with a specific element, starts from root node given. It returns the node.
minimum maximum Finds the node with the smallest element in the tree. Similar to minimum, but for finding the maximum value, aiding in range-based operations.
successor predecessor Determines the successor of a given node, which is the node with the next-highest value, and for the predecessor of a given node is the next-lowest value.
insertNode Inserts a new node with the specified element and value into the tree. Maintains the AVL balance through rotations if necessary, ensuring optimal tree height.
deleteNode Removes a node with a specific element from the tree. It handles the re-balancing of the tree to preserve the AVL property after deletion.
updateHeight Recalculates and updates the height of a given node. Maintaining the balance of the tree, as it affects the balance factor calculation.
getBalanceTree Calculates the balance factor of a node, which is the difference in height between its left and right subtrees. Decide when and how to rotate the tree to maintain its balance.
avlRotateLeft avlRotateRight These functions perform left and right rotations on a specified node. Maintaining the AVL tree's balance, ensuring that operations remain efficient.

Cipher Module

The Cipher module leverages the structured data within AVL trees to perform encryption and decryption tasks, applying the Vigenere cipher—a method of encrypting alphabetic text by using a simple form of polyalphabetic substitution. This module stands out for:

Function Description
buildTreeFromFile Reads data from a specified file and uses it to construct an AVL tree. The data structure can then be used for fast lookups or to support cryptographic operations.
printKey Reads a specified file to print or display the encryption/decryption key. Useful for verifying the key used in cryptographic operations.
encrypt Encrypts the contents of an input file using the Vigenere cipher technique, with an element from the AVL tree acting as the key. The encrypted data is then saved to an output file.
decrypt Decrypts the contents of an input file that was previously encrypted with the Vigenere cipher, using the same element as the key for decryption. The decrypted data is saved to an output file.

Range Module

The Range module extends the library's functionality by introducing range-based queries on AVL trees, facilitating complex data analysis and retrieval operations. This module is particularly useful for applications that need to extract or analyze subsets of data based on specific criteria. Key functionalities include:

Function Description
levelKeyQuery Performs a level-based key query on an AVL tree. This function is designed to return a Range object that represents a set of values (keys) based on their levels within the tree. It can be used to analyze or process the distribution of keys across different tree levels.
inorderKeyQuery Executes an inorder traversal of the AVL tree to gather keys within a Range. This method collects keys in a sorted manner, which can be used for sorted data retrieval or analysis.
rangeKeyQuery Conducts a query for keys within a specified range in the AVL tree, returning a Range object that contains keys falling within the specified bounds. This function is useful for filtering or extracting specific subsets of keys based on certain criteria.


AVL Tree with duplicate node handling, key-value dictionary, range queries, and Vigenère cipher encryption.








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