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Justfarming Contracts

This repository contains the smart contract code for the Justfarming platform. Contracts are organized in the contracts directory. interfaces implement external interfaces we depend on, lib contains our actual contracts and test the mocked contracts for testing.



The Justfarming StakingRewards contract manages the allocation of staking rewards between a staking customer and the platform. The primary contract StakingRewards.sol implements a pull-based approach for withdrawing validator rewards and fees respectively. For more information, see contracts/lib/StakingRewards.sol.


The Justfarming BatchDeposit contract enables deployment of multiple Ethereum validators at once. The BatchDeposit.sol contract interacts with the Ethereum staking deposit contract. For more information, see contracts/lib/BatchDeposit.sol.

Credits also go to stakefish and abyss who have built their batch depositors in the open:

Design Decisions

The Ethereum Validator Exit Process

The StakingRewards contract, specifically the releasable() function, incorporates a vital design decision for calculating releasable ETH amounts. This decision is related to the Ethereum validator exit process and its absent interaction with smart contracts.

Ethereum Validator Exit Process

  1. Exit Message Broadcasting: A signed exit message is broadcasted to the network when a validator exits. This message indicates the validator's intention to cease operations and initiate the process of exiting.
  2. Non-Triggering of Smart Contracts: Crucially, broadcasting a signed exit message in Ethereum does not trigger any smart contract execution. This is because the exit process occurs at the consensus layer of Ethereum, which operates independently of the execution layer where smart contracts reside.
  3. Implications for Smart Contracts: When a validator exits, this action can not automatically update relevant states or variables in smart contracts that might depend on the validator's status. This includes the _exitedStake variable in the StakingRewards contract, which is necessary for accurate reward calculations.

Necessity of exitValidators() Function

Given the described separation between the consensus and execution layers in Ethereum, the StakingRewards contract requires the exitValidators() function to be explicitly called by the reward recipient. This function updates the _exitedStake variable, aligning it with the actual state of exited validators.

Economic Incentive and Responsibility

  1. Active Engagement: Reward recipients are incentivized to engage actively by calling exitValidators(), ensuring no fees apply to the stake returned after the successful exit of validators.
  2. Autonomy and Accountability: This design empowers reward recipients with freedom over their rewards while holding them accountable for maintaining the accuracy of their staking rewards.

Design Justification and Conclusion

This design decision is a pragmatic response to the inherent limitations and architectural design of the Ethereum network. It effectively addresses the disconnect between validator exit processes and smart contract execution, ensuring that the StakingRewards contract functions accurately and efficiently within these constraints. Simultaneously, it underscores the importance of stakeholder engagement and responsibility to ensure a consistent state and the correct allocation of rewards and fees.


The Justfaring contracts project uses the Truffle Suite and Node.js with npm to manage its dependencies.

With node, you can proceed with installing the project-specific dependencies:

npm install

For static analysis, Slither is used as a tools for performing automated security analysis on the smart contracts.

pip3 install slither-analyzer

solc-select is being used for managing the solidity version in use.

pip3 install solc-select
solc-select install 0.8.21
solc-select use 0.8.21



You can lint .js and .ts files with

npm run lint:ts

as well as the .sol files with

npm run lint:sol

Most issues can be fixed with

npm run lint:ts -- --fix
npm run fmt


To run the analyzer:

npm run analyze


To run the tests, you can run:

npm run test

Generate test-coverage

To generate test coverage information, you can run:

npm run test:coverage

Manual testing

Manual tests can be conducted using ethdo, which can be installed using go:

go install
export ETHDO_WALLET_NAME="Justfarming Development"
export ETHDO_PASSPHRASE="Justfarming Development"
export ETHDO_MNEMONIC="..."

# Create a wallet
ethdo wallet create --wallet="${ETHDO_WALLET_NAME}" --type="hd" --wallet-passphrase="${ETHDO_PASSPHRASE}" --mnemonic="${ETHDO_MNEMONIC}" --allow-weak-passphrases

# Delete a wallet
ethdo wallet delete --wallet="${ETHDO_WALLET_NAME}"

# Create an account
ethdo account create --account="${ETHDO_WALLET_NAME}/Validators/${ETHDO_ACCOUNT_INDEX}" --wallet-passphrase="${ETHDO_PASSPHRASE}" --passphrase="${ETHDO_PASSPHRASE}" --allow-weak-passphrases --path="m/12381/3600/${ETHDO_ACCOUNT_INDEX}/0/0"

# Create deposit data for a new validator
ethdo validator depositdata --validatoraccount="${ETHDO_WALLET_NAME}/Validators/${ETHDO_ACCOUNT_INDEX}" --depositvalue="32Ether" --withdrawaladdress="${ETHDO_CONFIG_WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS}" --passphrase="${ETHDO_PASSPHRASE}"

Integration testing

Local Testnet

In addition to the previously mentioned requirements, you will need the following in order to run the local testnet:

Launch a local ethereum network
kurtosis run --enclave justfarming-contracts config/localnet/ "$(cat ./config/localnet/params.json)"

Please note that you will need to wait 120 seconds until genesis.

With default settings being used, the network will run at Prefunded accounts use the following private keys (source):


Find the rpc port of your locally running execution client by running

npx hardhat update-rpc-port
# Remember to source the env
source .env

This command updates the local environment (.env) used for the networks.localnet configuration in ./hardhat.config.ts to use this port.

You can now deploy and interact with the contracts.


There are 32 validators running, awaiting activation, with their keys derived the following mnemonic:

flee title shaft evoke stable vote injury ten strong farm obtain pause record rural device cotton hollow echo good acquire scrub buzz vacant liar

To deposit to one or multiple of these validators, you'll need to first create deposit data. The following examples use ethdo as mentioned in the testing section.

export ETHDO_CONFIG_WALLET=Justfarming Development
export ETHDO_CONFIG_MNEMONIC="flee title shaft evoke stable vote injury ten strong farm obtain pause record rural device cotton hollow echo good acquire scrub buzz vacant liar"

ethdo wallet create --wallet="${ETHDO_CONFIG_WALLET}" --type="hd" --wallet-passphrase="${ETHDO_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE}" --mnemonic="${ETHDO_CONFIG_MNEMONIC}" --allow-weak-passphrases

    ethdo account create --account="${ETHDO_CONFIG_WALLET}/Validators/${ETHDO_VALIDATOR_INDEX}" --wallet-passphrase="${ETHDO_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE}" --passphrase="${ETHDO_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE}" --allow-weak-passphrases --path="m/12381/3600/${ETHDO_VALIDATOR_INDEX}/0/0"
    ethdo validator depositdata --validatoraccount="${ETHDO_CONFIG_WALLET}/Validators/${ETHDO_VALIDATOR_INDEX}" --depositvalue="32Ether" --withdrawaladdress="${ETHDO_CONFIG_WITHDRAWAL_ADDRESS}" --passphrase="${ETHDO_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE}" > /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-depositdata-${ETHDO_VALIDATOR_INDEX}.json

# Get public keys
ls /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-*.json | xargs -I {} jq -r '.[0].pubkey' {} | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=","} {print}' | sed 's/,$/\n/' > /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-pubkeys.txt

# Get signatures
ls /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-*.json | xargs -I {} jq -r '.[0].signature' {} | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=","} {print}' | sed 's/,$/\n/' > /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-signatures.txt

# Get deposit data roots
ls /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-*.json | xargs -I {} jq -r '.[0].deposit_data_root' {} | awk 'BEGIN{ORS=","} {print}' | sed 's/,$/\n/' > /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-deposit-data-roots.txt

You can now extract the respective depositdata from the created depositdata files in /tmp. For example, get the pubkeys for registering them with the BatchDeposit contract:

# deploy the BatchDeposit contract
npx hardhat batch-deposit:deploy --network localnet --ethereum-deposit-contract-address 0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242
# export the address afterwards: export JF_BATCH_DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=0x...

# register valiadtors as available
npx hardhat batch-deposit:register-validators --network localnet --batch-deposit-contract-address $JF_BATCH_DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS --validator-public-keys "0x8e1b5d5d2938c6ae35445875f5a6410d8a8f6b93b486ee795632ef1cc9329849e91098a4d86108199ea9f017a4f57ce3,0x8c35be170b4741be1314e22d46e0a8ddca9d08c182bcd9f37e85a1fd1ea0d37dbcf972e13a86f2ba369066d098140694,0xb8c4b28d46a73aa82c400b7f159645b097953d37e2ca98908bc236b5b6292a6ba3a0612e8454867a3f9f38a1c8184d0f"

# validate availability of a specific validator public key
npx hardhat batch-deposit:is-validator-available --network localnet --batch-deposit-contract-address $JF_BATCH_DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS --validator-public-key 0x8e1b5d5d2938c6ae35445875f5a6410d8a8f6b93b486ee795632ef1cc9329849e91098a4d86108199ea9f017a4f57ce3

# validate un-availability of a specific validator public key
npx hardhat batch-deposit:is-validator-available --network localnet --batch-deposit-contract-address $JF_BATCH_DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS --validator-public-key 0x96b26551fa223f8509b13e651d4bde3749d93df13ca2c45f89d2d96a19cfaaf6bb6600cba7ec4f280de246479af4472d

# deposit to multiple validators
npx hardhat batch-deposit:batch-deposit --network localnet --batch-deposit-contract-address $JF_BATCH_DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS --staking-rewards-contract-address $JF_STAKING_REWARDS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS --validator-public-keys "0x8e1b5d5d2938c6ae35445875f5a6410d8a8f6b93b486ee795632ef1cc9329849e91098a4d86108199ea9f017a4f57ce3,0x8c35be170b4741be1314e22d46e0a8ddca9d08c182bcd9f37e85a1fd1ea0d37dbcf972e13a86f2ba369066d098140694,0xb8c4b28d46a73aa82c400b7f159645b097953d37e2ca98908bc236b5b6292a6ba3a0612e8454867a3f9f38a1c8184d0f" --validator-signatures "..." --validator-deposit-data-roots "..."

# deploy the StakingRewards contract
npx hardhat staking-rewards:deploy --network localnet --batch-deposit-contract-address $JF_BATCH_DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS --fee-address 0x4E9A3d9D1cd2A2b2371b8b3F489aE72259886f1A --fee-basis-points 1000 --rewards-address 0xdF8466f277964Bb7a0FFD819403302C34DCD530A
# export the address afterwards: export JF_STAKING_REWARDS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS=0xBFF5cD0aA560e1d1C6B1E2C347860aDAe1bd8235

# excute a native ethereum staking deposit
npx hardhat native-staking:deposit --network localnet --ethereum-deposit-contract-address 0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242 --deposit-data-path /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-depositdata-16.json

# Listing all deposits
npx hardhat --network localnet debug:list-deposits --ethereum-deposit-contract-address 0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242

# debugging a transaction
npx hardhat --network localnet debug:transaction --tx-hash 0xbc0ce66317705141485622a5c30e91f6a54fbae7a601056563887688c72e6949
ls /tmp/justfarming-local-validator-*.json | xargs -I {} jq -r '.[0].pubkey' {}

You can stream the logs of these validator nodes with:

docker logs -f $(docker ps | grep justfarming-lighthouse-validator | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d '\n')

this is especially helpful for observing validators become active upon using BatchDepoit.sol.

You can use ethdo to inspect validators:

# Get general chain info
ethdo --connection=http://localhost:$CL_RPC_PORT chain info

# Get info about validator #1
ethdo --connection=http://localhost:$CL_RPC_PORT validator info --validator 0x8e1b5d5d2938c6ae35445875f5a6410d8a8f6b93b486ee795632ef1cc9329849e91098a4d86108199ea9f017a4f57ce3
ethdo --connection=http://localhost:$CL_RPC_PORT validator info --validator 0x8c35be170b4741be1314e22d46e0a8ddca9d08c182bcd9f37e85a1fd1ea0d37dbcf972e13a86f2ba369066d098140694
ethdo --connection=http://localhost:$CL_RPC_PORT validator info --validator 0xb8c4b28d46a73aa82c400b7f159645b097953d37e2ca98908bc236b5b6292a6ba3a0612e8454867a3f9f38a1c8184d0f

Remember to clean up when you are done.

# Clean up kurtosis
kurtosis clean -a

# Remove the development wallet
ethdo wallet delete --wallet="${ETHDO_CONFIG_WALLET}"


To deploy the contracts to a network:

npx hardhat ...


This repository contains the smart contract code for the Justfarming platform.







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