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25 low-high level honeypots in a single PyPI package for monitoring network traffic, bots activities, and username \ password credentials.

Based on PyPi honeypots

Dockerhub repo link: justsky/honeypots
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docker run --rm justsky/honeypots -h

Qeeqbox/honeypots customizable honeypots for monitoring network traffic, bots activities, and username\password credentials

  --setup               target honeypot E.g. ssh or you can have multiple E.g ssh,http,https
  --list                list all available honeypots
  --kill                kill all honeypots
  --verbose             Print error msgs

Honeypots options:
  --ip                  Override the IP
  --port                Override the Port (Do not use on multiple!)
  --username            Override the username
  --password            Override the password
  --config              Use a config file for honeypots settings
  --options             Extra options (capture_commands for capturing all threat actor data)

General options:
  --termination-strategy {input,signal} Determines the strategy to terminate by
  --test                Test a honeypot
  --auto                Setup the honeypot with random port

Custom configure with logs location

With Terminal output

docker run -i -p 80:80 -v ~/honeypot_logs:/honeypots/logs justsky/honeypots --setup all

Without Terminal output

docker run -d -i -p 80:80 -v ~/honeypot_logs:/honeypots/logs justsky/honeypots --setup all

Docker compose

version: '3.3'
        container_name: honeypots
        image: justsky/honeypots:latest   # latest, dev
        restart: unless-stopped
        command: --setup all
# Add your custom path to this folder
            - '~/honeypot_logs:/honeypots/logs'
# Dont change the internal ports, change only external            
            - 21:21         # FTP
            - 22:22         # SSH
            - 23:23         # TELNET
            - 25:25         # SMTP
            - 80:80         # HTTP
            - 110:110       # POP3
            - 123:123       # NTP
            - 143:143       # IMAP
            - 161:161       # SNMP
            - 389:389       # LDAP
            - 443:443       # HTTPS
            - 445:445       # SMB
            - 1080:1080     # SOCKS5
            - 1433:1433     # MSSQL
            - 1521:1521     # ORACLE
            - 3306:3306     # MYSQL
            - 5060:5060     # SIP
            - 5432:5432     # POSTGRES
            - 5900:5900     # VNC
            - 6379:6379     # REDIS
            - 6667:6667     # IRC
            - 8080:8080     # HTTPPROXY
            - 9200:9200     # ELASTIC
            - 11211:11211   # MEMCACHE

Exposed ports internally

21, 22, 23, 25, 80, 110, 123, 143, 161, 389, 443, 445, 1080, 1433, 1521, 3306, 5432, 5060, 5900, 6379, 6667, 8080, 9200, 11211

config.json (Output to folder)

  "logs": "file,json",
  "logs_location": "/var/log/honeypots/",
  "syslog_address": "",
  "syslog_facility": 0,
  "postgres": "",
  "db_options": [],
  "sniffer_filter": "",
  "sniffer_interface": "",
  "honeypots": {
    "ftp": {
      "port": 21,
      "ip": "",
      "username": "ftp",
      "password": "anonymous",
      "log_file_name": "ftp.log",
      "max_bytes": 1000000,
      "backup_count": 10

All output values

'error'     :'Information about current error' 
'server'    :'Server name'
'timestamp' :'Time in ISO'
'action'    :'Query, login, etc..'
'data'      :'More info about the action'
'status'    :'The return status of the action (success or fail)'
'dest_ip'   :'Server address'
'dest_port' :'Server port'
'src_ip'    :'Attacker address'
'src_port'  :'Attacker port'
'username'  :'Attacker username'
'password'  :'Attacker password'

Things to add

  • Docker compose
  • OpenSearch integration