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Github action: Patreon Canvas Generation

🚦 Getting Started

Require NodeJS >=v18.7.0. This project uses NPM for dependencies and project management (Getting Started)

Folder structure

├── 📂DIST
│   ├── compiled js
├── 📂OUT
│   ├── output generation
├── 📂SRC
│   ├── typscript source
└── package.json

📦 Install NodeJS, get this repository, and run the npm install command

$ npm install

🧨 Build src to dist (compile TS to JS)

$ npm run build

🚀 Run the task

Create .env file and put set the PATREON_TOKEN before run task.

execute .js

$ npm run task

execute .ts

$ npm run task

Canvas result

Canvas result

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2023 JTorLeon Studios