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Release of v1.8.0

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@alfredwassermann alfredwassermann released this 08 Mar 11:25
· 8 commits to main since this release

We are very happy to announce the release of JSXGraph v1.8.0!

This release is a massive overhaul of the axis element with new positioning options like "fixed" and "sticky" that allow the positioning of an axis close to the border of a board. Moreover, non-integer axis tick labels can now displayed as fractions, also TeX fractions are possible. Further, we revived the venerable element grid with many additional options. Please, have a look at the documentation to get inspired. The possibilities to manipulate 3D scenes have been much improved, too: users can now freely rotate 3D scenes with the pointer device or the keyboard, with no need for the sliders to control azimuth and elevation anymore.

Additionally, some new methods have been added and a few annoying bugs could be fixed.

