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Bazyl is an Ethereum explorer dapp intended to be used with MetaMask or Mist. You can use the dapp directly from here.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Bazyl works with Metamask chrome extension or Mist browser. Follow those link for how to install them:

To run and test Bazyl on your local machine, you will need to install node.js/npm:

If you want to create and add smart contracts to the project, you can install Truffle:


You can install Bazyl on your local machine with those command :

$ git clone
$ cd bazyl
$ npm install

You can then run the project using the follow command :

$ npm run start


For Deployment, use the following command :

$ npm run build


To follow your events, enter the address of your contract in the Events section and enter your topic.

Not acceptable topic format

Event1(address indexed _from, bytes32 indexed _name)

Acceptable topic format


Testing a smart contract

For testing a smart contract with Bazyl, you will need to create the abi file. From Truffle, you can use the JSON from the build directly. To compile your file, you can use the following command :

$ truffle compile

More information can be found from here. You can then drop the JSON file in the Code editor section of Bazyl.

To test your contract with the code editor, you will need the address of your deployed contract. Then you can test your function using the contract variable. Exemple:


For more information, you can check the web3.js documentation :

web3 contract

Built With

  • Truffle - The truffle box used
  • web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API
  • Node.js - Javascript runtime
  • npm - Package Management


  • Jean-Sébastien Guillemette - Initial work - jsguil

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details