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Z Release 0.4.0 TABLET Browser Testing

Z3 Development edited this page Jul 2, 2016 · 1 revision

These tests were conducted to verify core functionality across current versions of browsers.

  • Chrome 47.0.2526.107
  • Safari 9.0.2
  • Opera Mini 12.1.1
  • Puffin 4.7.2 (Not tested as there is no support for WebGL)

Test Results for Browsers on Apple iOS 9.2, conducted 2016.01.18

Functional Tests - Pages

Test index.html

Test Interactive Parameters

  • Load Balloons example, and set Instant Update
  • Change each parameter to verify instant update
  • Verify the design (viewer) reflects the provided parameters


| Function               | Chrome  | Safari  | Opera   |
| Interactive Parameters | Pass(1) | Pass    | Pass    |

(1) Chrome throws error "TypeError: undefined is not an object" but rendering continues.

Test min.html

Functional Tests - Download

Generate and Download designs in all available formats. And verify that the files are compatible with other applications.


  • Load the Pavillion example
  • For each available format
    • Generate the contents
    • Download the contents, and save to a file
    • Rename the file
    • Verify the file contents by opening in Meshlab, etc


| Download Format | Chrome | Safari  | Opera  |
| STL ASCII       | Fail(2)| Pass(1) | Fail(2)|
| STL Binary      | Fail(2)| Pass(1) | Fail(2)|
| AMF             | Fail(2)| Pass(1) | Fail(2)|
| X3D             | Fail(2)| Pass(1) | Fail(2)|

(1) Safari downloads contents with "Unknown" as the file name. The file must be manually renamed. Saving to DropBox is possible.

(2) Chrome and Opera cannot download. Reason unknown.

Functional Tests - Examples

|                Example                        | Chrome | Safari | Opera  |
| Logo                            | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Logo (AMF)                      | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Sphere with cutouts                           | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Sphere with cutouts (OpenSCAD)                | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Cone with cutouts                             | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Cone with cutouts (OpenSCAD)                  | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Cube with cutouts                             | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Cube with cutouts (OpenSCAD)                  | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Pavillon                                      | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Lookup()                                      | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Expand()                                      | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Rectangular_extrude()                         | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Linear_extrude()                              | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Rotate_extrude()                              | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Polyhedron()                                  | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Hull()                                        | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Chain_hull()                                  | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Torus()                                       | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Vector_text()                                 | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Transparency                                  | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Transparency (AMF)                            | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Transparency 2                                | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| SolidFromSlices(): Double Screw               | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| SolidFromSlices(): 4 to 3                     | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| SolidFromSlices(): 4 to 3 round               | Pass   | Fail(2)| Pass   |
| SolidFromSlices(): Spring                     | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| SolidFromSlices(): Tor (multi-color)          | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| SolidFromSlices(): Rose Curve                 | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: Servo Motor               | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: Gear                      | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: S Hook                    | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: Grille                    | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: Axis Coupler              | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: Lamp Shade                | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: Celtic Knot Ring          | Fail(4)| Fail(1)| Fail(4)|
| Interactive Params: Stepper Motor             | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: iPhone4 Case              | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Interactive Params: Name Plate                | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| Globe                                         | Fail(4)| Fail(1)| Fail(4)|
| Recursive Include(): Platonics                | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| 3D Model: 3D Sculpture (Vernon Bussler) (STL) | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| 3D Model: Frog (Owen Collins) (STL)           | Pass   | Pass   | Pass   |
| 3D Model: Thing 7 / Flower (Zomboe) (STL)     | Fail(3)| Fail(3)| Fail(3)|
| 3D Model: Yoda (RichRap) (STL)                | Fail(3)| Fail(3)| Fail(3)|

(1) Safari stops processing with "A problem has occurred with this webpage so it was reloaded"

(2) Safari fails with "Error: Area is not closed!"

(3) Safari / Chrome fails with "Maximum call stack size exceeded"

(4) Chrome dies. The current tab is gone, but Chrome is still running in the background.