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jquery-cookie breaking changes

The following changes are not backward compatible with previous versions. The latest backward compatible version that exposes the Cookies API and uses jQuery is the version 1.5.1.

For more information, check the docs of the version 1.5.1

$ was removed

jQuery dependency was removed. Below is the list of old methods and their new equivalent.

$.cookie('name', 'value') -> Cookies.set('name', 'value')
$.cookie('name') -> Cookies.get('name')
$.removeCookie('name') -> Cookies.remove('name')
$.cookie() -> Cookies.get()

For more information, check the discussion.

raw config is removed, use converters

js-cookie encodes the cookie name/value automatically using UTF-8 percent encoding for each character that is not allowed according to the RFC 6265.

You can simulate the same behavior of raw = true by instantiating a converter that returns the original value to bypass the default decoding:

var RawCookies = Cookies.withConverter(function(value) {
    return value;
RawCookies.get('name'); // The returned value was not decoded

Note: simply bypassing the encoding is a bad practice, if your cookie contains an invalid character, it will NOT work in some browsers like Safari or IE.

For more information, check the converters docs.

json config is removed, use Cookies.getJSON()

If you pass a Plain Object Literal or Array to the value, js-cookie will stringify it. To retrieve the parsed value, just call the cookie using Cookies.getJSON('name').

For more information, check the docs.

Path is default to the whole site '/'

What was known as "options" is now documented as "attributes". In the last versions, the default value for the path option was delegated to the browser defaults (valid to the path of the current page where each cookie is being set). Now, the default path attribute is the whole site /.

To remove, set or declare defaults to the path of the current page, you just need to declare it as empty:

Cookies.defaults.path = '';

Deleting the property will fallback to the path: / internally:

delete Cookies.defaults.path;

For more information, check the details.

Cookies.remove() return value is not defined

Previously, $.removeCookie() and Cookies.remove() returned either true or false based on whether the cookie was successful deleted or not. Now its returned value should be considered undefined and not be relied upon.

For more information, check the details.