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Why this repo

This repo is an experiment to see if there are different approaches to writing the SimLab script.

Current Approach (given by the tutorial)


  1. Firstly, you need to use the macro function to record the operation you would like to transfer as a script.
  2. Then extract the template that describes the operation in xml format from the script.
  3. Replace the xml value, text,...or whatever you would like to treat as the variables, and then inject the hardcoded values.
  4. Finally, call simlab.execute to perform the operation.

The final code would be something like the following:

from hwx import simlab

RenameBody ="""<RenameBody CheckBox="ON" UUID="78633e0d-3d2f-4e9a-b075-7bff122772d8">
      <Body>"Body 2",</Body>
    <NewName Value="CH"/>


Though the given approach works well, manually injecting the hardcoded value and then directly sending the template to execute doesn't sound right to me. This approach has some drawbacks, in my opinion:

  • The template only suits the current problem, which makes it difficult to reuse.
  • What if you want to perform similar operations? What will you do? From my understanding, the tutorial suggests duplicating the template as many times as we need, which means you'll have RenameBody1, RenameBody2...RenameBodyn. Meanwhile, since it is extremely error-prone, you need to be very careful to examine the injected values and texts in EVERY SINGLE RenameBody before executing, that's not trivial work.
  • What's worse? How to share the scripts with other developers? Everyone has RenameBody1...RenameBodyn in every project, and every RenameBody only suits their own needs.

Sub-optimal approach

Maybe we could try to abstract the template as a function, so we might end up having:

from hwx import simlab

def rename_body(model_text, body_text, newname_value):
    return """<RenameBody CheckBox="ON" UUID="78633e0d-3d2f-4e9a-b075-7bff122772d8">
    <Model>""" + model_text + """</Model>
    <Body>""" + body_text + """</Body>
    <NewName Value=""" + newname_value + """/>
RenameBody = rename_body("$Geometry", '"Body 2",' '"CH"')

Well, this solution kind of solves the problem. But what if we have a template with 100 lines, and each line contains something we would like to extract as the parameters (the mesh control config, the mesh quality criteria config...etc), etc.)? What will you do? Manually doing this is definitely another nightmare.

My experimental approach


Could we figure out a way to dynamically extract the xml values and texts where we are mostly interested in? Yes, programming can do anything!!! But how could this be possible?

I've come up with the following idea:

  1. Utilize the xml module to build the tree system from a given template.
  2. Construct a sector of code to extract the xml values and texts as the parameters, but in string format.
  3. Then use exec to execute the sector of code. Now, we have a function that is generated at runtime (let's call it get_tree).
  4. We're able to call get_tree like get_tree() or get_tree(NewNameValue="NewName", BodyText='"Body 9",', ModelText="$AnotherGeoIsOk") to retrieve the tree system.
  5. Finally, we create a function (let's call it get_template) to transform the tree system into xml format, which is ready to be fed to SimLab to execute.

Step by step

  1. Build _get_base_template and get_base_template.
  2. Organize the template as an iterator.
  3. Start to loop over the iterator and collect the parsed string.
  4. Call exec(code).
  5. Build get_template.

1. Build _get_base_template and get_base_template

  • _get_base_template serves an internal implementation, which can be obtained from
    • directly return the string in xml format.
    • manually-saved template in the disk or via a local API call.
    • official API call from Altair in the future, if provided.
  •  get_template serves a public interface, which is basically a wrapper for  _get_base_template. By using this technique, the public interface won't be influenced by the detailed implementation of the template if future changes happen.
def _get_base_template():
    return """<RenameBody CheckBox="ON" UUID="78633e0d-3d2f-4e9a-b075-7bff122772d8">
      <Body>"Body 2",</Body>
    <NewName Value="CH"/>
def get_base_template():
    return _get_base_template()

base_template = get_base_template()

2. Organize the template as an iterator

  • Utilize xml module to read the template and then collect every tag, attrib and text in a namedtuple named Row as an iterator.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import namedtuple

def process_data(base_template):
    root = ET.fromstring(base_template)
    Row = namedtuple('Row', 'tag attrib text')
    return (Row(child.tag, child.attrib, child.text)
            for child in root.iter())

data = process_data(base_template)

3. Start to loop over the iterator and collect the parsed string

  • Define a variable called code_str to accumulate the parsed string.
  • Here we hardcode the function name as get_tree, which accepts an arbitrary number of keyword-only arguments.
code_str = "def get_tree(**kwargs):\n"
Root element
  • Since the first Row instance must be the root element, we can directly parse it through parse_root_elem, which calls create_root_elem to create the root element. The root element is hardcoded as rootx for now. Note that PADS4 is needed for the purpose of indentation, since we're literally creating a function in string format.
PADS4 = " "*4

def create_root_elem(child):
    return PADS4 + f"rootx = ET.Element('{child.tag}', {child.attrib})\n"

def parse_root_elem(code_str, child):
    return code_str + create_root_elem(child)

code_str = parse_root_elem(code_str, next(data))
Other elements
  • Next, we start to loop over the iterator to deal with two kinds of elements: one is w/o subelement (top element) and the other one is w/ subelement (grouped element). If child.text is None,  we categorize it as the top element. If its child.tag is equal to some predefined name,  we categorize it as the grouped element. In our demo template, there's only one grouped element, and its tag is SupportEntities. Note that we need to remember to call append_return at the end to complete the function.
while True:
        child = next(data)
    except StopIteration:
        if child.text is None:  # top element
            code_str = parse_top_elem(code_str, child)
        # Grouped element(need other elif to expand other groups)
        elif child.tag == "SupportEntities":
            code_str = parse_supportentities(data, code_str, child)
        else:  # Not grouped element and with child.text

code_str += append_return()
Top element
  • Firstly, we create the top element and then check if child.attrib exists or not. If child.attrib exists, we need to perform inject_pseudo_value to do some tricks. You might notice that there are some \s to escape '' and some \ns as the line break, which looks not pretty but is unavoidable since we're making the function in string format anyway.
    • We create a pseudo variable to be a placeholder for the value of this top element as its tag plus Value(I know the naming rule is not pythonic, but I chose it for certain reasons...). For instance, if the child.tag is NewName, then we're expecting we can use get_tree like get_tree(NewNameValue='NewNameYouWant').
    • Then we try to use kwargs.get to see if we can get the user-given keyword-only argument, that is basically the pseudo placeholder. If the user is not given this keyword-only argument, we fallback to the default, child.attrib['Value']`, which is just the same as what we read.
    • Next we are finally able to inject the pseudo back to child.attrib['Value'].
  • For the top element text, we need to inject the text to None if child.text is None.
  • After everything is well-prepared, we call append_to_root to append this top element back to root tree system.
  • Finally, collect all the strings as the return value.
def create_top_elem(child):
    return PADS4 + f"{child.tag} = ET.Element('{child.tag}', {child.attrib})\n"

def inject_pseudo_value(child):
    pseudo = f'{child.tag}Value'
    str_a = PADS4 + \
        f"pseudo = kwargs.get(\'{pseudo}\', \'{child.attrib['Value']}\')\n"
    str_b = PADS4 + f"{child.tag}.attrib['Value'] = pseudo\n"
    return str_a + str_b

def append_to_root(child):
    return PADS4 + f"rootx.append({child.tag})\n"

def parse_top_elem(code_str, child):
    sec_str1 = create_top_elem(child)
    if child.attrib:
        sec_str1 += inject_pseudo_value(child)

    sec_str2 = ""
    if child.text is None:
        sec_str2 += PADS4 + f"{child.tag}.text = None\n"

    sec_str3 = append_to_root(child)
    return code_str + sec_str1 + sec_str2 + sec_str3
Grouped element
  • For the grouped element, we pretty much do the same operation as the top element. However, there's one thing to be noted: remember, you need to create the element or subelement first, and then you're able to inject since injection is like modifying something already existing. I knew it might sound trivial to you, but it's something I forgot all the time while formulating the code_str. To sum up, the injection timing matters and should be considered thoroughly.
  • The trick here to handle subelements is to use next(child) to get the next child in the iterator.
  • Note in this case, we need to call inject_pseudo_text instead of inject_pseudo_value. The injected operation should allow us to call get_tree like get_tree(ModelText="$AnotherGeoIsOk")
def create_sub_elem(child, future_child):
    return PADS4 + f"{future_child.tag} = ET.SubElement({child.tag}, '{future_child.tag}', {future_child.attrib})\n"

def inject_pseudo_text(child):
    pseudo = f'{child.tag}Text'
    str_a = PADS4 + f"pseudo = kwargs.get(\'{pseudo}\', \'{child.text}\')\n"
    str_b = PADS4 + f"{child.tag}.text = pseudo\n"
    return str_a + str_b

def parse_supportentities(data, code_str, child):
        <Body>"Body 2",</Body>
    # SupportEntities
    sec_str1 = create_top_elem(child) + append_to_root(child)

    # Entities
    second_child = next(data)
    sec_str2 = create_sub_elem(child, second_child)

    # Model
    third_child = next(data)
    sec_str3 = create_sub_elem(second_child, third_child)
    if third_child.text:
        sec_str3 += inject_pseudo_text(third_child)

    # Body
    fourth_child = next(data)
    # Noted that first one is second_child instead of third_chid
    sec_str4 = create_sub_elem(second_child, fourth_child)
    if fourth_child.text:
        sec_str4 += inject_pseudo_text(fourth_child)

    return code_str + sec_str1 + sec_str2 + sec_str3 + sec_str4

4. Call exec(code_str)

  • This one line will turn the code_str into a function (get_tree) we can call.

5. Build get_template

  • get_template has nothing fancy but to write the tree system as xml format.
import io

def get_template(rootx):
    tree = ET.ElementTree(rootx)
    dummy_file = io.BytesIO()
    return dummy_file.getvalue().decode("utf-8")

Concluding Remarks

  • Regarding to what xml is actually helping us, you could refer to this Linkedin post, written by Michael Driscoll.
  • For your reference, if you're doing:
rootx = get_tree(NewNameValue="NewName",
                 BodyText='"Body 9",',

Then exec(code_str) is equivalent to defining a function dynamically in the global scope as below:

def get_tree(**kwargs):    
    rootx = ET.Element('RenameBody', {'CheckBox': 'ON', 'UUID': '78633e0d-3d2f-4e9a-b075-7bff122772d8'})    
    SupportEntities = ET.Element('SupportEntities', {})    
    Entities = ET.SubElement(SupportEntities, 'Entities', {})    
    Model = ET.SubElement(Entities, 'Model', {})    
    pseudo = kwargs.get('ModelText', '$Geometry')    
    Model.text = pseudo    
    Body = ET.SubElement(Entities, 'Body', {})    
    pseudo = kwargs.get('BodyText', '"Body 2",')    
    Body.text = pseudo    
    NewName = ET.Element('NewName', {'Value': 'CH'})    
    pseudo = kwargs.get('NewNameValue', 'CH')    
    NewName.attrib['Value'] = pseudo    
    NewName.text = None    
    Output = ET.Element('Output', {})    
    Output.text = None    
    return rootx


Obviously, there are so many things we can do better in the code. For example:

  1. Consider encapsulating the while-loop in the function. Maybe metaclass would be another good idea, since the magic dunder methods are quite helpful __new__, __call__, __init__).
  2. Have a more elegant way to handle the grouped elements. In this code, we distinguish it by using an "elif". That's not good. What if we have multiple grouped elements? Maybe we could try using a recursive approach.
  3. What if there are more than 1 subelement with the same tag, like we have 2 Model and 2 Body. How to name it? Maybe we need a full-path tag name like EntitiesModelNewNameValue.
  4. Currently, if you give the wrong input, the code will be silent and not warn you. Maybe we should provide an invalid input warning and do nothing.