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Lovely Scala Blogging Engine provides a basic blog CMS, all written with love, Scala and coffein! My own deployed version can be found here.



  1. SBT (Scala Build Tool): download here.
  2. MongoDB: installation instructions here.
  3. Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets): installation instructions here.
  4. UglifyJs: installation instructions here.


The server is configured with environment variables:

  • APP_CONTEXT: context of the application (PROD or DEV, default is DEV)
  • SERVER_HOST: the host on which to bind. Default used is localhost which makes it unreachable from the outside
  • PUBLIC_PORT: the port for the public api (default 8080)
  • ADMIN_PORT: the port for the admin api (default 9090)
  • REPOSITORY_LINK: link given in the server/info route (default
  • MONGO_HOST: host for the mongo database (default localhost)
  • MONGO_CUST_PORT: port of the mongo database (default 27017)
  • MONGO_NAME: name of the database (default lsbengine)
  • HASH_ITERATIONS: number of iterations when hashing the password (default 300000, should be high enough so that it takes around 1 second to perform a hash)
  • BLOG_OWNER_FIRST_NAME: first name of the owner of the blog (default Jeremy)
  • BLOG_OWNER_LAST_NAME: last name of the owner of the blog (default Rabasco)
  • BLOG_OWNER_PSEUDO: owner's usual pseudonym (default empty)
  • BLOG_OWNER_GENDER: owner's gender (default male, remember that it was built for me initially and I am a male, no discrimination here)
  • BLOG_SHORT_DESCRIPTION: short description of the blog, for the RSS flux (default My Personal Blog)
  • BLOG_META_DESCRIPTION: short description for the blog (default My name is Jeremy Rabasco. I am a Computer Science major and I currently work at <JOB_HERE>.)
  • CONTACT_ADDRESS: email for the footer (default
  • GTAG_KEY: Google analytics tracking key, leave empty if you do not wish to use Google analytics.
  • HEADER_TITLE: title in the header (default LSBEngine)
  • IMAGES_LOCATION: location where the uploaded images are saved (default /home/jrabasco/images)
  • SITE_URL: the URL of the website (default
  • RESUME_REPO: link to your resume repository, see the Resume section
  • DISCLAIMER: A disclaimer that will appear in the footer (default My opinions do not necessarily represent those of my employer.)
  • COPYRIGHT: copyright mention for the footer (defaults to nothing)
  • DEFAULT_POSTS_PER_PAGE: number of posts per page when no parameter is supplied (default 10)

Adding/Removing users

To add a user run:

$ sbt
> run-main me.lsbengine.bin.UserManager add <username> <password>

To remove a user run:

$ sbt
> run-main me.lsbengine.bin.UserManager remove <username>

The usernames are case insensitive. Remember that all the users are considered admin users.


To make your resume available, you must provide a link to your resume repository. This repository must contain a Makefile so that when running make in the repository, it generates a file named resume.pdf. It will be then downloadable from the following route: /assets/$firstname_$lastname_resume.pdf. $firstname and $lastname are the provided names in lower case.

If no repository is provided, this just does not happen at all.


Clone the repository and run

$  make run

Docker run

If you plan to run this on the production machine, make sure you set the PUBLIC_DOMAINS environment variable to be your actual list of valid public domains/subdomains, ADMIN_DOMAINS to be the location for your admin interface and DOMAIN to be just your domain name then run:

$ make build-docker
$ docker-compose up -d

Example of a valid domains setup script:

export DOMAIN=""