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Simple market application where brokers can buy and sell stuff and stuff prices can go up and down.

Consists of following:

  • market server - runs an in-memory model of market and exposes REST API,
  • market REST API - set of APIs to play on market, such as buy, sell, set products prices,
  • market client - browser app utilising market API to show brokers and products ratings,
  • examples:
  • sample rates simulator - sample NodeJS app using market REST API to genereate FX rates,
  • sample broker bot API - sample NodeJS app using market REST API to buy/sell,
  • sample broker - sample NodeJS app using market REST API to buy/sell,


  1. start market server:
$ cd src
$ npm install
$ node rest_app.js
fx-market is listening on
admin_token = 8488422b-0621-4ccb-b455-70a32115cd21
  1. start market client:
$ cd client
$ grunt server
  1. start FX rates simulator:
$ cd src
$ node rates_simulator.js 3000 8488422b-0621-4ccb-b455-70a32115cd21
  1. start FX market bot:
$ cd src
$ node broker_bot.js 3000 Joe secret


Following API methods are available

  • GET /brokers - Returns list of registered brokers.
  • POST /broker - Registers new broker with given name and secret token.
  • GET /rates - Returns list of available products.
  • POST /rates - Sets the list of available products and their prices.
  • POST /buy - Performs a product purchase on behalf of authenticated broker
  • POST /sell - Performs a product sale on behalf of authenticated broker

GET /brokers

Returns list of registered brokers.

Example output

    "julek2": {
        "money": 11759.65583325062, 
        "name": "julek2", 
        "secret": "key1", 
        "wallet": {
            "items": {
                "BIT": {
                    "amount": 2519, 
                    "name": "BIT", 
                    "price": 2.074156779348995
                "CHF": {
                    "amount": 2612, 
                    "name": "CHF", 
                    "price": 1.5

POST /broker

Registers new broker with given name and secret token.

Example request

Content-Type: application/json
    "name": "joe",
    "secret": "abc"

Example output

    "money": 1000, 
    "name": "julek", 
    "secret": "abc", 
    "wallet": {
        "items": {}

GET /rates

Returns list of available products.

Example output

    "CHF": {
        "amount": 999999, 
        "name": "CHF", 
        "price": 1.5
    "EUR": {
        "amount": 999999, 
        "name": "EUR", 
        "price": 1

POST /rates

Sets the list of available products and their prices.

Example request

Content-Type: application/json
admin_token: 8488422b-0621-4ccb-b455-70a32115cd21
    "CHF": 4,
    "EUR": 9

POST /buy

Performs a product purchase on behalf of authenticated broker

Example request

Content-Type: application/json
broker_name: julek
broker_secret: abc
    "product_name": "EUR",
    "amount": 9,
    "unit_price_min": 4.01,
    "unit_price_max": 4.03

Product purchase will be successful only if there's such product at given amount available and it's unit price is between given min and max.

POST /sell

Performs a product sale on behalf of authenticated broker

It works exactly the same as /buy with negative amount.


foreign exchange market in nodejs






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