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Ansible role - k8s_istio

Deploy and manage Istio on Kubernetes clusters.

This role aims to manage the whole lifecycle of an Istio deployment:

  • Installation and deployment
  • Resources customization (e.g. IngressGateway ports)
  • Custom resources deployment (e.g. generic Gateway)
  • Upgrade (downgrade not yet fully supported)


Tag Description
apply Install, deploy, upgrade and (re)configure Istio
delete Uninstall Istio and remove its resources


Variable Type Required Default Description
k8s_istio_version string No 1.4.3 Istio version (major.minor.patch)
k8s_istio_profile string No default Istio profile name
k8s_istio_parameters_extra list No [] (empty list) Istio parameters (passed to istioctl with --set)
k8s_istio_sidecar_namespaces string No [default] Namespaces watched by Istio to inject its sidecar
k8s_istio_tls_crt string No "" (empty string) Istio IngressGateway TLS certificate
k8s_istio_tls_key string No "" (empty string) Istio IngressGateway TLS provate key
k8s_istio_ingressgw_annotations dict No {} (empty dict) Istio IngressGateway annotations (e.g. for MetalLB pool)
k8s_istio_ingressgw_custom bool No yes Uses a custom IngressGateway manifest
k8s_istio_ingressgw_ports string No no Custom IngressGateway ports
k8s_istio_custom_manifests list No [] (empty list) Custom manifests to deploy (located in role's templates/)

Ingress gateway configuration

Istio's ingress gateway inbound ports are configured by Ansible. Two set of ports are injected in the configuration:

  • k8s_istio_ingressgw_default_ports: Defaults inbound port (DNS, status, Prometheus, etc.)
  • k8s_istio_ingressgw_ports: Custom ports

It is strongly advised to provide only the port and name fields, which are generic and compatible with all deployment type:

- port: <int>           # Required; Port number
  name: <str>           # Optional; Port protocol and name; Syntax is <protocol>-<suffix>; Defaults to 'tcp-<port>'

When deploying default Istio (i.e. without custom ingress gateway template), each port item should provide the following values:

- port: <int>           # Required; Port number
  targetPort: <int>     # Optional; Target port number; Defaults to <port>.
  name: <str>           # Optional; Port protocol and name; Syntax is <protocol>-<suffix>; Defaults to 'tcp-<port>'
                        # More info:

When deploying Istio with a custom ingress gateway template, each port item should provide the following values:

- port: <int>           # Optional; Port number
  containerPort: <int>  # Optional; Container port number; Defaults to <port>
  hostPort: <int>       # Optional; Host port number; Defaults to <port>
  protocol: <str>       # Optional; Protocol name; Defaults to 'tcp'
  name: <str>           # Optional; Port name; No defaults

Generic gateway

You can deploy a generic istio Gateway using this role by adding gateway to k8s_istio_custom_manifests:

k8s_istio_custom_manifests: [ "gateway" ]
  • This Gateway is SSL-aware
  • This Gateway is deployed in istio-system namespace; You can refeer to it using istio-system/istio-gateway (see example bellow)

Example usage in an Istio's VirtualService:

kind: VirtualService
  name: test-vs
  namespace: default
  - "*"
  - "istio-system/istio-gateway"
  - route:
    - destination:
        host: test-svc
          number: 80

Templates and custom manifests

Template Description
values.yml.j2 Default Istio's IngressGateway customization
ingressgw-*.yml.j2 Custom Istio's IngressGateway (kind changed to DaemonSet with templated ports)
custom/gateway.yml.j2 Generic and SSL-aware Gateway

Tasks sequence

| -------------------------------- tags: apply --
\__ delete.yml
\__ apply.yml
\__ ingressgw.yml
\__ test.yml
| ------------------------------- tags: delete --
\__ delete.yml