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This is a maven project whose main objective is to search for arch models from a set of file paths or web paths to get them, catalog them, get the XMI representation and perform metrics.



Repository files navigation

Discovery and Process Architectural Models

This is a maven project whose main objective is to search for arch models from a set of file paths or web paths to get them, catalog them, get the XMI representation and perform metrics. Right now only support the parsing for aadl files, and the search is only done over a file system.

The main objective of this project is to convert all the previous models found into XMI format to use MDE techniques for future preprocessing.

The project contains three packages:

  1. discover.arch.model
  2. osate.standalone.model
  3. process.model.xmi


It contains the classes in charge of processing the path for looking for aadl files and the conversion to XMI format. The first step is the search; here, we perform a BFS to find the raw models. When the discovery is made, all the paths to models are stored in memory and in a .txt file named "files-found.txt".

Classes Description
SearchFileTraversal This class perform the search for arch models given the extensions and the archive that contains the models.
ArchModelConverter From a list of path to models, prepare the output directories and convert every model into a XMI model to a xmi directory.

Once you get the list of model paths, the parsing, and conversion into XML starts. The class ArchModelConverter takes the list and gets the RawModelLoader Instance that map to the extension for the conversion. The subsequent new converted model is stored in the disk in the path configured by the userModel. Bellow some examples

ArchModelConverter(String rootPath) throws Exception {
    File file = new File(rootPath);
    if (!file.exists())
        throw new Exception("The rootPath: " + rootPath + "does not exists");
    this.rootPath = rootPath;
    converterModelClassMap.put("aadl", LoadAADLModel.getInstance());
private void convertModels(boolean verbose) throws Exception {
    int id = 0;
    String outPathXMI = Paths.get(this.rootPath, this.folderOutputName, "xmi") + "/";
    for (String pathFile : this.dataModelFiles) {
        String extension = SearchFileTraversal.getExtension(pathFile);
        if (this.converterModelClassMap.containsKey(extension)) {
            this.convertModelsUsingClass(pathFile, outPathXMI, id + "", verbose);
        } else {
            System.out.println("This converter does not support the mapping between models of " + extension + " to " + " xmi ");

private void convertModelsUsingClass(String pathFile, String outPathXMI, String id, 
        boolean verbose) throws Exception {
    String extension = SearchFileTraversal.getExtension(pathFile);
    RawModelLoader modelLoader = (RawModelLoader) this.converterModelClassMap.get(extension);
    RawModelLoader.OutputLoadedModelSchema data = modelLoader.loadModel(pathFile, outPathXMI, id, false);
    Map<String, Object> dataOutMap = data.toMap();
    if (verbose)
    dataOutMap.put("extension", extension);
    this.logsOutput.put(new JSONObject(dataOutMap));

The BFS algorithms for search in the file system



This package contains the classes in charge of parsing and loading .addl and XMI files. This has all the dependencies from OSATE and eclipse EMF. The result of parsing these classes is to get the ECORE representation of this model

The classes are:

Classes Description
LoadXMIModel Load the .aaxl2 file and return the EObject representation.
LoadAADLModel Load and convert arch models .aadl into XMI instance model .aaxl2. It uses the OSATE api
CrossReferenceResolver Resolve the cross reference models in .aadl files.


This package takes the path where the XMI processed models are and load the .ecore models from them. Once we get them, we can perform metrics and some computation and transformation over the models to collect information about them.

Classes Description
Config This class is in charge of loading the required config.json file for getting the path and more configuration vars.
EcoreModelHandler This class is get the list of XMI models from the rootpath stored in config.json and discover all of them. After it get the ecore representation using an instance of class EcoreStandAlone.
EcoreStandAlone This class return the Ecore models from a path to a XMI model
DataRepresentationFeature This class is used for extract feature from analysing the models. Right now it gets the #component ,#connectors and the size of an arch model.

Main class of the package

Run Configurations

The project contains the following run configurations

Run Configuration Description This load the configuration from config.json and perform the discovering architectural models and the conversion into XMI.
org.process.models.xmi.Main This get the XMI models and get the ECORE representation of every of them and perform some metric computation.
org.osate.standalone.model.LoadAADLModel This is a run configuration to test the conversion of an .aadl arch model into and XMI model. This class uses the OSATE api and EMF API and relay in System Implementations of OSATE
org.osate.standalone.model.LoadXMIModel Get the ECORE representation of an XMI model previously converted from an arch model.

In order to run correctly the above a config.json has to be created

You must create the config.json following this schema, and pass to the static variable the paths

  "archivesForSearching": ["raw-models"],
  "extensionsForSearching": ["aadl"],
  "outputFolderName": "output-processing",
public class Main {
    static String configPath = "./config.json";
    static String rootPath;

In the project an example folder with 6 .aadl models is provided. Once the process of discovering and conversion is done in the context of the rootPath a directory "output-processing" is created with the resulting computation.

Name Description
rootPath THe rootPath or the global uri in the filesystem where we want to store, all the folder of models and all the logs files
archivesForSearching An array of folders where we have stored the files we want to process
extensionsForSearching An array of extension files that we aim to look for and we aim to convert(The models, ej: addl,ecore, emf)
outputFolderName The name of the folder to put the results
ecoreRequiredFilesFolder Contain the path to the ecore folder where a required .ecore models are loaded



This is a maven project whose main objective is to search for arch models from a set of file paths or web paths to get them, catalog them, get the XMI representation and perform metrics.








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