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Releases: jorgenhenrichsen/SwiftAudio

SwiftAudio 0.11.2

28 Nov 17:51
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Fixes a bug where the ready event never fires if playWhenReady: true.

SwiftAudio 0.11.1

22 Aug 21:00
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Fixes a problem where the initial time feature would not work if playWhenReady is true.

SwiftAudio 0.11.0

12 Jul 16:18
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Asset options

Asset options can be supplied with an audio item by conforming to AssestOptionsProviding.

SwiftAudio 0.10.0

03 Jul 16:36
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AudioPlayer state

The AudioPlayer now has an additional state: buffering, along with a different pattern for when it is in which state. The state will behave like this:
As before idle is when no item is loaded, and the player does nothing. When an item is loaded, the player will immediately enter the loading state. When the item is loaded and ready for playback, it enters the ready state. When playback has started it will enter either playing or buffering depending on if buffering is needed or not. As before, paused indicates the paused state.

Example application

Now includes a load indicator as an example of how this can be used to give the user information about what the app is currently doing. It also includes an example of how to handle an error when loading an audio item with no internet connection.

SwiftAudio 0.9.3

01 Jul 14:26
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  • Like, dislike and bookmark remote command is now available
  • Safer deinit of observers and weak capturing of self when asynchronously loading an asset in the AVPlayerWrapper.

SwiftAudio 0.9.2

19 Jun 11:17
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  • Loads audio items async

SwiftAudio 0.9.1

11 Jun 11:50
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AVPlayerWrapperProtocol is now class-bound.

PR: #61

SwiftAudio 0.9.0

11 May 17:51
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Handles a failure in the AVPlayer by creating a new instance if a failure occurs.


  • Will create a new AVPlayer instance on failure
  • Adds an didRecreateAVPlayer event to the AudioPlayer. This can be used to reset the AVAudioSession.Category when a new instance of the AVPlayer is created.


If the player fails, a new (or the same) item will need to be loaded in order to trigger the creation of a new instance of the AVPlayer.

SwiftAudio 0.8.0

18 Apr 15:20
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  • Converts the project to Swift 5
  • Add a custom(time: CMTime) case to the TimeEventFrequency enum
  • Removes AudioPlayerDelegate completely. Events should be used instead.

SwiftAudio 0.7.2

16 Apr 07:17
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Adds a bufferedPosition property to the player, returning the current seconds that are buffered of an AudioItem.