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Fix typos in docs (explosion#13466)
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* fix typos

* prettier formatting


Co-authored-by: svlandeg <>
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2 people authored and jikanter committed May 10, 2024
1 parent 4765381 commit 3abfa8d
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 14 deletions.
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions website/docs/api/entitylinker.mdx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,20 +53,21 @@ architectures and their arguments and hyperparameters.
> nlp.add_pipe("entity_linker", config=config)
> ```
| Setting | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `labels_discard` | NER labels that will automatically get a "NIL" prediction. Defaults to `[]`. ~~Iterable[str]~~ |
| `n_sents` | The number of neighbouring sentences to take into account. Defaults to 0. ~~int~~ |
| `incl_prior` | Whether or not to include prior probabilities from the KB in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `incl_context` | Whether or not to include the local context in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `model` | The [`Model`]( powering the pipeline component. Defaults to [EntityLinker](/api/architectures#EntityLinker). ~~Model~~ |
| `entity_vector_length` | Size of encoding vectors in the KB. Defaults to `64`. ~~int~~ |
| `use_gold_ents` | Whether to copy entities from the gold docs or not. Defaults to `True`. If `False`, entities must be set in the training data or by an annotating component in the pipeline. ~~int~~ |
| `get_candidates` | Function that generates plausible candidates for a given `Span` object. Defaults to [CandidateGenerator](/api/architectures#CandidateGenerator), a function looking up exact, case-dependent aliases in the KB. ~~Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Span], Iterable[Candidate]]~~ |
| `overwrite` <Tag variant="new">3.2</Tag> | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `False`. ~~bool~~ |
| `scorer` <Tag variant="new">3.2</Tag> | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_links`](/api/scorer#score_links). ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
| `save_activations` <Tag variant="new">4.0</Tag> | Save activations in `Doc` when annotating. Saved activations are `"ents"` and `"scores"`. ~~Union[bool, list[str]]~~ |
| `threshold` <Tag variant="new">3.4</Tag> | Confidence threshold for entity predictions. The default of `None` implies that all predictions are accepted, otherwise those with a score beneath the treshold are discarded. If there are no predictions with scores above the threshold, the linked entity is `NIL`. ~~Optional[float]~~ |
| Setting | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `labels_discard` | NER labels that will automatically get a "NIL" prediction. Defaults to `[]`. ~~Iterable[str]~~ |
| `n_sents` | The number of neighbouring sentences to take into account. Defaults to 0. ~~int~~ |
| `incl_prior` | Whether or not to include prior probabilities from the KB in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `incl_context` | Whether or not to include the local context in the model. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `model` | The [`Model`]( powering the pipeline component. Defaults to [EntityLinker](/api/architectures#EntityLinker). ~~Model~~ |
| `entity_vector_length` | Size of encoding vectors in the KB. Defaults to `64`. ~~int~~ |
| `use_gold_ents` | Whether to copy entities from the gold docs or not. Defaults to `True`. If `False`, entities must be set in the training data or by an annotating component in the pipeline. ~~bool~~ |
| `get_candidates` | Function that generates plausible candidates for a given `Span` object. Defaults to [CandidateGenerator](/api/architectures#CandidateGenerator), a function looking up exact, case-dependent aliases in the KB. ~~Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Span], Iterable[Candidate]]~~ |
| `get_candidates_batch` <Tag variant="new">3.5</Tag> | Function that generates plausible candidates for a given batch of `Span` objects. Defaults to [CandidateBatchGenerator](/api/architectures#CandidateBatchGenerator), a function looking up exact, case-dependent aliases in the KB. ~~Callable[[KnowledgeBase, Iterable[Span]], Iterable[Iterable[Candidate]]]~~ |
| `generate_empty_kb` <Tag variant="new">3.5.1</Tag> | Function that generates an empty `KnowledgeBase` object. Defaults to [`spacy.EmptyKB.v2`](/api/architectures#EmptyKB), which generates an empty [`InMemoryLookupKB`](/api/inmemorylookupkb). ~~Callable[[Vocab, int], KnowledgeBase]~~ |
| `overwrite` <Tag variant="new">3.2</Tag> | Whether existing annotation is overwritten. Defaults to `True`. ~~bool~~ |
| `scorer` <Tag variant="new">3.2</Tag> | The scoring method. Defaults to [`Scorer.score_links`](/api/scorer#score_links). ~~Optional[Callable]~~ |
| `threshold` <Tag variant="new">3.4</Tag> | Confidence threshold for entity predictions. The default of `None` implies that all predictions are accepted, otherwise those with a score beneath the threshold are discarded. If there are no predictions with scores above the threshold, the linked entity is `NIL`. ~~Optional[float]~~ |

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,6 +201,12 @@ knowledge base. This argument should be a function that takes a `Vocab` instance
and creates the `KnowledgeBase`, ensuring that the strings of the knowledge base
are synced with the current vocab.

<Infobox variant="warning" title="Changed in v3.0" id="begin_training">

This method was previously called `begin_training`.


> #### Example
> ```python
Expand Down

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