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Terms and Conditions as a Service Proof of Concept

- aka tac_as_poc

Table of Contents


The idea for the prototype came, while pondering over the issues with serving Terms and Conditions.

This service is a basic prototype of a service to serve Terms and Conditions, while adhering to the a set of specific requirements.

  1. The terms and conditions has to be available in a preservable format (I am not a legal specialist, so I do not know the exact wording, but this is the way it was explained to me and the PDF format meets this requirement)
  2. The terms and conditions have to be available to the end-user in the revision/version, originally presented to the user at the time of accept

In addition, the following, more basic, requirements also have to be met:

  1. We want to be able to link to the current Terms and Conditions, so you can find them via a website
  2. We want to be able to link to specific revisions so we can create historic links for websites
  3. We want to be able to communicate the Terms and Conditions via email, without sending the complete Terms and Conditions, but just providing a link
  4. We want to support both Danish and English

The prototype service offer the following:

  • Terms and Conditions can be downloaded as a PDF and this has been accepted as a preservable format
  • You can link to an exact revision, for building lists for example
  • You can link with a date parameter, which will provide you with the revision relevant for the given date
  • You can link to the service and get the current revision of the Terms and Conditions, which will provide you with a specific revision
  • You can point to a given translation of the document in the URL by using the language indication da for Danish and en for English.


get current terms and conditions by default language


get current terms and conditions by language




get terms and conditions by default language and date




get terms and conditions by language and date




get terms and conditions by default language and revision




get terms and conditions by language and revision




get default page


get default page by language





If you want to run the application via Docker you can skip the installation section and go directly to Operations.


The service requires Perl

Please see the cpanfile for the required Perl dependencies.



The service can be run wit or without Docker, for Docker see further down.

$ carton exec -- morbo script/tac


The Docker image can be run in 3 modes:

  • server
  • ci
  • unittest
  • shell

If you build locally based on the GitHub repository.

$ ./ «mode»

server is the primary and default mode, which simply starts a webserver, which can be accessed via the address:


Docker Hub

If you want to run it via Docker Hub (in server mode)

$ docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 jonasbn/tac_as_poc

Which simply starts a webserver, which can be accessed via the address:



Please see the contribution guidelines.


The software is provided under the MIT license, please see the separate license file.