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Releases: johnnylam88/nerien-ovale-scripts


23 Jul 06:09
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.7 (2022-07-15)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • fix(warrior): add improvements from Mazorrok for Necrolord Protection
    • Never use Thunder Clap with Outburst.
    • Always use Demoralizing Shout on cooldown with Booming Voice.
    • Suggest Last Stand as an offensive Rage generation cooldown if using
      the Unnerving Focus conduit, and don't overlap Ravager and Last Stand
      so that the Rage generation is spread out over a longer period of
      time for the purposes of maintaining the Conqueror's Banner buff.
  • fix(warrior): include extra rage gen from Unnerving Focus conduit
  • fix(warrior): adjust Reprisal actions for adding Shield Block
    • Add a checkbox to suggest Intervene in case there is no one to
      consistently Intervene.
    • Only suggest Charge if the player is between the minimum and
      maximum ranges for the ability.
    • Add a "Heroic Charge" action, which is Heroic Leap followed by
      Charge, to add/extend Shield Block.
    • Add a separate down-arrow icon to suggest running away to get
      range for Charge.
  • fix(warrior): annotate opener abilities for protection warrior
  • refactor(warrior): separate test for the Glory runeforge
  • fix(warrior): the Unity runeforge can substitute for Sinful Surge
  • fix(paladin): suggest non-free Word of Glory only when low on health
    Pool the Holy Power for a delayed Shield of the Righteous if it will
    go over the active mitigation duration cap unless it's needed for
    immediate healing.


12 Jul 20:40
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.6 (2022-07-07)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • fix(deathknight): don't spam Heart Strike when standing in Death's Due
    Only extend the Death's Due buff/debuff once in the final 4 seconds
    of the existing Death Due circle instead of suggesting it on every
    GCD in the final 4 seconds.
  • fix(deathknight): don't suggest Sacrificial Pact in the opener
    Sacrificial Pact when out of combat would only cause the ghoul to
    explode next to the player and not onto any enemy mobs, so it is
    not useful as a pre-combat suggestion.
  • fix(deathknight): annotate the pre-combat opener spells
  • fix(deathknight): move Death's Due to the short cooldown icon
    Move Death's Due to the short cooldown icon to match Death and Decay.
    Part of the reason why Death and Decay is not suggested in the main
    icon is to allow for more strategic placement of the circle and that
    reasoning still applies for Death's Due.
  • fix(paladin): annotate the covenant Blessing spells with their purpose


02 Jul 06:24
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.5 (2022-07-02)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • fix(deathknight): fix annotation for Blood Boil to apply disease DoT
  • fix(deathknight): annotate when Heart Strike procs rune regeneration
  • fix(deathknight): fix inverted comparisons and match Kyrasis's guide
    Fix some inverted conditions that were causing Marrowrend and Heart
    Strike suggestions to not be suggested. Also more closely match
    the Kyrasis BDK guide in the Dancing Rune Weapon case for Heart
    Strike usage.
  • fix(scripts): don't hardcode the max charges for spells
    Try to use SpellMaxCharges() instead of hardcoding the maximum
    numger of charges for a given spell. This avoids problems with
    conduits or talents increasing the number of charges for an ability
    and not adapting properly in the scripts.
  • fix(paladin): only Seraphim if active mitigation is up as protection
  • fix(paladin): suggest Word of Glory to prevent capping on AM duration
  • fix(paladin): add interaction between Word of Glory and Royal Decree
  • fix(rogue): only suggest combo point builders if they won't overflow
  • fix(rogue): only pool for Envenom outside of cooldowns as assassination
    Pool for Envenom in single-target to 80% energy when outside of
    major cooldowns, e.g., Vendetta, Flagellation, and Bloodlust.
  • fix(rogue): apply Rupture with 4+ CP even in AoE for assassination
  • fix(rogue): optimize by checking for a talent before more complex conditions
  • fix(rogue): add conditions for using Crimson Tempest in single-target
  • fix(rogue): introduce effective combo points to account for Kyrians
    Kyrian rogues get animacharged combo point damage finishers which
    are effectively 7-combo-point finishers. Introduce functions for
    effective combo points and effective combo points deficit and use
    them in conditions for damage finishers.
    Note that Slice and Dice and Kidney Shot are not damage finishers.
  • fix(rogue): fix inverted condition for comparing Rupture and TTD
    Rupture needs to fully tick on a target to be worth applying in
    a single-target situation. Fix an inverted check that was causing
    Rupture to only be suggested when it won't fully tick on a target.
  • fix(rogue): be smarter about applying poisons to weapons
    When out of combat, ensure we have at least 15 minutes of lethal
    poison uptime, but in combat, reapply poisons only if we run out.
  • fix(rogue): Slice and Dice is a player buff
  • fix(rogue): workaround possible bug in BuffRefreshable() with SnD
  • fix(rogue): slight improvements to Slice and Dice on the opener
  • fix(rogue): Wound Poison applies Wound Poison, not Deadly Poison


22 Jun 07:14
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.4 (2022-06-22)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • fix(demonhunter): Fel Devastation can proc Metamorphosis
  • fix(demonhunter): fix missing condition name
  • fix(demonhunter): don't overlap defensive CDs when actively tanking
  • fix(demonhunter): manage resources better in vengeance script
    Rewrite conditions to avoid capping on Fury or Soul Fragments.
  • fix(scripts): check for Unity belt along with Unity runeforge
    The 265 Unity belt quest reward is not correctly detected using the
    Unity runeforge ID. Directly check for it using the class-specific
    item ID.
  • fix(paladin): update protection paladin script for patch 9.2.5
    • Minor updates to the rotation based on the Wowhead guide by Lincoln.
    • Annotate more spells to better inform the player if a spell is
      suggested for a particular reason.
    • Improve Shield of the Righteous usage by breaking down its usage
      into three cases: when Holy Power will over-cap, to keep the armor
      buff from expiring, and for damage.
  • fix(druid): update guardian druid script for patch 9.2.5
    Minor changes to the guardian druid script to update it for patch
    9.2.5, mostly with respect to the number of enemies before dropping
    certain abilities from the rotation.
  • fix: improve "cycle" suggestions for choosing a different target
    Match the way that the assassination rogue script suggests applying
    a DoT onto a different target by using the annotion "new" for
    applying the DoT onto the current target that's missing the DoT,
    the annoation "other" for applying the DoT onto a different target,
    and no annotation for refreshing the current DoT on the target.
    This makes it more explicit that a new target should be chosen for
    the action instead of a generic "cycle" that relies on the player
    to possibly find a new target.
  • doc: note out-of-date scripts instead of up-to-date ones
  • style(scripts): convert obvious cases of if/else into if/unless
    Convert more cases in the scripts where an if/else idiom was being
    used and make it more explicit using if/unless. Also reorder the
    clauses slightly so that the "if" clause always comes before the
    "unless" clause.
  • style(scripts): use "unless" instead of "if not"
    There are many instances of wanting to use if-else in a script, and
    using if/unless makes the intention more explicit.
  • style(scripts): put all standalone open braces with previous line
    This is a whitespace change that reduces the vertical space that a
    script takes up in the editor.
  • fix(druid): fix cooldown and duration of Convoke for guardian druid
  • fix(rogue): minimal fixes to subtlety rogue script to load correctly
  • fix(rogue): update assassination rogue script for patch 9.2.5
    • Switch to the Icy Veins guide by Seliathan.
    • Fix spell definitions and add tier-set bonus buff.
    • Shiv no longer needs Numbing Poison to dispell Enrage.
    • Split rotation into single-target and multi-target actions.
    • Only use Marked for Death when low on combo points or when sniping
      mobs that are low on health for a reset.
    • Improve the opener when out of combat.
    • Adapt for lack of Cut to the Chase for rogues below level 56.
  • fix(demonhunter): update vengeance demon hunter script for patch 9.2.5
    • Fix Immolation Aura usage without the Fallout talent.
    • Adjust Immolation Aura usage in presence of 4pc tier bonus which
      could cause the ability to come off cooldown before the previous
      buff had expired.
    • Use Elysian Decree with the Blind Faith (Kyrian) legendary only
      when at full Soul Fragments in order to stack the Blind Faith buff
    • Hold off on Soul Fragment spenders if Elysian Decree is coming
      off cooldown.
  • fix(deathknight): remove Shackle the Unworthy from main actions
  • fix(warrior): adjust Ignore Pain usage for extending Conqueror's Banner
    Only extend Conqueror's Banner with Ignore Pain if we are not
    already dumping Rage when Ravager is active.
  • refactor(warrior): separate condition from actions when Ravager is active


01 Jun 07:28
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.3 (2022-06-01)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • fix: update TOC for patch 9.2.5
  • fix(deathknight): update to Kyrasis blood DK M+ guide for 9.2
    • Separate rotation into non-DRW and DRW actions.
    • Remove comments that made the script harder to read.
    • Try to refresh Bone Shield before the next pull.
    • If Night Fae, suggest Death's Due as a main action; otherwise,
      suggest Death and Decay as a short cooldown action that can be
      used as needed.
    • Annotate various spells to inform the player on the reasons for
      the spell suggestions.
    • Improve defensive usage by separating out heal CDs from damage
      reduction CDs.
    • Don't overlap damage reduction CDs.
  • fix(warrior): fix rage usage for protection warriors with Glory runeforge
  • fix: fix definitions with Unity runeforges
  • feat: add item bonus IDs for Unity runeforges missing from Ovale
  • fix(warrior): slightly tweak Skullsplitter usage for arms warrior
    Skullsplitter should be used in a multi-target situation if
    Bladestorm is not about to be used. Give ourselves a 2-GCD window
    instead of a 3-GCD window to spend the rage from Skullsplitter
    before Bladestorm comes off cooldown.
  • fix(warrior): suggest Rallying Cry as an heal, not a defensive CD
  • fix(warrior): don't overlap damage reduction buffs as a tank
  • fix: suggest Fleshcraft as a damage reduction CD in combat
    Adjust monk, paladin, and warrior tank scripts to suggest Fleshcraft
    as a damage reduction CD in combat.
  • fix(library): additional Fleshcraft spell definitions
    • Note that Fleshcraft is channeled.
    • Add damage-reduction buff when channeling Fleshcraft.
    • Add shield buff from Fleshcraft.
  • style(library): whitespace fixes
  • fix(monk): move Faeline Stomp to main actions
    Move Faeline Stomp from active mitigation actions to main actions
    and use Chi Burst more aggressively to reset Faeline Stomp when
    Night Fae.


22 May 04:35
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.2 (2022-05-11)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • fix(monk): use Touch of Death differently based on target's health
    Suggest Touch of Death as a highest priority if it will kill the
    target. Otherwise, suggest Touch of Death when the target is below
    15% health after other offensive cooldowns.
  • fix(monk): annotate some spells
  • fix(monk): add buff information for Weapons of Order
  • fix(monk): Keg Smash more frequently as brewmaster
    If both charges of Keg Smash (with Stormstout's Last Keg) are on
    cooldown, then slowly work toward's banking one full charge of Keg
    Smash by delaying Keg Smash for 1 second. This is far better for
    brew cooldown reduction than just waiting until 2 charges are
    available again.
  • fix(monk): update brewmaster script for Shadowlands 9.2
    • Modify Faeline Stomp and Tiger Palm usage to more closely match
      the Icy Veins guide.
    • Annotate some uses of Expel Harm, Tiger Palm, Spinning Crane
      Kick when they are not being used as filler abilities.
    • Hold off on Bonedust Brew if the target already has it because
      Bonedust Brew overwrites the previous Bonedust Brew instead of
      extending it, so don't clip the debuff on a target.
    • Track Purified Chi stacks before casting Celestial Brew in order
      to maximize the size of the Celestial Brew absorption shield.
    • Add a dropdown menu to select the threshold for Purified Chi
      stacks before suggesting Celestial Brew.
  • fix(warrior): major improvements to fury warrior script
    • Bladestorm is usable if the talent is taken, not the opposite.
    • Separate rotation into single-target and multi-target cases.
    • Annotation spells appropriately when a short CD is suggested for
      single-target or multi-target usage.
    • Improve multi-target rotation by dropping some single-target
      spells once we excced 3 targets.
    • Don't cancel Bladestorm if multiple targets are up.
    • Only suggest Raging Blow at 2+ charges if Enraged.
    • Move Crushing Blow and Bloodbath higher in the priority list to
      maximize single-target damage.
  • fix(warrior): fix rage generated by Bloodthirst with Reckless Abandon
  • fix(warrior): drop Ignore Pain to last in priority for defensive CD
    Due to the high Rage cost of Ignore Pain, it's worth using other
    defensive CDs ahead of it.
  • fix(warrior): add Rallying Cry as a defensive cooldown
  • fix(warrior): fix Ignore Pain rage cost for fury warriors
  • fix(warrior): self-heal through Bloodthirst at low health as fury
  • fix(warrior): adjust protection spell information for 9.2 hotfix
    The spell cost of Ignore Pain and the cooldown of Spell Reflection
    have been reduced in a 9.2 hotfix.
  • fix(warrior): improve protection tier set bonus usage
    When Seeing Red is at 7 stacks and about to transition to Outburst,
    put Thunder Clap on cooldown and suggest the appropriate action for
    proccing Outburst to ensure that Shield Slam is used to consume
    Similarly, when Avatar is coming off cooldown with the 4-piece tier
    bonus, put Thunder Clap on cooldown so that Shield Slam has the
    highest priority when Avatar is cast and Outburst is procced.
  • feat(warrior): preliminary script for arms warrior
    Add preliminary support for arms warriors with a script based on
    the Icy Veins Arms Warrior Guide for 9.2. The rotation is split
    into several cases based on the number of enemies, and tries to
    stack cooldowns with Colossus Smash windows.


21 Mar 16:31
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.1 (2022-03-21)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • doc: document which specs are up-to-date for patch 9.2
  • fix(warrior): always suggest Charge when out of combat
    Charge is the standard opener for protection warriors. This
    prevents suggesting Intervene with Reprisal to put up Shield Block
    until the Charge target comes within range.
  • fix(warrior): remove some annotations that were distracting in practice
  • fix(warrior): prioritize Condemn to extend Avatar with Sinful Surge
  • fix(warrior): hold Demo Shout for defense if Shield Wall is on CD
  • fix(warrior): move Last Stand usage to a heal action
    Last Stand is more of a heal (for 30% more health) than a defensive
    cooldown, which is usually for damage reduction or increased
    healing. Move Last Stand to the heal actions and simplify the
    conditions for suggesting Shield Wall.
    This should suggest Shield Wall more aggressively to put it on
    cooldown, which works much better especially if Anger Management or
    The Wall legendary is used.
  • fix(warrior): show complete maximum DPS rotation in the offensive icon
  • fix(warrior): suggest DPS actions when nearing the rage cap for prot
    For protection warrior, suggest Execute or Revenge when approaching
    the rage cap instead of suggesting Ignore Pain. Ignore Pain is
    already suggested when it won't overwrite a larger Ignore Pain.
    Dump the extra rage into more DPS instead.
  • fix(warrior): don't prioritize Deep Wounds in single-target for prot
    In single-target situations, hitting with Shield Slam is higher
    threat than using Revenge to apply Deep Wounds for the first hit.
  • fix(warrior): check that Demoralizing Shout won't overcap on Rage
  • fix(warrior): rename function to more accurately document its use
  • fix(warrior): adjust rotation based on Plka's prot warrior guide
    • Check for opportunities to spam Revenge when Ravager is up.
    • Adjust rotation to move Thunder Clap to the bottom of the
      priority list in the normal rotation.
    • If Anger Management is active, put Revenge highest on the
      priority list in the normal rotation. This consciously spends
      more rage to trigger the cooldown reduction provided by Anger
    • Adjust opener based on whether Anger Management or Heavy
      Repercussions is talented.
  • fix(warrior): refresh Shield Block earlier for protection
    Don't wait until Shield Block is about to expire before suggesting
    the next shield block. In practice, waiting that long can cause
    problems with uptime. Instead, suggest Shield Block as soon as it's
    safe to cast without clipping the existing Shield Block.
  • fix(warrior): more improvements to rage calculations for protection
    Calculate how much rage will be generated before the next Shield
    Block is available to see whether it is safe to spend rage on other
    rage-spending abilities.
  • fix(warrior): improve Reprisal actions for putting up Shield Block
    • Increase the duration of window in which Reprisal actions are
      suggested to refresh Shield Block.
    • Move Reprisal actions higher in priority.
  • fix(warrior): rearrange to show get-in-range actions after offensive CD
  • fix(warrior): adjust AoE opener for protection
    Move Ravager higher on the offensive priority list so it's the
    first ability suggested. Flip Revenge and Thunder Clap in the
    priority when out of combat for the AoE opener.
    This gives an AoE opener of: Ravage, Charge, Avatar, Shield Block,
  • fix(warrior): adjust Last Stand usage to apply Shield Block
    Use Last Stand to apply Shield Block only if there are no more
    charges of Shield Block and the buff has expired in order to not
    waste Shield Block cooldown time. This should maximize the length
    of the window in which Shield Blcok is up.
  • fix(warrior): improvements and fixes for protection warrior script
    • Outburst only affects the base rage generation of Shield Slam.
    • Improve calculation of rage gained before the next Shield Block.
    • Explicitly tag all spell suggestions for dumping rage.
    • Explicitly tag Ignore Pain spell suggestion for preventing rage
      from capping.
    • Include Revenge as a offensive spell rage spender if we don't
      care about defense at all.
    • Thunder Clap more aggressively when using Unstoppable Force and
      inside an Avatar window.
    • Use Victory Rush more aggressively to self-heal.
    • Prefer Shield Wall over Last Stand with The Wall.
  • fix(warrior): update fury warrior rotation for Shadowlands 9.2
    • Update to the latest rotation from the Wowhead Fury Warrior Guide.
    • Use the correct spell ID for Condemn for fury warrior.


04 Mar 17:29
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.2.0 (2022-03-04)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • feat: bump TOC version to 90200 for patch 9.2
  • fix(warrior): update protection warrior script for patch 9.2
    • Add preliminary support for 2pc tier bonus, Outburst.
    • Pool rage to be able to cast Ignore Pain in an emergency.
    • Separate out abilities that can be held for add waves into the
      multi-target rotation.
    • Use Ignore Pain to avoid capping on rage as builders come off
  • feat(druid): preliminary script for balance druid
    Add preliminary support for balance druids with a script based on
    the Icy Veins Balance Druid Guide for 9.2.
    Supports Necrolord, Night Fae, and Venthyr covenants.
    TODO: Add support for Primordial Arcanic Pulsar runeforge.
  • fix(paladin): add Night Fae class ability Blessing of the Seasons
  • fix(paladin): fix talent ID of Seraphim
    Fix the talent ID of Seraphim so that Seraphim is actually usable
    and suggested by Ovale.


02 Feb 20:47
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.1.12 (2022-02-01)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • doc(paladin): remove comment on Venthyr abilities for paladin
    The Venthyr covenant spell IDs have been verified to be correct.
  • fix(paladin): adjust holy power cost of spenders with various procs
    Adjust the Holy Power cost of HP spenders -- Seraphim, Shield of
    the Righteous, and Word of Glory -- when The Magistrate's Judgment
    or Divine Purpose proc.
  • fix(paladin): adjust Seraphim and Shield of the Righteous usage
    Move Seraphim to the short CD icon as it's a holy power spender,
    and suggest Shield of the Righteous to avoid capping on holy
    power. Remove the check for the Judgment debuff on the target
    because it doesn't affect whether we plan on casting SotR or not.
    Also suggest Word of Glory to heal others when it's free.
  • fix(paladin): only suggest Consecration if standing still
    Don't suggest Consecration while running in the normal tanking
    rotation because the player may not be able to stay in the
    Consecration and gain the benefit of the damage reduction buff.
  • fix(paladin): use different openers for one versus many mobs
  • refactor(paladin): rename short CD icon to active mitigation
  • fix(deathknight): move Blooddrinker higher in priority for damage
  • fix(warrior): move Demoralizing Shout to main with Booming Voice
    With Booming Voice talented, Demo Shout is used primarily as a rage
    generator, so put it in the main icon. Also move trinket usage
    below offensive CDs.
  • fix(demonhunter): suggest Soul Cleave for healing in main rotation
  • fix(demonhunter): adjust Demon Spikes usage to prevent running out
    Change when Demon Spikes are suggested so that a charge is banked
    for emergencies instead of trying to get maximum uptime on the
    armor buff.


27 Dec 06:03
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Nerien's Ovale Scripts

9.1.11 (2021-12-27)

Full Changelog Previous Releases

  • fix(monk): split main rotation into ST and AOE rotations
    The single-target and AoE rotations are effectively the same except
    for different energy-spending fillers. Split them out so that in
    AoE situations, Tiger Palm continues to be suggested for brew
    cooldown reduction, whereas for single-target situations, we only
    suggest Tiger Palm to avoid capping on energy.
  • fix(monk): pool energy for double Keg Smash
    Pool energy for double Keg Smash if Weapons of Order is coming off
    cooldown. We do this by slowly scaling up the perceived cost of Keg
    Smash so that when Weapons of Order is off cooldown, it will equal
    the cost of a double Keg Smash. This slowly pools the energy over
    the entire cooldown period of Weapons of Order by slightly delaying
    a energy-spending filler attack each time.
  • feat(monk): add helper text for some brewmaster actions
    Add icon text for when Purifying Brew is suggested to prevent
    capping charges, or when Tiger Palm is suggested to prevent capping
  • fix(monk): fix cooldown of brews with Light Brewing talent
  • fix(monk): delay suggesting Purifying Brew slightly
    Purifying Brew is off-GCD, so delay suggesting Purifying Brew until
    almost capped on charges so we bank one charge for slightly longer.
  • fix(monk): only suggest Weapons of Order if Keg Smash is recharging
    Weapons of Order resets the cooldown of one charge of Keg Smash, so
    only suggest it if Keg Smash won't gain a charge for some time.
  • fix(monk): suggest Invoke Niuzao more aggressively for brewmaster
    Invoke Niuzao should be used in the opener for brewmaster monks
    to reduce damage taken on a pull and for instant offense. It should
    also be used whenever the pull should last at least 25 seconds
    more, but that is difficult to gauge correctly, so only use that
    condition for the primary target, otherwise suggest is always for
    AoE and let the player decide to use that offensive CD or not.