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Powershell Modules

Have a look at the specific modules for dependencies like the minimum version of powershell. Use bug report to report bugs or to ask questions.

Available modules:

name version tested functions
Nuttercode-Prtg 1.4 ConvertTo-PrtgXml, Add-PrtgChannel, New-PrtgSensor, Set-PrtgSensorText, Push-PrtgSensor, Export-PrtgChannelData, Save-PrtgSensorChannels, Invoke-PrtgChannelSubtraction, Set-PrtgSensorId, Set-PrtgSensorError
Nuttercode-Snmp 1.0 New-SnmpTarget, Invoke-SnmpGet, Invoke-SnmpGetValue, Invoke-SnmpWalk, Invoke-SnmpWalkValue, ConvertFrom-SnmpDateAndTime


The Nuttercode-PRTG module provides functions to create Prtg EXE/XML sensor results in Powershell. Please refer to advanced custom prtg sensors for more information on EXE/XML sensors themselves.

To see all available functions

Import-Module Nuttercode-Prtg
Get-Command -Module Nuttercode-Prtg

To get help for individual functions use

{name of the function} | help

Example 1

Creates a sensor with a channel "Fan Speed" with the custom unit "rpm" and value "1500".

$sensor = New-PrtgSensor
$sensor = $sensor | Add-PrtgChannel -Name "Fan Speed" -Value 1500 -Unit Custom -CustomUnit "rpm"
$sensor | ConvertTo-PrtgXml

Or in short

New-PrtgSensor | Add-PrtgChannel -Name "Fan Speed" -Value 1500 -Unit Custom -CustomUnit "rpm" | ConvertTo-PrtgXml


The Nuttercode-SNMP module provides easy to use functions to get Snmp data from a local or remote maschine with powershell. This module uses [SharpSnmpLib]{} and distributes this dependency with it.

To see all available functions

Import-Module Nuttercode-Snmp
Get-Command -Module Nuttercode-Snmp

To get help for individual functions use

{name of the function} | help

Example 1

Reads the snmp value with oid "" from server "server1"

$snmpTarget = New-SnmpTarget -Hostname "server1"
Invoke-SnmpGet -SnmpTarget $snmpTarget -Oid ""

Or in short

New-SnmpTarget -Hostname "server1" | Invoke-SnmpGet -Oid ""