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Deep dive into React, react-redux and redux toolkit. Required knowldge: JSX, JavaScript ES 6 +, Redux best practice, familiarity with Redux toolkit, React Router, React browser extension and Redux browser extension.


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An app to deep dive into React redux and redux toolkit. Required knowldge: React, React Redux, Redux Toolkit, React Router, JSX, JavaScript ES 6 +, React Router, Redux best practices, familiarity with Redux toolkit, React browser extension and Redux browser extension.

React Router

React Router enables "client side routing".

In traditional websites, the browser requests a document from a web server, downloads and evaluates CSS and JavaScript assets, and renders the HTML sent from the server. When the user clicks a link, it starts the process all over again for a new page.

Client side routing allows your app to update the URL from a link click without making another request for another document from the server. Instead, your app can immediately render some new UI and make data requests with fetch to update the page with new information.

This enables faster user experiences because the browser doesn't need to request an entirely new document or re-evaluate CSS and JavaScript assets for the next page. It also enables more dynamic user experiences with things like animation.


On the '/topics/new' page:

  • Users can create topics

On the '/topics' page:

  • Users can view all topics
  • Users can click on an individual topic and be redirected to the page for that topic

On the /topics/:topicId page:

  • Users can view an individual topic and all quizzes for that topic
  • Users can click on a quiz associated with a topic and be redirected to that quiz’s page

On the 'quizzes/new' page:

  • Users can create quizzes that are associated with topics and contain lists of flashcards
  • Users can add and remove card fields in the new quiz form

On the '/quizzes' page:

  • Users can view all quizzes
  • Users can click on an individual quiz and be redirected to that quiz’s page

On the '/quizzes/:quizId' page:

  • Users can view an individual quiz and flip cards over


The app's state is totally normalized, with slices for topics, quizzes, and cards.

  topics: {
    topics: {
      '123': {
        id: '123',
        name: 'example topic',
        icon: 'icon url',
        quizIds: ['456']
  quizzes: {
    quizzes: {
      '456': {
        id: '456',
        topicId: '123',
        name: 'quiz for example topic',
        cardIds: ['789', '101', '102']
  cards: {
    cards: {
      '789': {
        id: '789',
        front: 'front text',
        back: 'back text'
      '101': {
        id: '101',
        front: 'front text',
        back: 'back text'
      '102': {
        id: '102',
        front: 'front text',
        back: 'back text'


  • /topic/new – form to create a new topic
  • /topics – index of all topics
  • /topics/:topicId – page for an individual topic
  • /quizzes/new – form to create a new quiz
  • /quizzes – index of all quizzes
  • /quizzes/:quizId – page for an individual quiz

Slices and Reducers

Each slice’s state should include an object storing all the topics/quizzes/cards keyed by their id. This will allow us to quickly retrieve an object’s information whenever we need to look it up.

Slice 1: topicsSlice

addTopic: (state, action) => {
    const { id, name, icon } = action.payload;
    state.topics[id] = {
    id: id,
    name: name,
    icon: icon,
    quizIds: []
addQuizId: (state, action) => {
    const { quizId, topicId } = action.payload;
  • Each topic which will have a quizIds array corresponding to the associated quizzes in state.

Slice 2: quizzesSlice

addQuiz: (state, action) => {
    const { quizId, name, topicId, cardIds } = action.payload;
    state.quizzes[quizId] = {
        id: quizId,
        name: name,
        topicId: topicId,
        cardIds: cardIds
  • Each individual quiz will have a topicId value corresponding to an individual topic in state.

Slice 3: cardsSlice

addCard: (state, action) => {
    const { cardId, front, back} = action.payload;[cardId] =  {
        id: cardId,
        front: front,
        back: back

To Run

Run npm start in the project root and the app will be available on port 3000.

To Test

  1. Create topics
  2. Create quizzes
  3. Visit the page for an individual quiz and flip the cards over


Deep dive into React, react-redux and redux toolkit. Required knowldge: JSX, JavaScript ES 6 +, Redux best practice, familiarity with Redux toolkit, React Router, React browser extension and Redux browser extension.







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