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Pure React Blog (Modern React)

Huge thank you to Github Copilot, it is magical!

Data source

  • For development: npx json-server --watch data/db.json --port 8000
  • to imitate getting data from API, I created a local JSON Server. Look up JSON Server on how to set one up
  • For production: eventually I will create an actual API and it should be an easy transition.
  • /blogs | GET | Fetch all blogs
  • /blogs/{id} | GET | Fetch a single blog
  • /blogs | POST | Add a new blog
  • /blogs/{id} | DELETE | Delete a blog

Fetch & error handling

  • With proper error handling for whether the resource is available or API server is running.

React Custom hooks

  • created a reusable custom useFetch hook to fetch different endpoint

React Router

  • react-router-dom@5 uses Switch
  • Uses { BrowserRouter, Route, Switch, Link } from react-router-dom

*** Memory leak: navigate to another route using Router while external data is still being fetched in useEffect, will end with a browser warning. When a user navigate to another 'page' while the previous page is still doing its thing asynchronously, once it was done doing it, it tries to update the component, which is no longer there, since we navigated to another route. The exact error:

Error: Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscription and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.

  • That is what we did exactly with our custom useFetch hook, using a cleanup function. AbortController will stop the fetch. And throw an AbortError.

Route parameters

  • Getting parameters from route and used it in the return template.

Reusing custom hooks

  • FIrst use case was to fetch all blog posts. And we have made this useFetch hook to be reusable.
  • Second use case: fetch a specific blog with an id.

Web forms in React (POST request)

  • to make a form
  • controlled inputs (values are tracked) stored in states and update the input (in-sync).
  • useState to keep track of the value, use value = {state value} to sync on the front end

Submit events

  • create the submit object
  • fetch POST and handle loading status


  • useHistory hook: forward (history.go(1)), back (history.go(-1)) and redirect (history.push('/'))

Delete blog post

  • reusing useFetch hook to DELETE a blog post

404 not found catch all Route


A Blog made with React using JSON Server (Local API)







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