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Advent of Code with TypeScript x Bun by Joel Eisner

Joel Eisner's completed TypeScript x Bun code challenges for "Advent of Code" 2023.


git clone
cd advent-of-code-2023
bun install --production
bun run days

Zero configuration

Use GitHub Codespaces in your browser or Visual Studio Code Dev Containers leveraging Docker to get up and running with zero configuration.




Each day can be found under the days directory and is roughly structured identically to other days in the project. Here are files to look out for:

  1. bench.ts - Where the logic is benchmarked. This script is called when running bun run bench <number>.
  2. index.ts - Where the logic is ran. This script is ran when running bun run days <number>.
  3. input_test.txt or input_test.*.txt - Example inputs usually pulled directly from the AoC website and used while testing.
  4. input.txt - The actual, personalized input from the AoC website.
  5. mod_test.ts - Where the logic is tested. This script is called when running bun test days/<number>.
  6. mod.ts - Where the logic lives. This usually includes 2 functions for each part of the code challenge, along with other functions and helpers.
  7. - Day-specific instructions on how to run, test, and benchmark the code.

Shared code can be found under the lib directory, which includes useful utilities for grids, math, and matrices. The scripts directory contains the code for creating, running, and benchmarking any day in the project.



# Run all completed code challenges
bun run days

# Run all but some completed code challenges
bun run days 1! 2! 3!

# Run a set of completed code challenges
bun run days 1 2 3
bun run days 01 02 03

# Run a specific completed code challenge
bun run days 1
bun run days 01
bun run days 2
bun run days 02
bun run days 3
bun run days 03
# ...


# Test all completed code challenges
bun test days

# Test a specifc completed code challenge
bun test days/01
bun test days/02
bun test days/03
# ...

# Test each library
bun test lib

# Test all code
bun test


# Benchmark all completed code challenges
bun run bench

# Benchmark all but some completed code challenges
bun run bench 1! 2! 3!

# Benchmark a set of completed code challenge
bun run bench 1 2 3
bun run bench 01 02 03

# Benchmark a specific completed code challenge
bun run bench 1
bun run bench 01
bun run bench 2
bun run bench 02
bun run bench 3
bun run bench 03
# ...


Joel Eisner's completed TypeScript x Bun code challenges for "Advent of Code" 2023






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