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Flow State

Flow state is an app designed for those who love watersports and need an easy, real-time display of the water levels in the UK. Flow state now allows you to save your most frequently visited locations so that you can quickly gauge the water levels instead of searching for them on the map.

Video 🎥

Here's a short demo!

Tech Stack 🤓

  • React Native (expo)
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • Mongodb
  • Jest

Getting Started

In order to work on Flow State you will need a couple of things:

  • Expo - the Expo development environment.

    npm install -g expo-cli

  • Local Mongodb database - To store static data

  • IOS Device or emulator


  1. Fork and clone this repo

  2. Install dependancies

    npm run install

  3. Start mongodb service

sudo service mongodb start or brew services start mongodb-community

  1. Run scraper

    npm run scraper

  2. Start server

    npm start-server

  3. start client

    npm start-client

  4. Connect to expo with ios emulator or with an ios phone and the Expo App

Observations 🤔

In the future, I plan to add functionality for separate users to have their own unique saved locations. I'm also planning to increase the amount of information that the user can access in such a way as not to overwhelm them.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Joe Davies
💻🎨 📹

Maria Lukyanova

Hector Kennedy-Dyson


Flow state is an app designed for those who love watersports and need an easy, real time display of the waterlevels in the UK.






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