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Releases: joachim-gassen/ExPanDaR

CRAN release 0.5.3

07 Dec 10:47
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A small but important bug fix release to ensure that plain OLS regressions are displayed by prepare_regression_table()

CRAN release 0.5.2

06 Dec 08:01
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Minor release replacing the {lfe} package for fixed effect model estimation by {plm} as the {lfe} package has been removed from CRAN. Also, a new function for by group time trends (prepare_by_group_trend_graph()) was added to the package and the ExPanD() app.

CRAN release 0.5.1

29 Jan 08:49
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Minor release to include a new vignette, some bug fixes and code maintenance to keep CRAN happy.

CRAN release 0.5.0

12 Jan 13:50
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Introduces the notebook export option and the opportunity to explore cross-sectional data with ExPanD.

CRAN release 0.4.0

06 Apr 10:26
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Extended opportunities for ExPanD customization and for users to define their own variables. In addition: minor extensions, updates and bug fixes.

CRAN release 0.3.0

12 Oct 10:51
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Updated version including violin graphs, full-fledged logit regressions, more flexible ExPanD calls allowing to select and sort display components and many minor fixes/changes. Refer to for a full list.

CRAN release 0.2.0

12 May 09:52
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First public release of the ExPanDaR package.