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Ionburst Cloud & Kelpie Instructions

Installing Cyberduck

To use your Kelpie instance, please download the Cyberduck tool:

In the config pack sent over separately, there will be:

  • a .cyberduckprofile file - this contains the "bookmark" for your Kelpie instance - Cyberduck uses "bookmarks" to record storage instances
  • a credentials file - containing the access key and secret key to add to the "bookmark"

Configuring Cyberduck

Before adding the Cyberduck profile, the following configuration items need to be changed to ensure Kelpie uses Ionburst Cloud efficiently.

The configuration items we will update cover:

  • setting the multipart chunk size to 50MB
  • setting the multipart threshold to 50MB
  • disabling "segmented downloads"

For Mac users, go to Mac.

For Windows users, go to Windows.


Multipart upload settings

Open a terminal, and type/paste the following to set the multipart options:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sudo.cyberduck.plist s3.upload.multipart.size 50000000
defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sudo.cyberduck.plist s3.upload.multipart.threshold 50000000

These options can be verified by typing/pasting:

defaults read ~/Library/Preferences/ch.sudo.cyberduck.plist | grep "s3.upload.multipart"

Segmented download settings

Open the Cyberduck application, then open settings from the Cyberduck menu bar:

image info

In the settings window, navigate to the "Transfers" tab, and un-check the "Segmented downloads with multiple connections per file" option under "Downloads":

image info

After updating these settings, Cyberduck must be fully restarted.

We can now continue to Adding the Kelpie Profile


Multipart upload settings

Create a new file in the %AppData%\Cyberduck folder, either manually, or with the following:

notepad.exe $Env:AppData\Cyberduck\

Notepad will ask if you want to create a new file, select "Yes", and paste the following:


You can now save and close the file.

Segmented download settings

Open the Cyberduck application, then open "Preferences" from the Cyberduck edit menu.

In the Preferences window, navigate to the "Transfers" tab, and un-check the "Segmented downloads with multiple connections per file" option under "Downloads":

image info

After updating these settings, Cyberduck must be fully restarted.

Adding the Kelpie profile

To add your Kelpie bookmark, double-click the .cyberduckprofile file in your config pack. This will open a window that looks like the following:

image info

The server URI for your Kelpie instance will already be filled in. Using the credentials file provided in your config pack, add the Access Key to the "Access Key ID" field, and the Secret Key to the "Secret Access Key" field.

Once these details are added, you can safely close the window. In the main Cyberduck window, you should now see a bookmark entry for your Kelpie instance:

image info

To access your Kelpie instance, double-click the bookmark. This may throw up an additional authentication window, if so, paste your Secret Key into the empty field again to authenticate. Mac users can check the "Add to Keychain" box to save these credentials:

image info

Using Cyberduck

Once opened, the Kelpie instance will be displayed like so in Cyberduck:

image info

On first use, this window will be blank. As the "root" of the Kelpie instance, this is where we'll add our buckets.

Creating a Bucket

To create a bucket, right-click in the Cyberduck window, and select "New Folder".

In this window, enter your bucket name (must be between 3 and 64 characters, can only be lowercase, and cannot contain spaces). Once chosen, click "Create".

image info

Adding Files

With your bucket created, you can start adding files.

Navigate into your bucket in the Cyberduck window by double-clicking the folder, and from here you can either right-click and select "Upload", or drag files directly into the folder.

Once files have been chosen for upload, Cyberduck will open a "Transfers" window that shows upload and download progress:

image info

Upon successful upload, the file will appear in your bucket:

image info

Retrieving Files

Much like uploads, downloads from a Kelpie bucket can either be done by right-clicking on the file(s) in the bucket and selecting "Download" (or "Download As" to change the name, or "Download To" to change the download location), or dragging the file(s) from the Cyberduck window to a folder on your local machine.

The default location for any files retrieved by Cyberduck is the Downloads folder of the local machine.

Any files downloaded from a Kelpie bucket will appear in the Cyberduck "Transfers" window:

image info

Deleting Files

To delete files from a Kelpie bucket, right-click the file(s) in the Cyberduck window and select "Delete". This will open a confirmation window, select "Delete" to confirm deletion:

image info

Other Functionality

More advanced Cyberduck functionality hasn't been fully tested, if you find any issues or errors, just shout!


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