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Filter parser parses a filter string which is an approximate implementation of OData filter syntax. The parsed filter object is an instance of a Criteria object which can be used to convert the filter into an SQL query. Any filter values are parameterised. Support SQL parameter and SqlKata syntax.


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Filter parser parses a filter string which is an approximate implementation of OData filter syntax. The parsed filter object is an instance of a Criteria object which can be used to convert the filter into an SQL query. Filter values are parameterised.

The parser takes in the raw filter value, a field resolver and a constant resolver.

The field resolver enables the conversion of the filter field name to the underlying sql table/alias and field.

The constant resolver enables the conversion of a string to a value, it is useful to convert enums to the underlying integer value.

Example usage with SqlKata library.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SqlKata.Execution;
using SqlKata.Compilers;
var fields = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<Identifier, Type>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
    { "Id", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("Order", "Id"), typeof(Guid)) },
    { "Status", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("Order", "Status"), typeof(int)) },
    { "StatusChangedOnUtc", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("Order", "StatusChangedOnUtc"), typeof(DateTime)) },
    { "CreatedOnUtc", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("Order", "CreatedOnUtc"), typeof(DateTime)) },
    { "CustomerName", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("Order", "CustomerName"), typeof(string)) },
    { "Address", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("Order", "Address"), typeof(string)) },
    { "Type", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("OrderType", "Type"), typeof(int)) },
    { "Name", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("OrderType", "Name"), typeof(string)) },
    { "Description", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("OrderType", "Description"), typeof(string)) },
    { "Offer", Tuple.Create(new Identifier("o", "Name"), typeof(string)) }

var constants = new Dictionary<string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
    { "Placed", 0 },
    { "InPacking", 1 },
    { "InTransit", 2 },
    { "Delivered", 3 },
    { "Standard", 0 },
    { "Prime", 1 }

FilterField ResolveField(string value)
    if (fields.ContainsKey(value))
        var (identifier, type) = fields[value];
        return new FilterField { Identifier = identifier, Type = type };

    return null;

object ResolveConstant(string value)
    if (constants.ContainsKey(value))
        return constants[value];

    return null;

var filter = "(status eq InTransit or status eq Delivered) and substring(CustomerName, 1, 3) eq 'Jim'";

if (Criteria.TryParse(filter, ResolveField, ResolveConstant, out var criteria))

    var parameters = criteria.GetAllParameters().ToArray();

    foreach (var parameter in parameters)
        Console.WriteLine($"{parameter.Name}: {parameter.Value}");

    var connectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=JimTaylor1974FilterParserExampleData;Integrated Security=true;";

    var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

    var db = new QueryFactory(sqlConnection, new SqlServerCompiler());
    var sqlKataQuery = db
        .Join("OrderType", "OrderType.Id", "Order.OrderTypeId")
        .LeftJoin("Offer AS o", "o.Id", "Order.OfferId")
            "Order.{Id, Status, StatusChangedOnUtc, CreatedOnUtc, CustomerName, Address}",
            "OrderType.{Type, Name, Description}",
            "o.Name AS Offer"

    var sql = criteria.ToString(Syntax.SqlKata);
    var bindings = parameters.Select(p => p.Value).ToArray();
    sqlKataQuery = sqlKataQuery.WhereRaw(sql, bindings);

    var orders = sqlKataQuery.Get();

    foreach (var order in orders)
        Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(order, Formatting.Indented));
    Console.WriteLine($"Raw filter: {filter}");


Type Operator Syntax
Whitespace New Line
Binary and and
Binary or or
Logical eq {lhs} eq {rhs}
Logical ex ex ({rhs})
Logical ge {lhs} ge {rhs}
Logical gt {lhs} gt {rhs}
Logical le {lhs} le {rhs}
Logical lt {lhs} lt {rhs}
Logical not not {rhs}
Arithmetic add {lhs} add {rhs}
Arithmetic div {lhs} div {rhs}
Arithmetic mod {lhs} mod {rhs}
Arithmetic mul {lhs} mul {rhs}
Arithmetic sub {lhs} sub {rhs}
Grouping Open Group: ( (
Grouping Close Group: ) )
Function all ? Not implemented
Function any ? Not implemented
Function cast ? Not implemented
Function ceiling ceiling({lhs})
Function concat concat({lhs},{rhs})
Function contains contains({lhs},{rhs})
Function date date({lhs}) Not implemented
Function day day({lhs})
Function endswith endswith({lhs},{rhs})
Function floor floor({lhs})
Function fractionalseconds fractionalseconds({lhs})
Function geo.distance ? Not implemented
Function geo.intersects ? Not implemented
Function geo.length ? Not implemented
Function hour hour({lhs})
Function indexof indexof({lhs},{rhs})
Function isof ? Not implemented
Function length length({lhs})
Function maxdatetime maxdatetime()
Function mindatetime mindatetime()
Function minute minute({lhs})
Function month month({lhs})
Function now now()
Function round round({lhs})
Function second second({lhs})
Function startswith startswith({lhs},{rhs})
Function substring substring({lhs},{rhs}) substring({lhs},{rhs},{rhs1})
Function time time({lhs}) Not implemented
Function tolower tolower({lhs}) Not implemented
Function totaloffsetminutes totaloffsetminutes({lhs}) Not implemented
Function totalseconds totalseconds({lhs}) Not implemented
Function toupper toupper({lhs}) Not implemented
Function trim trim({lhs})
Function year year({lhs})


Filter parser parses a filter string which is an approximate implementation of OData filter syntax. The parsed filter object is an instance of a Criteria object which can be used to convert the filter into an SQL query. Any filter values are parameterised. Support SQL parameter and SqlKata syntax.






