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1.1.0 and beyond

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@jillesvangurp jillesvangurp released this 26 Nov 11:25
· 33 commits to main since this release

Note This release was the last one that I tagged. I've since stopped tagging releases and simply update the website whenever I have anything new implemented. Having version numbers on a website doesn't really make sense and I tend to keep everything working when I push new versions.

This release adds a new plugin: JsSearchPlugin.

You can use this to use javascript in the browser to query your search API. Simply write a function like this

// add your function to window 
// so we can call it
    function(searchContext, numberOfItems) {
    // use fetch to fetch some results 
    // from somewhere or do whatever 
    // you need to do  with javascript
    // construct a response that 
    // looks something like this 
    var response = {
    // return valid json as a string
    return JSON.stringify(response)

You can paste it in the search plugin configuration and use it. Note. this only works in the browser and cannot be used with rankquest-cli.