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ENIConfig Controller

This repository will inplement auto annotating your Kubernete data plane nodes with a desired ENIConfig name. This was originally implemented in the amazon-vpc-cni-k8s project in this pull request - aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s#165


Before patching the node with the annotation, you will need to change the AWS_VPC_K8S_CNI_CUSTOM_NETWORK_CFG environment variable in the AWS CNI daemonset to true. By default, pods share the same subnet and security groups as the worker node's primary interface. When you set this variable to true it causes ipamD to use the security groups and VPC subnet in a worker node's ENIConfig for elastic network interface allocation. The subnet in the ENIConfig must belong to the same Availability Zone that the worker node resides in.

This operator can be configured to use an arbitrary EC2 tag for annotation. If no tag is set, the operator will use a tag called While the operator will automatically apply the annotation to your worker nodes, it does not verify that subnet in the eniconfig is in the same AZ as the worker node.

The worker nodes also have to be assigned an IAM role with a policy that allows the DescribeTags action to the EC2 instance. This is configured by default when you use eksctl to provision a cluster.


If you use helm to deploy applications you can use the charts/eniconfig-controller chart to deploy the controller.

helm install --set eniConfigName=<name-of-eniconfig-cr> ./charts/eniconfig-controller

If you do not use helm you can download the config file using the below steps wget or curl -o the configs/eniconfig-controller.yaml then modify the args to represent the proper ENIConfig name. E.G.

- --eniconfig-name=<name-of-eniconfig>

Then apply this config to the cluster.

kubectl apply -f eniconfig-controller.yaml

Running in Dev

# assumes you have a working kubeconfig, not required if operating in-cluster
$ go build -o eniconfig-controller .
$ ./eniconfig-controller -kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config -eniconfig-name=name-of-eni

## Releasing

To release this project all you have to do is run `make release`.