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Releases: jgm/pandoc-citeproc


15 Nov 04:47
@jgm jgm
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  • test-pandoc-citeproc: Better fix for Windows. Use UTF8 strings
    instead of bytestrings; this helps get line endings right in tests.


15 Nov 04:08
@jgm jgm
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  • Use UTF8 versions of readFile in test program.


14 Nov 21:52
@jgm jgm
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  • Use pandoc's UTF8 versions of getContents, putStrLn, etc.
    Otherwise we get locale-dependent encodings.

pandoc-citeproc 0.8.1

13 Nov 20:20
@jgm jgm
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  • Improved performance in bibtex cross-reference resolution (#190).
  • Take 'form' for date-part elements from date if not specified (#116).
    Previously if the 'form' were unspecified in a date-part
    element, it would go to the default 'long', even if the
    date as a whole was 'numeric'.
  • Transform only uppercase ASCII letters in titlecase transform.
    This helps us pass one more citeproc test case.
  • Cleaned up locator parsing code.
  • Allow roman numeral locators (#173.
  • Fixed missing dash between months in date ranges (#175).
  • Fixed strip-periods (#185).
  • Parse supplementary fields in CSL JSON "note" fields (#94).
  • Support more biblatex markup in converting biblatex bibliographies:
    mkbibemph, mkbibitalic, mkbibbold, mkbibparens, mkbibbrackets,
    autocap (Nick Bart, #26). Treat reviews as articles.
  • Add biblatex keys for additional languages (Nick Bart).
  • Use HTTPS for DOI resolver (Andrew Dunning).
  • Add biblatex keys for additional languages (Nick Bart):
    ca-AD, da-DK, es-ES, fi-FI, it-IT, nl-NL, pl-PL, pt-PT, pt-BR, sv-SE

pandoc-citeproc 0.8

13 Oct 18:01
@jgm jgm
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  • Use lang metadata field to specify locale. locale can still be used as before, for backwards compatibility, but lang is now preferred.
  • Put the references section header outside the Div, instead of inside as before.. This interacts better with pandoc's --section-divs feature (#176).
  • Use refs, not references, for the identifier of the bibliography Div. Unlike references, refs is not likely to conflict with an autogenerated header identifier (#176). NOTE: workflows designed to work with 0.7.4, with a <div id="references"></div> where the bibliography is to go, will need modification (s/references/refs/).
  • Changed local override for default CSL file (#161). Previously you could override the default CSL file by modifying ~/.csl/chicago-author-date.csl. Now you do it by modifying ~/.csl/default.csl. To minimize the effect of this change on existing workflows, we will use the version of chicago-author-date.csl in ~/.csl, if there is one, if ~/.csl/default.csl is not found.
  • Implemented fallbacks for CSL terms, as per CSL spec. E.g. verb is used if verb-short is not defined (#72).
  • Update CSL style, locales (Andrew Dunning).
  • Setup.hs: got hsb2hs registered as a build-tool.
  • Setup.hs: avoid depending on non-base modules (esp. process). This can cause problems with older versions of cabal.
  • Don't raise error if HOME isn't defined (#35).
  • Add more biblatex localization keys (Nick Bart).
  • Simplified and improved page range collapsing (#168).
  • Allow multiword locator labels like "sub verbo" (#168).
  • Remove parse-names: true in a Reference after parsing names (#169).
  • Don't superscript author-in-text numerical citations (#133). This change also removes unsetAffixes from Text.CSL.Style's exported functions. This function was only used in one places and is very simple. (API change)
  • Fixed embed_data_files build on OS X (Chris Knox)
  • Remove brackets from author-in-text numerical citations (#133).
  • Removed compressName transform on JSON output (#169). This transformation prevented the JSON produced from using a fully broken-out specification of the author, instead pushing suffixes and prefixes into the names themselves.
  • Fixed regression introduced by #163 (#170).

pandoc-citeproc 0.7.1

13 May 16:38
@jgm jgm
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  • Improvements to numerical styles:
    • Space is now inserted after the reference number in the
      bibliography when second-field-align is margin or flush.
    • Author-in-text citations are now treated just like other citations
      in numerical styles. So, brackets are used, and the term
      "Reference" is not added: instead of Reference 1 says...
      we have [1] says.... This seems to accord better with e.g.
      IEEE practice.
    • Improved citation collapsing. Now both the new and the old versions
      of ieee.csl work properly. Previously brackets were dropped with
      the new version (#55).
    • Use new ieee.csl for testing.


09 May 18:11
@jgm jgm
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  • In YAML use pandoc markdown syntax for super, subscript (#128).
    Added test case for rich text formatting.
  • Change default for first-reference-note-number to 0 on reading (#128).

pandoc-citeproc 0.7

09 May 04:38
@jgm jgm
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  • Improved YAML output:
    • Fields are now in a deterministic and rational order, id at top.
    • Blank lines between entries for readability.
    • Use human-friendlier year, month, etc. rather than date-part.
    • The test suite no longer normalizes YAML output before comparing,
      since we now control the order of fields.
  • Use locale in metadata in converting bibtex (#98).
  • Use locale in metadata for unicode collation, when compiled with
    the unicode_collation flag (#122).
  • Made pandoc-citeproc sensitive to metadata fields
    reference-section-title and suppress-bibliography (Jesse
    Rosenthal). The former specifies a title for a new reference section.
    The second suppresses the bibliography altogether. Existing
    documents should behave as before if these fields are not used.
  • Strip empty span elements from output (#126).
  • Allow conversion FROM yaml to other formats (#124).
  • Improved CSL JSON output. Use the rich markup syntax described at
  • Fixed extraction of language from LANG env variable in Bibtex (#98).
  • Fixed ghc-prof-options so we don't get warning with recent cabal.
    Added French, German localizations to Bibtex converter (#98).
  • Bibtex: Use type field to further specify mastersthesis or phdthesis (#98).
  • Ensure that "et al" has a space before it, if no delimiter defined (#93).
  • Allow "et al" to be formatted (#91).
  • Depend on setenv package for the setEnv function, which is found
    only in base 4.7+.
  • Fixed problem with droppped final punctuation in some footnotes (#82).
  • Text.CSL.Util: Removed unused readable. Renamed toShow to
    uncamelize. Use ppShow in tr'.
  • Use instead of (#107).
  • Fixed treatment of motion_picture title (#118).
  • Include preface and suffix of DOI in linked text (#107).
  • Added --regenerate flag to test-pandoc-citeproc.
  • Added hyperlink field to Formatting (API change).
  • Made hyperlinked citations work with numerical and author-year styles.
  • Bibtex: improved short title logic.
  • Map biblatex title/maintitle to CSL volume-title/title (Nick Bart).
  • Fix CSL dependent style support (Tim Lin, #105).
  • Added support for PMCID and PMID fields in bibtex (jgm/pandoc#1923).
  • Map biblatex inreference to EntryEncyclopedia rather than NoType
  • Wrap bibliography entries in Div with id=ref-citationId
  • Updated chicago-author-date.csl.
  • Allow compilation against pandoc 1.14 (the next release).
  • Removed obsolete small_base cabal flag.
  • Added debug cabal flag which turns on tracing.

10 Jan 07:23
@jgm jgm
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  • Require ghc-prim if ghc < 7.6 (needed for generics).


10 Jan 06:46
@jgm jgm
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pandoc-citeproc (0.3)

  * Removed biblio2yaml.  Instead, use pandoc-citeproc with the
    --bib2yaml or --bib2json option.  (#20)
  * pandoc-citeproc --bib2json will convert bibtex/biblatex to
    CSL compatible JSON bibliographies.
  * Updated locale files for correct textual date ranges
    in e.g. the da-DK locale.  Use form="ordinal" instead of a period
    as suffix.  (#16, #18)
  * Support new langid and langidopts biblatex fields. (#11)
  * Made test-pandoc-citeproc work in all locales. (#19)
    It now tests the executable rather than the library function.
  * Fixed disambiguation with multivolume works (#14).
  * Improved titlecase/unTitlecase to be sensitive to colons,
    question marks, and exclamation marks, after which the
    next character sohuld be capitalized even in sentence case
    (pandoc #1102).
  * The "locale" filed in metadata will now override a style's
    default locale.  This can also be set by the command line:
    --metadata locale=fr-FR (#10).
  * Use CSL-compatible date-parts for dates in YAML/JSON
  * Made FromJSON for Reference more forgiving.  Suitable strings
    are coerced into integer values.  (pandoc #1094)
  * Fixed extra punctuation at end of footnote (#13).
  * Reference:  Always use array in JSON for dates, agents.
  * Bibtex parser:  Don't fail on entry with no title.
  * Bibliography output: 'given' is now a string, not an array.
    The string will be split on spaces into a list of given names.
    Note that an array can also be used.  But we write
    a plain string, to match the  citeproc json schema.
  * Fixed spacing bug in date ranges (#7).
  * Names:  Fixed formatLabel so it works for editortranslator.
    This fixes a bug for cases where editor = translator (#9).
  * Text.CSL.Eval.Date:  Fixed bugs with date ranges.
    Ranges within the same year were raising an error "Prelude.init: empty
    list" (#7).
  * Util: Export tr' and init'.
  * Text.CSL.Proc.Disamb:  Correct definition of allTheSame.
  * Improved disambiguation.  Now we correctly handle the case with no
    author but title.
  * Consider names too when determining date disambiguations.
    Previously if you had two distinct names needing disambiguation for
    the same date, the letters would not start over with 'a' for the second
  * Added Generic instances for the types in Style and Reference.