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Power Budget

A powerful budgeting PWA served by a locally hosted API and database:

  • Client is Angular
  • API is Golang
  • Database is Postgres DB

This is still very early days for this project. I welcome feedback (in the form of issues) or PRs if you want to contribute.

This application will one day replace the (quite extensive) Excel spreadsheet I use to keep track of my personal finances. It should eventually have many (or more) of the below features:

  • Debit/credit transaction tracking
  • Budgeting categories
  • Charts/graphs of spending and saving habits
  • Import/export of data to CSV
  • Financial account management
  • Others?

This project is meant to be hosted locally to avoid the issues of security/privacy. This would mean connecting to it on your local network only which is the safest way to go about it. It will also be possible to host it locally using a reverse-proxy, dynamic DNS, and router port-forwarding to make it accessible everywhere. Instructions on how to do all this will be made later down the road.


The installation is fairly straightforward since everything is set up in docker-compose. First, you'll need Docker installed on your machine. Then you can run the below commands:

git clone
cd power-budget
cp example.env .env
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d


Once the Docker containers are running, you should be able to navigate to the application in your browser at http://localhost:4200/



The API for Power Budget is written in Go and resides under the /api directory of the repository.

A list of needed tools to develop the API:

  • go v1.16 (I suggest using gvm as your go version manager)
  • Docker (and docker-compose)

First copy the example.env file to the root (for docker-compose to read from) and to the /api directory (for go to read from):

cp ./example.env .env
cp ./example.env ./api/.env

Then start up the Database:

docker-compose up -d database

Then install the needed go modules and run the application:

cd ./api
go mod download
make run

You should now be able to interact with the API at http://localhost:8080


The Client for Power Budget is written in Angluar (typescript) and resides under the /client directory of the repository.

A list of needed tools to develop the Client:

  • Node (I recommend using nvm as your node version manager)
  • Angular CLI v1.9.1
  • Docker (and docker-compose)

First, go ahead and start up the API and Database in Docker:

docker-compose up -d database api

Then install the needed modules and run the application:

npm install
npm run start