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Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL; run locally with XAMPP.


This project is currently in progress. Please see to see up-to-date site.

Currently Working On: bugfixing, improving UI, commenting code, improving SQL algorithms

Updates as of 4/15/19

  • Profile displays total score as well as subject scores
  • Reformatted practice page for aesthetics
  • Congratulations page is live for section completion
  • LaTeX math equations implemented
  • Font for math equations normalized
  • Review section implemented!
  • Answers are now hidden on review load

Bugfixes as of 4/15/19

  • Correct/incorrect message not resetting
  • Scrollbar images (+ all images) highlight upon spam-clicking
  • User practice status not updating
  • Scrollbar arrow click radius size is too large
  • Score not updating after completion of question
  • Login system not working on
  • Trailing directory slash on /profile/
  • Expanding names of Review/Practice shifting other items down

Bugs/Design Choices (To Be Fixed)

  • User status not updated unless next is pressed after submitting a correct answer
  • Currently unable to access previously solved problems
  • Spam click of Math Evolved section not scripted
  • Fill in filler text of Math Evolved

Problem Pool

  • Targetting around 50 problems per subject in ascending difficulty
  • Including original problems and selected ones from previous contests


Chrome desktop compatibility is live; I am working on Firefox, IE, Safari, etc. Mobile compatibility not optimizied.


Jesse Zhong


Welcome to the tutorial! We will walk through the major features of the website in the following paragraphs.

Home Page

At the top, there is a fading list of various definitions of cycles throughout mathematics. Next, there is an interactive sliding component that scrolls through current contests that, upon being clicked on, link to their web pages.

Next, there are three main parallax sections:

  • The first, titled Math Evolved, contains three sections with large titles that make their respective descriptions appear to the right upon clicking.

  • The second, titled The Core, describes the four main topic areas of mathematics. When each down arrow is clicked, the description reveals itself in a downwards motion.

  • The third contains a list of many popular contests throughout the current contest year, with their colors corresponding to whether they are completed, currently happening, or in the future.

Resources Page

The resources page contains an array of varioius online resources with accompanying links, as well as two handouts/PDFs of original content that I authored along with other math team members in high school.

Login Steps

When you click the login button from any of the pages on the site, a login page will fade in:

Then, either enter your credentials, or click through to the sign up page, where a new page will fade in:

Upon signing up successfully, you will be redirected to the home page. And when you login, you will have access to the member-only resources at mathcycle. The profile tab and logout button will now appear at the top of the nav bar:

Profile Page

Clicking the profile button in the nav bar brings you to the main page of registered users at mathcycle. You will be able to see your total score (problems solved), as well as individual subject scores.

In the practice section, you will enter the practice module upon clicking on a subject name, bringing you to the next problem not yet solved in that respective area or the congratulations page if you've completed all the problems. By clicking on a topic in the review section, you will be brought to a page with all the problems you've solved in this subject.

Practice Page

Here, you will be able to view the original problems we've composed, with fully-embedded LaTeX through MathJax. Upon submitting an answer, you will receive feedback on whether your answer was correct or incorrect. If correct, the next button will appear, allowing you to move on to the next problem or the congratulations page if you finished the last problem.




Review Page

All the problems in the selected subject area that you've completed will appear here in sequential order, and upon clicking on the answer buttons, the answer to the corresponding question will appear/disappear.

Logout Steps

Logging out is as simple as it can be! Simply click the logout button at the right of the nav bar, and the logout prompt will fade in to whatever page you are currently on.

That's it! Thank you for using mathcycle!


a website that provides resources for aspiring mathematicians with a unique problem/progression system






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