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markdown-org-mode is an extension for Visual Studio Code directly inspired by the wonderful org-mode extension.


TODO keywords

This extension comes with two keywords by default, TODO and DONE. However, in your user settings you will see that you actually have TODO.high and DONE. This means that TODO has high priority, while DONE has normal priority. You can specify your own todo items with their own priority by following this format:

A capital letter followed by 0 or more capital letters and underscores. This can optionally be followed by a colon. Finally, the priority can be set by ending the keyword with a period followed by "high", "medium", or "low".

More specifically, keywords are matched against the following regular expression:


Not including "high", "medium", or "low" after your keyword means it just has "normal" priority.

Some examples

  • NOTE:

In this case NOTE: will have normal priority while NOT_VERY_IMPORTANT will have low priority.

Todo keywords can be inserted with the incrementContext and decrementContext commands outlined below. These keywords will also be highlighted in your document.


The assigned priorities of keywords will influence how they are colored in your document. To customize coloring by priority, you will need to open your settings.json and add some "color customizations" which might look something like this:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "markdownOrgMode.highPriorityColor": "#ff0000",
    "markdownOrgMode.mediumPriorityColor": "#00ff00",
    "markdownOrgMode.normalPriorityColor": "000000",
    "markdownOrgMode.lowPriorityColor": "#0000ff",

Checkbox symbol

You can also customize what symbol appears when you check checkboxes with the incrementContext command.

The default symbol is just an "x". However any single non-whitespace character can be used.

- [ ] unchecked
- [x] checked

Note that if you change your symbol, the decrementContext command will not work on checked checkboxes which still use the old symbol.


Incrementing Context

An example with more keywords and a custom checkbox symbol.

For more detailed examples of the behavior of each command, please see the test files. For a list of all commands please see the package.json file under "commands".

Adding TODO items

Once you've inserted a heading, you can turn it into a todo item with the increment context command.

Running this command on this line

# Important Thing I must do

will result in

# TODO Important Thing I must do

Running it again will produce

# DONE Important Thing I must do

And running it one last time will bring you back to the original line. Similarly the decrement context command will cycle through your todo keywords in the reverse order.

Checking off checkboxes

The increment context and decrement context commands will behave differently on lines with checkboxes.

Inserting headings and subheadings

These commands let you easily insert your next section heading. Running this command on this line

- [ ] Thing I need to complete

will result in

- [x] Thing I need to complete

Inserting a heading with the cursor on the first or second line of this file

# Section 3
## Section 3.1
### Section 3.1.4
## Section 3.2

will result in

# Section 3
## Section 3.1
### Section 3.1.4
## Section 3.2

moving your cursor onto the last line. But inserting a heading when your cursor is on lines 3 or 4 will result in

# Section 3
## Section 3.1
### Section 3.1.4
## Section 3.2

Promoting and Demoting heading trees

If you want a section and its subsections to have its

Demoting when the cursor is on the first line

# Section 3
## Section 3.1
### Section 3.1.4

will result in

## Section 3
### Section 3.1
#### Section 3.1.4

Promoting will reverse this effect.


I really love how easy org-mode is to use and soon after discovering it I was exclusively writing all of my notes and todo lists using this extension. But for a lot of my purposes, I missed being able to use the many tools that already work with markdown. I even worked on a "markdown mode" fork of the original extension, but this felt antithetical to their project. So instead, I decided to make a hybrid extension which used markdown syntax but incorporated a lot of their awesome features.

If you are looking for a more established extension or are a die-hard emacs fan, I would recommend using the original org-mode extension instead.


I intentionally did not include and keybindings for any commands. So you will have to set these up yourself. This can be done by going to Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts, searching for the commands you want, and setting your preferred shortcuts. I chose to do this because I think most people will have their own preferences about what feels more natural for each command and will change whatever shortcuts I chose anyway, so why bother pushing my preferences onto them out of the box?


A Visual Studio Code extension for adding Org Mode like features with Markdown syntax







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