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Filter Parser

Recenty I have been interested in parsers and interpreters. After reading about and writing a few basic parsers, I decided I wanted to create my own language from the bottom up!

This parser will eventually be used to filter blog posts on my website.

To play with this yourself, clone this repo,

git clone

run your favorite server,

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
python3 -m http.server 8000

and then navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser.

The Language

The purpose of this language is to allow users to type expressions which match blog posts. I really wanted my language to be typed. However this is quite difficult, especially since this needs to run in real time on a browser. So instead, I tried to bake types into the language itself.

Since this language is specifically for filtering, the type of the entire expression needs to be a boolean. A boolean expression can in turn be made up of other boolean expressions with basic logical connectives ("and", "or", "not"). But a boolean expression can also be the result of comparing two expressions of the same type, in this case dates and numbers. I had to rework the language a few times so that only expressions of the same type can be compared to one another.

before, after inequality check (only for dates)
<, <=, >=, > inequality check (numbers and dates)
is, = equality check (numbers and dates)
$TODAY a special variable representing todays date
$YESTERDAY a special variable representing yesterdays date
$DATE a special symbol representing the date of a post
$NUM_WORDS a special symbol representing the number of words in a post
true, false


Expression Result
0 < 1 return all posts.
5 > 10 return no posts.
nice and cool return posts with both tags nice and cool.
nice and cool and wow return posts with tags nice and cool and wow.
nice and "cool and wow" return posts with both tags nice and cool and wow.
nice and cool or ok and wow return posts with both tags nice and cool, or posts with both tags ok and wow.
nice and (cool or ok) and wow return posts with tags nice and wow and at least one of cool or ok.
$DATE before $TODAY
$DATE < $TODAY return posts written before, but not incuding today.
$DATE before 09/01/2019 return posts written before September 1st, 2019.
$DATE after 09/01/2019
$DATE > 09/01/2019 return posts written after, but not incuding September 1st, 2019.
$DATE >= 09/01/2019 return posts written on or after September 1st, 2019.
$DATE is 09/01/2019
$DATE = 09/01/2019 return posts written on the 1st of September 2019.
$NUM_WORDS < 50 return posts with fewer than 50 words in them.

Details of the language


Type Values
binary-connective "and", "or"
negation "not"
binary-predicate is, =, before, after, <, <=, >=, >
date-literal matches MM-DD-YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY format
e.g. 09/01/2019 or 09-01-2019
invalid-date-literal matches date format but is not an real date
e.g. 09/45/2019
number-literal a number (integer)
I don't allow floats for now
boolean-literal true or false
date-variable matches a date variable in the VARIABLES object
currently these include $DATE, $TODAY, and $YESTERDAY.
number-variable matches a number variable in the VARIABLES object
currently this only includes $NUM_WORDS.
tag matches a tag
tag-literal a tag but wrapped in quotes ""
this is used for tags with multiple words in them
e.g. wow nice is two tags, but "wow nice" is just one
unknown-tag-literal something wrapped in quotes, but didn't match any known tags
left-paren left parenthesis (
right-paren right parenthesis )
punctuation one of . , : ;
not sure why I included these as they are fully ignored by the parser...
whitespace spaces, newlines, etc.
unknown didn't match anything

The Grammar

Production Rules
BooleanExpression Disjunction ;
Disjunction Conjunction ( DisjunctionSymbol Conjunction )* ;
DisjunctionSymbol "or" ;
Conjunction Negation ( ConjunctionSymbol Negation )* ;
ConjunctionSymbol "and" ;
Negation NegationSymbol Negation
LeftParen BooleanExpression RightParen ;
NegationSymbol "not" ;
BooleanLiteral "true"
"false" ;
LeftParen "(" ;
RightParen ")" ;
Tag [ tag ]
[ tag-literal ]
[ unknown-tag-literal ] ;
Comparison DateComparison
NumberComparison ;
DateComparison DateValue (DateEqualitySymbol | DateInequalitySymbol) DateValue ;
DateValue DateVariable
DateLiteral ;
DateVariable "$DATE"
DateLiteral [ date-literal ]
[ invalid-date-literal ] ;
DateEqualitySymbol EqualitySymbol ;
DateInequalitySymbol "before"
InequalitySymbol ;
NumberComparison NumberValue (NumberEqualitySymbol | NumberInequalitySymbol) NumberValue ;
NumberValue NumberVariable
NumberLiteral ;
NumberVariable "$NUMWORDS" ;
NumberLiteral [ number-literal ] ;
NumberEqualitySymbol EqualitySymbol ;
EqualitySymbol "is"
"=" ;
NumberInequalitySymbol InequalitySymbol ;
InequalitySymbol "<"
">=" ;


A parser for filtering blog posts







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