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Roman edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 4 revisions

RevitLookup is a free and open-source plugin for Autodesk Revit that provides a powerful way to explore and interact with the Revit API without using a debugger. It helps you easily view Revit element parameters, such as their identifiers, types, parameters, and properties, as well as access low-level model information, such as geometry, graphics, and material data.

RevitLookup is a very useful tool for all Revit users, especially those developing their own plug-ins. It helps you access model information quickly and easily, which reduces the time it takes to analyze and manage your project


RevitLookup comes with a wide range of features to make Revit API exploration easy and efficient, including:

  • Exploring the properties and methods of all Revit API objects
  • Interaction and exploration of geometry
  • Registry research to explore schemas, services, and updaters
  • Model performance analysis
  • Event Monitor to track all incoming events
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