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Parallel backend is not required to register, but it will reduce computing time. If not registered, set parallel=FALSE (as the default).



INCA takes as input a variant file with the following fields: Chr, Pos, Start, End, Ref, Alt, and Gene. It then derives three scores for the effect of each variant on each RBP activity using available cell lines (K562 and HepG2 for this implementation): (i) ClinVar-quantiled SeqWeaver scores; (ii) a score of allelic effect on RBP binding derived from a pre-computed library of RBP eCLIP-seq experiments (Van Nostrand et al., 2020); and (iii) a gene impact score for the gene that the SNV is proximal to based on a pre-computed library of accompanying RNA-seq experiments (wild type and RBP knockdown by shRNA).

Chr Pos Start End Ref Alt Gene
chr7 75607155 75607155 75607155 A G POR
chr7 75611756 75611756 75611756 C T POR
chr7 75636240 75636240 75636240 T C STYXL1

Whole-genome Sequencing (WGS) Data

We extracted the required information (Chr, Pos, Ref, Alt, Zyg) from the VCF files of WGS in HepG2 and K562 cell lines from the ENCODE project:

  • HepG2: ENCFF713BPG
  • K562: ENCFF752OAX

The corresponding code can be found in ''.

Note: Zyg = 0 - Homozygous reference; 1 - Heterozygous; 2 - Unknown; 3 - Homozygous alternative

Main Example in the Paper

Variants in the example are in high linkage-disequilibrium with the SNP rs1057868. INCAscore is computed using the data for the RBP HNRNPK.

Load required data


directory = ''

variants = fread(file.path(directory, 'GWAS', 'final_data.txt'))
SW = fread(file.path(directory,'GWAS','seqweaver_results.tsv'))
SW = SW[,c(1:8, grep('HepG2|K562',colnames(SW))),with=FALSE] # the example focuses on HepG2 and K562

## DEG
deg1 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_shRNA/DEG','HNRNPK_HepG2_DEG.txt.gz'))
deg2 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_shRNA/DEG','HNRNPK_K562_DEG.txt.gz'))

## WGS
wgs1 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_WGS','HepG2_WGS.txt.gz'))
wgs2 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_WGS','K562_WGS.txt.gz'))

## ENCODE - peak
peak1 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/PeakSignals','HNRNPK_HepG2_PeakSignals.txt.gz'))
peak2 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/PeakSignals','HNRNPK_K562_PeakSignals.txt.gz'))

## ENCODE - read counts (Load if needed)
exp1.1 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/NormRC','HNRNPK_HepG2_NormRC_Rep1.txt.gz')) 
exp1.2 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/NormRC','HNRNPK_HepG2_NormRC_Rep2.txt.gz')) 
ctrl1 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/NormRC','HNRNPK_HepG2_NormRC_Ctrl.txt.gz'))

rc1.1 = compareRCToControl(exp1.1, ctrl1)
rc1.2 = compareRCToControl(exp1.2, ctrl1)

exp2.1 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/NormRC','HNRNPK_K562_NormRC_Rep1.txt.gz')) 
exp2.2 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/NormRC','HNRNPK_K562_NormRC_Rep2.txt.gz')) 
ctrl2 = fread(file.path(directory,'ENCODE_eCLIP/NormRC','HNRNPK_K562_NormRC_Ctrl.txt.gz'))

rc2.1 = compareRCToControl(exp2.1, ctrl2)
rc2.2 = compareRCToControl(exp2.2, ctrl2)

Align genotypes of K562 and HepG2 cell lines to variants

variants = alignCellGenoToVar(variants, wgs1, wgs2, c('HepG2','K562'))

(A) ClinVar-quantiled SeqWeaver scores

variants = scoreClinVarQSW(variants, SW, 'HNRNPK', empirical=1)

(B) eCLIP-seq allelic effects

epg1 = list(list(peaks=peak1[signalValue_IDR>0,]),
            list(peaks=peak1, threshold=0.5), # optional
            list(counts=rc1.1, peaks=peak1[signalValue_IDR>0,], threshold=c(0.1,0.8)), # optional
            list(counts=rc1.2, peaks=peak1[signalValue_IDR>0,], threshold=c(0.1,0.8))) # optional
epg2 = list(list(peaks=peak2[signalValue_IDR>0,]),
            list(peaks=peak2, threshold=0.5), # optional
            list(counts=rc2.1, peaks=peak2[signalValue_IDR>0,], threshold=c(0.1,0.8)), # optional
            list(counts=rc2.2, peaks=peak2[signalValue_IDR>0,], threshold=c(0.1,0.8))) # optional

# parallel = FALSE if no parallel backend registered
variants = scoreAllelicEffect(variants, epg1, epg2, c('HepG2','K562'), window=15, parallel=TRUE)

(C) RBP-SNV impact on gene expression

epg1 = list(deg1[,.(gene,q_value)], # first element must be DE
           list(peaks=peak1, threshold=1)) 
epg2 = list(deg2[,.(gene,q_value)], 
           list(peaks=peak2, threshold=1))
# parallel = FALSE if no parallel backend registered
variants = scoreVarImpactOnGE(variants, epg1, epg2, c('HepG2','K562'))


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